1. China\'s trade surplus with the United States will probably widen further over the next several years despite increasing pressure from Washington for steps to trim it, a Chinese trade official said. 15\'
2. It is still unclear what Beijing can do to trim the surplus, which is mainly the result of the global division of labor, said Jin Xu, deputy head of the American and Oceanian Affairs Department of the Ministry of Commerce. 15\'
3. His comments, in a speech in late June, were published in the latest edition of Review of International Economics, a journal run by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the premier government think-tank. 15\'
他在六月份一次演说中的评论发表在最新一期的《国际金融回顾》上,这是一本由中国社科院—政府首要的智囊团—发行的刊物 |