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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-6 11:41:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-11-6 14:58 编辑
Moonriver 发表于 14-11-1 23:36


        How do you get along with your neighbors? Throughout the chart above that had 186 people investigated建议改为As shown in the chart above, 186 people are investigated), (加and) it can be informed that there’re several models, including “seldom or notnever)communicate”, “greeting only” and “frequent communication”(首先,including为介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词;其次,“交流”侧重于动作,因此用动名词比较合适。因此改为“seldom or never communicating”, “only greeting” and “frequently associating”,最后一处使用associating是为了避免用词重复), thatthat不能引导非限定性定语从句) people use to deal改为are used to dealing来表达“习惯……”的概念) with their neighborshipneighbors)(删除。前面已经使用“How do you get along with your neighbors?”这一问句,后面的“…there’re several models, including…”是对其进行的回答,因此这一部分表意重复。), each accounts for 6.99%, 40.86% and 52.15% in the proportioneach意为“每一个”,用在这里不合适。建议改为accounting for 6.99%, 40.86% and 52.15% respectively,即用现在分词短语作伴随状语。).

        Communication is to man what water is to vegetation. It is communication that counts, playing a crucial role during we social group’s evolutionin the course of human evolution). Only by keeping connectconnecting) will we acquire more complementary knowledge, build up a more cosycosy意为“warm,comfortable and safe,especially because of being small or enclosed”,用在这里不合适) society. Without communication, life will be full of baffles and loneliness. What’s worse, itit指代不明,建议改为【, which, even worse,】,即用非限定性定语从句来衔接) may bring about frustration. That’s why people prefer communicating frequently with neighbors to ignoring(加them).
        (第二段点评:文章首句“Communication is to man what water is to vegetation”表明接下来的论述围绕交流的重要性展开,接着作者从正反两面着手,对比论证交流的重要性。“正因为交流如此重要,所以人们才更愿意与邻居往来而不是忽视他们”。这一论证本身没有什么问题,但是作者忽视了几乎不与邻居往来的人们占据47.85%,与经常与邻居交流的52.15%相差不是甚远,不能得出“people prefer communicating frequently with neighbors to ignoring them”的结论,因此建议删除最后一句。)

        To create a more appropriate circumstance建议改为friendly atmosphere), not only should the neighbor-between communication be out of politecommunication between neighbors be out of politeness,注意polite是形容词), but it should be agreeable and sincere. Not so familiar 建议改为Unrelated) though neighbors are, it still beis)necessary for people to communicate with(加each other), so that we can make it a harmonyharmonious)world all together.



1. 看到图表时需先分析,清楚其想要表现什么内容;描述图表要根据文章的立意分清主次,并借助语言表达来体现;描述完图表后,需点明图表的寓意,因为这是文章主旨的体现,起着统领全文的作用,千万不可忽视。
2. 文章段落之间缺少衔接,应借助连词、过渡句等衔接技巧加强段落彼此之间关系的体现。此外,注意语句之间的语意衔接。
3. 文章有一些语法错误,需注意介词的用法、定语从句的引导词、系动词的形式等问题。
4. 记忆单词的时候,一方面要注意单词的词性,另一方面要注意近义词之间的词义区别。
5. 文章有一些语言表述不够精准或不够地道,这一点需逐步改善。


                                                              2014年 11月6日

献给虚无的供物 发表于 14-11-6 18:05:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 献给虚无的供物 于 14-11-6 18:26 编辑


     The table given above compares the proportions of communications between neighbors, indicating that the neighborhood relations may appear more detached than we have imagined. From the table, it is pity that only 52.15% people could communicate with their neighbors frequently,which means that nearly half of individuals would seldom or never do it.

     This phenomenon —— people are indifferent to each other is not isolated
—— could be weighed heavily by several factors. Firstly, as the economic boom brings not merely material comfort but fast rhythm of daily life as well, modern citizens, especially those in metropolises, are undergoing an unprecedented pressure from work so that they don’t have time and energy to take care of relationship among neighbors. Additionally, the overwhelming use of Internet and the wide emergence of innovative E-products, ranging from smart phone to Ipad Mini, have prevented our fellow citizens from talking with each other face to face. Instead of chatting in real life, people are discussing issues in virtual zones, which are comprised of many chilly computers.

     To sum it up, living in a modern country, neighborhood gives people a sense of strangeness. Thus, we should help them resolve the alienation and leave imagined world. Communication is necessary for everyone.

万事屋的哟 发表于 14-11-6 23:13:59 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-5 16:15

        The pie chart above clearly reflects the situation about communications(com ...

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-7 10:09:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-11-7 10:13 编辑
EllenWonka 发表于 14-11-2 01:05
  The above table manifestly reflects how often people communicate between neighbors. Based upon t ...


        The above table manifestly reflects how often people communicate between neighborswith their neighbors). Based upon the data offered, we can see that there are 13 residents barely talk (talking) to their next door out of 186 interviewees, (加accounting for)6.99 percent of them删除). In comparison, the number of dwellers who greet their neighbors only soars dramatically to 76—the percentage of 40.86改为【,taking up 40.86%】). Meanwhile, more than half of the total claim that they always have communications withcommunicate with)people living around them.

        Depending on the chart, we can assume that the tiny majority may have taken advantagesadvantage) of keeping in touch with neighbors. First and foremost, human beings hardly are solitary creatures. When we reside in the middle of a community, it’s inevitable to build connections with each other. In addition, getting on well with neighbors can bring us actual benefit (benefits). We mortals might be trapped into some kind of emergency that need helping outthat不能引导非限定性定语从句,可改为so that we are desperate for help). Last but by no means least, fantastic relationships somehow建议删除is主语relationships使用复数,注意保持主谓一致,改为are) a crucial part of our lives. Communicating with neighbors can lighten up our daily lives.
        (第二段点评:本段第一句“Depending on the chart, we can assume that the tiny majority may have taken advantage of keeping in touch with neighbors”表明本段重在分析图表中经常与邻居交流的52.15%的人群,take advantage of这一短语的使用不免使人猜测作者接下来会论述与邻居交流能给人们带来什么好处。然而,文中所述的第一点“human beings hardly are solitary creatures…, it’s inevitable to build connections with each other”是与人交流的不可避免性;第二点“…getting on well with neighbors can bring us actual benefits…”是在说明邻里交流的益处;第三点前半部分陈述fantastic relationships的重要性,后半部分具体说明与邻居交流的好处——这三点内容更像是在论述为什么要和邻居相处的原因。总之,本段论点不明确,论点和论据之间缺少衔接,致使段落主旨不明晰。此外,尽管作者使用了“First and foremost”, “ In addition”和“ Last but by no means least”来衔接三个论据,但却忽视了每个论据内部的衔接,如“getting on well with neighbors can bring us actual benefits”和“We mortals might be trapped into…”之间缺少能够体现两者关系的连词。)

        Nevertheless, quite a ratio of people are not willing to have a conversation more than greeting with their neighborsquite a number of people are only willing to greet their neighbors rather than have a conversation with them). Indeed, each of us havehas,主语为each,保持主谓一致) every right to choose any kind of lifestyle without being judged, but, in my point of view, appropriate communicationscommunication作“交流”之意时不可数)can never be harmful.



1. 文章没有明确表明图表的寓意,致使文章主旨不明晰。同时,文章第二段的论点也不明确,段落主旨不够清晰。
2. 文章部分语句之间缺少相应的衔接,彼此独立。
3. 文章的字数稍微有点儿多,建议在描述图表部分进行适当删减。
4. 文章有部分语法问题:注意谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别,保持主谓一致(尤其当主语为each时),注意同一单词既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词的情况,注意名词的数。
5. 文章有一些语言表达不够地道。

                                                              2014年 11月7日

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-7 11:19:28 | 只看该作者
小四爷 发表于 14-11-4 18:40
我以为in no case can we deny that可以是一个完整的 ...

可改为“The quickening pace of modern life leading to egocentricity, which will hinder social progress, in no case can we deny that the function of the network is overestimated by us…”,or rather 后面的句子与that引导的宾语从句并列,作者想使用的独立主格结构为in no case can we deny...这一整句的原因状语,若作为插入语会割裂这一并列关系,容易使人误解,因此需调整顺序。
 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-7 16:27:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 14-11-7 16:35 编辑
冯信子 发表于 14-11-2 11:00
Communications Between Neighbors
    A ...

        As can be seen from加the) diagram above, though the figure of residents who usually communicate with their neighbors is narrowly beyond 50 percent, it is far from what we expect, and there is本句的主语是people而不是proportion,因此应改为are) still a comparatively large proportion of people belonging to the group which is just simply greeting when meeting their neighbors or even nonewho just simply greet their neighbors when meeting them or almost never talk to them)(建议改为though the figure…is narrowly beyond 50 percent, which is far from what we expect, there are still…,以加强语意衔接。).

        What the thought-provoking graph illustrates is a common phenomenon in current societyin contemporary society). There are generally two factors accounting for it. Above all, with the increasing pace of our modern life, it seems that almost every inhabitant who is occupied with their endless work or study has no sumptuousextra)time to communicate with their neighbors. In addition, (加the)development in technology brings a platform for convenient online communication. As a result, people communicate little in reality and more and more people lack effective communication skills. Admittedly, it is because of less communication that our society is becoming indifferent.
        (第二段点评:本段先用“What the thought-provoking graph illustrates is a common phenomenon…”一句说明图表寓意,然后用“There are generally two factors accounting for it”一句统领全段,说明本段的主旨是分析现象原因。接下来,作者分别从“没有时间交流”和“现代科技改变了人们交流方式”两个方面进行陈述。最后,作者用“it is because of less communication that our society is becoming indifferent”一句予以总结。这种“总—分—总”的论述方式使论证充实有据。但是,作者在描述图表寓意时用的是a common phenomenon这一模糊概念,并没有明确表明图表揭示的是什么现象(由后面的总结可知,应为“our society is becoming indifferent”),建议点明具体的寓意,使段落首尾呼应。)

        It is imperative that we should take some drastic measures. First and foremost, the community should move forward in terms of establishing congregate activitiesconcrete activities) and social intercourse skills should be universalized among residents. Furthermore, individuals should cultivate the awareness of communication此处用动名词更合适,改为communicating) with neighbors in reality. With a proper step, I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and we will embrace a better and warmer society.
    (第三段点评:句首 “It is imperative that we should take some drastic measures”一句表明本段的主旨为给出具体的建议措施,之后作者从the community和individuals两个角度给出这一现象的解决办法,最后一句“With a proper step, I believe that…”表明作者对于解决这一问题的决心,思路清晰,内容连贯。然而,既然上一段是分析导致图表现象的原因,则本段若能结合原因给出具体的解决措施会更符合逻辑。)



1. 在揭示图表寓意时一定要明确,以使文章的写作主旨更加明晰。
2. 要意识到文章是一个整体,前后内容应该联系紧密,而不是彼此孤立,想到什么写什么。即作者需保证上下文内容连贯,共同服务于文章的主旨,也就是加强文章的逻辑严谨性。
3. 文章有细节语法问题,注意there be句型的主谓一致、定语从句先行词和引导词之间的关系、冠词的用法以及名词与动名词的区别。
4. 受汉语影响,文章有部分词语使用不够精准和地道。


                                                              2014年 11月7日

小四爷 发表于 14-11-7 18:21:39 来自手机设备或APP | 只看该作者
1  14-11-7 11:19
The quickening pace of modern life leading to egocentricity, which will hinder social pr ...

冯信子 发表于 14-11-7 20:06:03 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-7 16:27
        As can be seen from(加the) diagram above, though the figure of residents who ...

ally1977 发表于 14-11-7 22:53:56 | 只看该作者
Neighborhood communication

From the table above,we can learn some social investigation data about neighborhood communication.There are 13 persons who's communicated with neighbors seldom or incompletely in sample size about 186 persons; and there are 76 persons whose way of communication is only greeting with each other;and there are 97 persons who's communicated often.The chart shows that there is only 50 persent person regularly communicated each other.

What could have changed in just these years to make this phenomenon?Three main causes can lead to this consequences.First, time for the communication had been getting short because of everybody's busy work schedule.Second, due to the popular social networking,people are more willing to communicate with others through network but not a face-to-face talking with neighbors.Third,we are becoming increasingly less dependent on neighbors.Neighbours often helped one another in past year,but today,we thought we needn't.

Every thing has two aspects.We can not say for certain that less neighborhood communication  is not necessarily a bad thing.Man is a sociable creature.We need to face to face communication.Please give more care for your neighbors,and our society will become more harmonious.
 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 14-11-8 10:12:00 | 只看该作者
冯信子 发表于 14-11-7 20:06
老湿提出的意见很细致到位,我造接下来前进 ...

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