In the picture, a man sits behind a wooden table that covered a cloth. “Recruit People” is written on it. Zhu Geliang who is one of the most wise man in china during 5000 years stands in front of the table and wants to attend this recruit. But, the man tells him severely that because he has no any degrees and certifications about English language, he is not allowed to take part in it. The picture reveals an event that the company always equals real ability with degree or certification.
There is an inevitable situation that gives rise to this event. The number of people who graduate from school is large. The number of people who graduated one or two years ago who still have no job is big. The number of people who need a job because of other reasons is also big. Sum up the three big numbers, an incredible number could be gotten. Therefore, facing so unbelievable number of people without a job, the company that has no ability to interview so much many interviewees needs to make some sample and useful standard to reduce the number. Degree and certification become the first choice. Obviously, although the way of selecting people is not good, it can save money and time. That is the reason that the company adopts this method and thinks degree and certification can represent a person’s ability.
For changing this event, scientists should establish a critic standard. It can offer a scientific way to help the company to get the employee with useful skills, and also let people have a clear understanding about the structure of their knowledge. Finally, it can form a situation of win-win.