1.digestive endoscope消化内镜
2. digest 消化
3. Gastric mucosa 胃粘膜
4. Helicopbacter pylori 幽门螺杆菌
5.gastric pits 胃小凹
6. gullet 食管
7.Castroesophageal Reflux Disease(GERD) 胃食管反流病
8.Barrett’s esophagus, Barrett食管
9. lower esophageal sphincter 食管下括约肌
10. reflux esophagitis 反流性食管炎
11. lower esophageal sphincter LES 下食管括约肌
12. non-erosive reflux disease(NERD)非糜烂性反流病
13. oesophagoscopy 食管镜检查
14. Hiatal Hernia, 食管裂孔疝
15. oesophagoscope 食管镜,食道镜
16. transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation 一过性食管下括约肌松弛
17. leiomyoma of esophagus. 食管平滑肌瘤
18. Esophageal Cancer 食管癌
19.. corrosive burn of esophagus腐蚀性食管灼伤
20. achalasia of cardia 贲门失驰症
21. stomach 胃.
22. gastritis胃炎
23. pangastritis 全胃炎
24. acute hemorrhagic gastritis 急性出血性胃炎
25 Chronic gastritis慢性胃炎
26.Chronic atrophic gastritis 慢性萎缩性胃炎
27. autoimmune gastritis 自身免疫性胃炎
28. Chronic superficial gastritis 慢性浅表性胃炎
29. superficial gastirtis 弥漫性胃窦炎
30.Functional gastrointestinal disorder 功能性胃肠病
31. functional dyspepsia 功能性消化不良
32.multi-focal atrophic gastritis多灶萎缩性胃炎
33.dysplasia 异型增生
34. parietal cell autoantibody 壁细胞自体抗体
35.intrinsic factor antibody,IFA 内因子抗体
36.intestinal metaplasia of gastric epithelium 胃粘膜肠上皮化生
37. Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD), 消化性溃疡病
38. ZollingerEllison syndrome 胃泌素瘤.
39.kissing ulcer 对吻溃疡
40. acute stress ulcer 急性应激性溃疡
41.Gastrointestinal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma 胃粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤
42. Stomach cancer 胃癌
43. gastric bleeding 胃出血
44.gastric canal 胃管
45.gastric juice 胃液
46. gaseous distention 胃胀气
47. hematemesis 呕血
48.gastralgia 胃痛
49. gastroenteritis 胃肠炎
50. Gastric Acid胃酸
51. achlorhydria胃酸缺乏症
52.gastrospasm 胃痉挛
53. intestine肠
54. tuberculose intestinale 肠结核
55.Appendicitis 大腸炎
56. tuberculated peritonitis结核性腹膜炎
57. Intussusception 肠套叠
58. Volvulus 盲腸炎
59. intestinal cancer肠癌
60 ileus.肠闭塞
61. Enterovirus肠病毒
62. intestinal hemorrhage肠出血
63.intestinal perforation肠穿孔
64. intestinal obstruction肠梗阻
65.intestinal colic 肠绞痛
66. inflammatory bowel disease 炎症性肠病
67. Regional Enteritis (Crohn)克隆氏病
68.Ulceratie Colitis, 溃疡性结肠炎
69.Dierticular Disease, 肠憩室疾病
70.carcinoid of large intestine 大肠类癌
71.colorectal lymphoma 大肠恶性淋巴瘤
72. Polyposis 息肉病
73.family polyposis coli 家族性结肠息肉病
74.irritable bowel syndrome 肠易激综合征
75. bacterial translocation from intestine肠道细菌移位
76. enteral nutrition肠道营养,
77. arteriovenous malformation of bowel肠动静脉畸形
78.enteric cyst肠囊肿
79. radiation injury of intestine 肠放射性损伤
80.end-to-side intestinal anastomosis 肠端侧吻合术
81. volvulus 肠扭转
82. end-to-end intestinal anastomosis肠端端吻合术
82. bowel disturbance肠紊乱,
83. intestinal lymphangiectasia肠淋巴管扩张
84 intestinal bypass肠旁路术
85.肠内引流式胰腺移植enteric drainage pancreas transplantation
86肠袢淤滞综合征 stagnant loop syndrome
87.肠切除术intestinal resection
88.肠切开术 enterotomy
89.肠缺血 ischemia of intestine
90.肠缺血综合征 intestinal ischemic syndrome
91.肠外瘘 enterocutaneous fistula
92.肠外营养 parenteral nutrition
93.肠外置术 intestinal exteriorization
94.肠吻合术 intestinal anastomosis
95.肠系膜动脉闭mesenteric arterial occlusion
96.肠系膜动脉栓塞术 mesenteric artery embolization
97.肠系膜动脉血栓形成 mesenteric artery thrombosis
98.肠系膜静脉血栓形mesenteric venous thrombosis
99.肠系膜囊肿 mesenteric cyst
100.肠系膜疝 mesenteric hernia
101.肠系膜上动脉综合征 superior mesenteric artery syndrome
102肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征 superior mesenteric artery compression syndrome
103.肠狭窄 intestinal stenosis
104肠旋转不良 malrotation of intestine
105.肠血管病 vascular disease of bowel
106.肠血管发育异 angiodysplasia of bowel
107.肠血管异常 vascular abnormality of intestine
108.肠易激综合征 irritable bowel syndrome
109.肠源性感染 enterogenic infection
111.肠胀气intestinal tympanites
112.肠重复畸形 duplication of intestine
113.肠子宫内膜异位 endometriosis in bowel
114. 乙状结肠膀胱 sigmoid conduit
115.乙状结肠膀胱扩大sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty
116.乙状结肠结核 tuberculosis of sigmoid colon
117.乙状结肠镜检查[术] sigmoidoscopy
118.回肠膀胱扩大术 ileum augmentation cystoplasty
119.回肠膀胱尿流改道术 ileal conduit diversion
120.回肠膀胱术ileal conduit Bricker operation
121.回肠肛管吻合术 ileoanal anastomosis
122.回肠横结肠吻合术 ileotransversostomy
123.回肠憩室 ileal diverticulum
125.回盲部结核 ileocecal tuberculosis
126.直肠膀胱一结肠腹壁造口术 rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy
127.直肠固定术 proctopexy, rectopexy
128.直肠后脓肿 retrorectal abscess
129.直肠后拖也吻合巨结肠根治术 duhamel procedure
130.直肠环钳吻合术 ring clamp anastomosis of rectum
131.直肠肌鞘拖出吻合巨结肠根治术 soave procedure
132直肠镜检查[术] proctoscopyお
133.直肠瘘 rectal fistula
134.直肠膨出 rectocele
135.直肠切除术 proctectomy
136.直肠烧灼 rectal burning
137.直肠损伤 rectal injury
138.直肠脱垂 rectal prolapse
139.直肠狭窄 stricture of rectum
140,直肠炎 proctitis
141.直肠乙状结肠镜检查[术] proctosigmoidoscopy
142.直肠阴道瘘 rectovaginal fistula
143.直肠指检 digital rectal examination
144.直肠周围脓肿 perirectal abscess
145.直视下活检[术] direct vision biopsy
145.肛管癌 cancer of anal canal
146.肛裂 anal fissure,
147.肛门闭锁会阴瘘 anal atresia with perineal fistula
148.肛门闭锁尿道瘘 anal atresia with urethral fistula
149.肛门闭锁前庭瘘 anal atresia with vestibular fistula
150.肛门闭锁阴道瘘 anal atresia with vaginal fistula
152.肛门镜检查[术] anoscopy
153.肛门溃疡anal ulcer
154.肛门瘙痒[症] pruritus ani
155.肛门狭窄 anal stenosis
156.肛门直肠瘘 anorectal fistula
157.肛门直肠脓肿 anorectal abscess
158.肛乳头炎 anal papillitis
159.肛周脓肿, perianal abscess
161肝癌 liver cancer
162. 阑尾Appendicitis,
163.肝性脑病Hepatic encephalopathy
164.肝昏迷hepatic coma
165.原发性肝癌primary carcinoma of the liver. 166.病毒性肝炎 virus hepatitis
167.传染性肝炎 infectious hepatitis
168.急性病毒性肝炎 acute viral hepatitis
169.慢性腹泻chronic diarrhea
170.酒精性肝病alcoholic lier
171.自身免疫性肝炎autoimmune hepatitis
172.肝硬化cirrhosis of lier 173.腹膜炎Peritonitis,
175.肝[性]昏迷前期 hepatic precoma
176.肝被膜下出血 subcapsular hemorrhage of liver
177.肝病性口臭 fetor hepaticus
178.肝肠联合移植 combined liver and intestine transplantation
180肝淀粉样变性 amyloidosis of liver
181.肝动脉造影[术] hepatic arteriography
182.肝梗死 infarction of liver
183.肝结核 tuberculosis of liver
184.肝静脉梗阻 hepatic venous obstruction
185.肝慢性阻性充血 chronic passive congestion of liver
186.肝毛细线虫病 capillariasis hepatica
187.肝门肠吻合术 portoenterostomy
188.肝内胆管结石 calculus of intrahepatic duct
189.肝内胆管结石病 hepatolithiasis
190.肝内胆汁淤积 intrahepatic cholestasis
191.肝脓肿 liver absces
192.肝脾大 hepatosplenomegaly
193.肝片吸虫病 fascioliasis hepaticaお
194.肝肾联合移植 combined liver and kidney transplantation
195.肝肾综合征 hepatorenal syndrome
196.肝素辅因子 heparin co-factor
197.肝细胞移植 hepatocyte transplantation
198.肝下垂 hepatoptosis
199. 上消化道出血upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
200.壁细胞parietal cell
201. 质子泵proton pump
202, 痔疮Hemorrhoids
203. gall bladder 胆囊. pancreas 胰腺
204. 内镜逆行胰胆管造影endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ,ERCP 205.胆石症/胆囊炎Cholelithiasis/Cholecystitis
206.急性胰腺炎Acute Pancreatitis,
207.胰腺癌carcinoma of the Pancreatitis
209.胰瘘 pancreatic fistula
210.胰肾联合移植 combined pancreas and renal transplantation 211.胰十二指肠切除术 pancreaticoduodenectomy
212.胰十二指肠移植术 pancreas-duodenal transplantation
213.胰石 pancreatolith, pancreatic calculus
214.胰石病 pancreatolithiasis
215.胰腺创伤 pancreatic trauma
216.胰腺分裂 pancreas divisum
217.胰腺钙化 calcification of pancreas
218.胰腺假囊肿 pancreatic pseudocyst
219.胰腺囊肿 pancreatic cyst
220.胰腺脓肿 abscess of pancreasお
221.胰腺外瘘 external fistula of pancreas
222.胰腺炎 pancreatitis
223.胰腺移植 pancreas transplantation
224.胰腺异位 heterotopic pancreas
225.胰腺周围脓肿 peripancreatic abscess
226.胰源性腹水 pancreatic ascites
227.移动性盲肠 mobile caecum
228.移植胰假性囊肿 graft pancreatic pseudocyst
229.移植胰胰瘘 graft pancreatic fistula
230.移植胰胰腺炎 graft pancreatitis
231.胆道闭锁 biliary atresia
232.胆道测压[术] manometry of biliary tract
233.胆道出血 hemobilia
234.胆道感染 infection of biliary tract
235胆道梗阻 obstruction of biliary tract
236.胆道蛔虫病 biliary ascariasis
237.胆道贾第虫病giardiasis of biliary tract
238.胆道减压术 decompression of biliary tract
239.胆道闪烁显像[术] cholescintigraphy
240.胆道运动障碍 biliary dyskinesia
241.胆固醇结石 cholesterol calculus
242胆管癌 carcinoma of bile duct
243.胆管测压造影[术] manometric cholangiography
244.胆管肝炎 cholangiohepatitis
245.胆管空肠吻合术 cholangiojejunostomy
246.胆管扩张 cholangiectasis
247.胆管内置管扩张[术] biliary stent dilatation
248.胆管腺瘤 cholangioadenoma
249.胆管炎 cholangitis
250.胆管造影[术] cholangiography
251.胆管周围炎 pericholangitis
252.胆红素脑病 bilirubin encephalopathy, kernicterus
253.胆红素尿 bilirubinuria
254.胆绞痛 biliary colic
55.胆瘘 biliary fistula
256.胆囊癌carcinoma of gallbladder
257.胆囊肠瘘cholecystoenteric fistula
258.胆囊超声显像[术] cholecystosonography
259.胆囊穿孔 perforation of gallbladder
260.胆囊钙化 calcification of gallbladder
261.胆囊积脓 empyema of gallbladder
262.胆囊积气 pneu-gallbladder
263.胆囊积水 hydrops of gallbladder
264.胆囊积血 hemocholecyst
265.胆囊镜检查[术] cholecystoscopy
266.胆囊空肠吻合术 cholecystojejunostomy
267.胆囊扭转 torsion of gallbladder
268.胆囊切除术 cholecystectomy
269.胆囊切除术后综合征 postcholecystectomy syndrome
271.胆囊收缩素 cholecystokinin
272.胆囊炎 cholecystitis
273.胆囊造口术 cholecystostomy
274胆囊造影术 cholecystography
275.胆囊周围脓肿 pericholecystic abscess
276.胆石性肠梗阻 gallstone ileus
277.胆总管结石 calculus of common bile duct
278.胆小管炎 cholangiolitis
279.胆血症 cholemia
280.胆总管梗阻 obstruction of common bile duct
281.胆汁反流性胃炎 bile reflux gastritis
283.胆汁浓缩综合征 inspissated bile syndrome
284.胆汁性腹膜炎 biliary peritonitis, choleperitoneum
285.胆汁性肝硬化 biliary cirrhosis
286.胆总管十二指肠吻合术 choledochoduodenostomy
287.胆汁引流 biliary drainage
288.胆汁淤积 cholestasisお
289.胆汁粘稠综合征 biliary hyperviscosity syndrome
290.[内镜]操纵部, [endoscopic]control section
291.[内镜]插入管, [endoscopic]insertion tube
292.[内镜]充气/水阀, [endoscopic]air/water valve
293.[内镜]导光连接部, [endoscopic]light guide connector section
294.[内镜]导光束, [endoscopic]light guide bundles
295.[内镜]导像束, [endoscopic]image guide bundles
296.[内镜]光导纤维, [endoscopic]optical fibers
297.[内镜]活检管道开口, [endoscopic]biopsy channel opening
298.[内镜]角度锁钮, [endoscopic]locking knob
299.[内镜]角度旋钮, [endoscopic]angulation knob
300.[内镜]冷光源, [endoscopic]cold light source
301.[内镜]弯曲部, [endoscopic]bending section
302.[内镜]吸引阀, [endoscopic]suction valve |