McDonald’s University
BRITISH universities can be depressing. The dons moan about their pay and students worry they will end up frying burgers—or jobless. Perhaps they should try visiting McDonald’s University in London’s East Finchley.
Students are often “rough and ready”, with poor qualifications and low self-esteem. But ambition-igniting murals display the ladder of opportunity that leads from the grill to the corner office (McDonald’s chief executives have always started at the bottom). A map of the world shows the seven counterpart universities. Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britain’s best 25 employers.
McDonald’s is one of Britain’s biggest trainers. It gets about 1m applicants a year, accepting only one in 15, and spends £40m ($61m) a year on training. The Finchley campus, opened by Margaret Thatcher, then the local MP, in 1989, is one of the biggest training centers in Europe—many of the classrooms are equipped with booths for interpreters. It is part of a bigger system. An employees’ web-portal, Our Lounge, provides training as well as details about that day’s shifts, and allows employees to compete against each other in work-related video games.
麦当劳是全英国最大的培训机构之一。每年麦当劳会收到100万份左右的求职申请,仅录取其中的十五分之一作为雇员,并出资4000万英镑(6100万美元)用于培训。在首相撒切尔夫人和当地国会议员的支持下,位于东芬奇利区的麦当劳汉堡大学于1989年成立。这所学校是全欧洲规模数一数二的的培训中心,许多教室都配有专门的同传间。芬奇利校区仅仅是麦当劳庞大教育体系中的一个分支。麦当劳专属员工门户网站“我们的休息室(Our Lounge)”在提供训练之余,还有每日轮班详情,员工还可以在网站上一起玩一些同工作有关的游戏。