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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-29 10:45:41 | 只看该作者

回复 #20 twb考研政治 的帖子

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-29 10:46:29 | 只看该作者


    1. Habits are recurrent and unconscious patterns of behavior.
    The patterns of behavior are acquired through frequent repetition. ( 改为定语从句 )
    2. You are not jolted awake( 猛然清醒
) from a dead sleep but are allowed to gradually wake up or wake up at the ideal time.
    You will feel much more awake and refreshed. (改为条件状语从句)   
    3. Wang Huaqing is the vice - chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
    He said on Tuesday that banks should spread risk by syndicating big loans for projects like railways and airports. (利用同位语方式,改为一句话)   
    4. For years the sun has been considered public enemy number one.
    It causes skin damage, premature aging and skin pigmentations. ( 利用分词结构,改为一句话 )
    5. If you block out the sun, you are risking a deficiency that could leave you open to all sorts of ailments. (利用介词结构,修改句子)   
    6. A study is conducted by the Shanghai - based Life Science Research Institute.
    The study showed that about 69 percent of elderly people in the mainland were insufficient in vitamin D. ( 利用分词结构,修改为一句话 )
    7. When one is ill, one realizes the value of health. (修改为强调句型 it is... that   
    8. As far as we know, life exists nowhere else in the universe. ( 修改为有插入语的句子 )
    9. Previous studies on the effects of resistance training on men had produced varied results.
    The latest study revealed that such sports as running might have a greater positive effect on bone density. ( 改为让步状语从句 )
    10. China, India and Brazil all have lower labor costs and can produce textiles much more cheaply. It is the reality. (改为表语从句)   
    11. Many who get bonus points are children from powerful or wealthy families.
    The exposure points to the rampant( 猖獗的 ) abuse of power taking advantage of the defected policy. (改为同位语从句)   
    12. We can begin to maintain peace only when we understand the gravity of war. ( 改为倒装句型 )
    13. An actor should not be judged on a dress rehearsal.
    A footballer should not be judged on a pre - season friendly game too. ( 改为方式状语从句 )
    14. Many scientists suggested the reason.
    The reason was that excess nutrients in coastal waters caused the algal bloom. ( 改为宾语从句 )
    15. She knows about history.
    I know about literature. ( 改为比较状语从句 )
    16. Government wants to reduce fuel consumption.
    They intend to lower the speed limit on the country s motorways to 80 kilometers per hour. ( 利用不定式结构,改为一句话 )
    17. Because the economy grew strongly and company profits gained momentum, employees have also received big bonuses. ( 利用独立主格修改句子 )
    18. You have to keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. (修改为主语从句)   
    19. Everyday passes with some aspects of global environmental change featuring prominently in our newspapers, on radio or on TV. ( 利用双重否定 Hardly...without 修改句子 )
    20. A national economy which is free of the burden of debt must be our aim. ( 利用形容词短语修改句子 )
    1. Habits are recurrent and unconscious patterns of behavior which are acquired through frequent repetition.
    2. If you are not “jolted” awake from a dead sleep but are allowed to gradually wake up or wake up at the ideal time, you will feel much more awake and refreshed.
    3. Wang Huaqing, vice - chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission,   said on Tuesday that banks should spread risk by syndicating big loans for projects like railways and airports.
    4. For years the sun has been considered public enemy number one, causing skin damage, premature aging and skin pigmentations.
    5. By blocking out the sun, you are risking a deficiency that could leave you open to all sorts of ailments.
    6. A study conducted by the Shanghai - based Life Science Research Institute   showed that about 69 percent of elderly people in the mainland were insufficient in vitamin D.
    7. It is only when one is ill that one realizes the value of health.
    8. Life, as far as we know, exists nowhere else in the universe.
    9. Although previous studies on the effects of resistance training on men had produced varied results, the latest study revealed that such sports as running might have a greater positive effect on bone density.
    10. The reality is that China, India and Brazil all have lower labor costs and can produce textiles much more cheaply.
    11. The exposure that many who get bonus points are children from powerful or wealthy families points to the rampant abuse of power taking advantage of the defected policy.
    12. Only when we understand the gravity of war can we begin to maintain peace.
    13. Just as an actor should not be judged on a dress rehearsal, so a footballer should not be judged on a pre - season friendly game.
    14. Many scientists suggested that excess nutrients in coastal waters caused the algal bloom.
    15. She knows more about history than I know about literature.
    16. To reduce fuel consumption, government intends to lower the speed limit on the country s motorways to 80 kilometers per hour.
    17. With the economy growing strongly and company profits gaining momentum, employees have also received big bonuses.
    18. What you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.
    19. Hardly a day passes without some aspects of global environmental change featuring prominently in our newspapers, on radio or on TV.
    20. A national economy, free of the burden of debt, must be our aim.
xuxiuchun 发表于 10-4-29 12:03:38 | 只看该作者
manan123 发表于 10-4-29 13:33:18 | 只看该作者
lidan520929 发表于 10-4-29 16:23:41 | 只看该作者





 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-2 11:00:12 | 只看该作者
原帖由 manan123 于 2010-4-29 13:33 发表

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-2 11:14:03 | 只看该作者
原帖由 lidan520929 于 2010-4-29 16:23 发表



请问贵编辑部,这本 ...

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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-2 11:22:52 | 只看该作者


第二节     词汇   

    1. 注意语法规则   
    (1) 名词单复数的特殊现象   
    (2) 形容词的特殊现象和位置规则   
    ① 一些形容词不能做表语 , 只能做定语。   
    当多个形容词修饰一个名词时,在意义上与名词关系最紧密的词最靠近该名词。具体说来是:表示特性或状态的词( good pretty 等) + 大小、长短、高低 + 年龄、温度、新旧 + 形态、形状 + 颜色 + 国籍、地区、出处 + 物质、材料 + 用途、类别、目的 + 名词。例如: a pretty small yellow American pot 一个美国产的漂亮黄色小罐   
    (3) 副词的位置原则   
    ① 程度副词放在被修饰的动词、形容词或副词之前;情态动词、助动词或 be 之后,助动词与 be 动词连用时,放在两者之间   
    例如: Continuing development of international business is absolutely dependent on effective and efficient international financial markets. 国际贸易的持续发展完全依赖于有效和高效的国际金融市场。   
    ② 频率副词通常放在行为动词前,情态动词、助动词或 be 动词后,助动词与 be 动词连用时,放在两者之间   
    例如: The way everyone watches TV, listens to music, or looks at photos will never be the same again. 人们看电视、听音乐和看照片的方式永远不会再像这样了。   
    ③ 方式副词一般放在动词后   
    例如: We should learn how to react gracefully when someone despises us. 我们应该学习在别人鄙视我们时,如何优雅地回应他们。   
    但在“动词 + 介词 + 宾语”结构中,方式副词既可置于介词前,也可置于宾语后。例如: After looking carefully through the dictionary( 或者: After looking through the dictionary carefully), I know the exact meaning of this word. 仔细 查阅字典之后,我知道了这个词的准确含义。   
    而在“动词 + 宾语”结构中,一般放在宾语后。但是如果宾语结构太长或避免引起歧义时,把副词置于动词前。例如: The students secretly decide to donate money to the disaster area.   同学们秘密决定捐钱给灾区。
allen3028 发表于 10-5-2 20:23:43 | 只看该作者

回复 #1 peterzjf 的帖子

ok   in my opinion  it would be rather better to pratice
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-3 11:49:38 | 只看该作者
原帖由 allen3028 于 2010-5-2 20:23 发表
ok   in my opinion  it would be rather better to pratice

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