c.有任何想法烦请大家提出来,大家一起提高O(∩_∩)O 本期词汇:
appear • emerge • show • loom • pop • manifest itself • form • come out
These words all mean to start to be seen in a place.
► to appear/emerge from sth
► to loom/pop into view/up
► to appear/emerge/loom/pop out of sth
► to suddenly appear/emerge/show/loom/pop/come out
► to gradually appear/emerge/manifest itself/form
► to eventually appear/emerge/show
► to finally appear/emerge/loom
appear [ I ] ( usually used with an adverb or preposition )
to start to be seen
Michael appeared a few moments later.
OPP disappear
emerge [ I ] ( usually used with an adverb or preposition )
to leave a dark, confined or hidden place and be seen
She disappeared into the house and emerged a few seconds later carrying a suitcase.
show [ I , T ]
to be visible; to allow sth to be seen
I want a dress that won't show too much of my arms.
loom [ I ] ( usually used with an adverb or preposition ) ( written )
to start to appear as a large shape that is not clear, especially in a frightening or threatening way
A boat loomed into view out of the misty night.
pop [ I ] ( always used with an adverb or preposition )
to suddenly appear, especially when not expected
When you send a fax, a dialog box pops up on the screen.
manifest itself [ T ] ( formal )
to become visible or noticeable
The symptoms of the disease usually manifest themselves in about ten days.
form [ I ] ( rather formal )
(especially of natural things) to begin to exist and gradually develop into a particular shape
Flowers appeared , but fruits failed to form.
come out phrasal verb
(of the sun, moon or stars) to become visible
The rain stopped and the sun came out. |