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范老师 发表于 07-10-24 12:01:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

If you're still in denial about the horrific turn of events on tonight's Prison Break, well, stop reading, 'cause a stone-cold reality check is coming your way: That was definitely Sara Tancredi's decapitated head staring up at Lincoln from that box. No ifs, ands or red herrings about it. Michael's long-suffering soul mate is dead and she ain't comin' back.


Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. And now prepare yourself for another sobering piece of news. Yes, my friends, it gets worse. The sad truth is, it didn't have to end this way. It wasn't supposed to end this way.


As Prison Break executive producer Matt Olmstead explains in this exclusive interview, the violent nature of Sara's death was the culmination of long and fruitless negotiations between the show and new-mom Sarah Wayne Callies. It's enough to make your head spin. (Sorry. Poor taste.) Stick around after the Q&A for Callies' response. And then feel free to assign blame wherever you feel it's warranted.

越狱的制作人Matt Olmstead解释说,Sara的残忍被害是演员Sarah Wayne Callies(因怀孕停止拍摄)与制作单位经过长期的协商的结果.也许你已经晕了吧...那让我们看看Callies关于问题的回复,然后开始痛骂你想骂的吧~

Last January, after it was announced that Sarah was pregnant, your colleague, Paul Scheuring, assured fans that he had no intention of killing off her character. What changed? Matt Olmstead: What changed is that our initial pitch to the network was [rejected], so we had to go back to the drawing board. I remember we were sitting in the room thinking, "How do we unlock Season 3, motivation-wise?" Since we're not a procedural, we have to keep everyone moving forward. We have to evolve. And given what Michael's been through, how do you keep him going? And then it was tossed out, "What happens if Sara gets killed as an extension of what we already had planned for Season 3?" We knew that would work. But clearly it was a big conversation. And when we pitched the network, they wanted to know if there was any way we could avoid that, because everyone loved Sarah's work. But in order to make the season work, we really didn't have any other motivation for Michael. We determined that this was the right thing to do in order to really jolt the series.

1月份的时候,当Sarah的孕期被宣布,您的同僚,Paul Scheuring,对粉丝宣传他没有要砍掉她的角色的意思.那为什么又改变了呢? Matt Olmstead: 改变的原因是因为我们最初的方案被拒了,所以我们不得不从头再来过.我还记得我们坐着房间里讨论:"为什么不在第三季放开手,大作一番?"我们可不是机器,得让所有人向前看,向前继续.我们要设身处地的为人物着想.迈克经历了那么多,怎样才能让他继续奋斗下去?然后新的问题出现了:"要是Sara死了会对我们已编好的第三季有什么影响?"我们知道这肯定能让越狱再次火起来.但这是个重大决定,所以我们向公司提出申请,他们询问有没有其他办法,因为大家都很喜爱Sarah.但是想要越狱继续下去,我们不能再让迈克有更多的希望.我们决定这对剧情来说,是正确的决定.

Did you ever stop to consider that this might be a slap in the face to fans who had invested two years in the Michael-Sara relationship? Olmstead: We took everything into consideration. Our initial idea was to have [Sarah/Sara appear in] the first 13 episodes, so she and Michael could have a proper goodbye. There were going to be some really emotional scenes where he tried to save her from dying, but she ultimately passed. So then we whittled it down to 11 episodes, then 10 episodes, then nine episodes, then four episodes…. Then we suggested flying to her — she was pregnant [at the time] and living in a remote part of Canada — and bringing a camera crew to her house, but that wasn't accepted. We then whittled it down to just a phone conversation, and that was turned down, too. We were really looking forward to paying off that relationship. But [when] it became evident that that wasn't going to happen, we made lemonade out of a lemon.

你是否有想过这会对粉丝们有多大打击,他们对迈克与Sara2年来的感情深受感动? Olmstead: 我们把所有的因素都考虑过了.最初设想过让Sara在前13集里面出现,所以能和迈克有个正式的再见.因而会有些非常感人的画面:"迈克拼死救Sara",但是最后否决了.因此我们缩短到11集...10集...9集...最后到4集...然后我们想过飞去找她--Sara因怀孕(剧情决定当时)居住在加拿大,带队摄影人员去她家,但是不被允许.所以我们缩短到只有一个电话联系,但是也不奏效.我们确实有想要让这段感情有所交代,但是当外界条件不能支持的时候,我们只得忍痛砍了她.

So, as a result, you were forced to kill her off sooner than you had planned? Olmstead: Much sooner. We used the story to our advantage in that she was being held hostage. [Sarah] was gracious enough to let us use her image, which really helped. I totally get it, personally. She was, at the time, pregnant and living in a remote part of Canada and nesting; [she] kind of looked at the options and didn't want to go forward. No hard feelings whatsoever. The show is an ensemble. The show moves forward. There are very few untouchable actors on the show.

所以,你们是被迫在原计划之前"杀"了她? Olmstead: 是的,提前了很多.她做人质对整个剧情有好处.Sarah很慷慨的让我们使用她的相片,这对我们帮助很大.私底下,我完全能够理解,那时她怀孕了,而且在加拿大的一个遥远的地方调养.她不想继续也是情有可原.不要有激烈反应.这部剧是个整体,会一起向前进.总有些角色是遗憾收场的.

Wasn't Sarah under contract? Didn't she have to return? Olmstead: That's a business-affairs question. [At this point, 20th Century spokesperson Chris Alexander interjects: "We had to either pick her up for the entire season of 22, according to her contract, or we had to make a new contract with her. We determined in May that we didn't plan to use her for the full 22, so we chose not to renew our existing contract with her. And so, to get her back for the 13 or 14 that we wanted, we had to make a new deal, and she declined."]

Sarah不是签订了合同吗?她不是应该履行合约? Olmstead: 这是商业上的问题. [在这时,20世纪的发言人Chris Alexander插言道:"按照与她的合同,我们如果不跟她签订整季度(22集)的戏份,就需要跟她签订份新合同.在5月,我们没有计划在整个季度里选用她,所以没有续约.而选择需要跟她签订新合约,13集或者14集让她自己决定.但是她拒绝了"]

What was your understanding as to why she didn't want to come back? It seems strange that she refused to return in any capacity. Doesn't it seem strange to you? Olmstead: It looked like a pretty good deal on the face of it. We definitely came up in money. Thirteen episodes would have allowed the character to have a proper exit. We were willing to push the start date back [to accommodate her maternity leave], which would have meant her coming in [around] Episode 10, but that wasn't accepted. So then we offered to come up [to Canada] before she gave birth and film at her house. Pretty good money and she wouldn't even have to leave her house. That wasn't accepted. So it was a little curious to me and to others why she was taking such a hard stance. [Maybe] she felt that she was made certain assurances about being part of the show this season. And in fairness to her, those assurances were given, because she was such a valuable member of the show…. Also, she's up [in Canada]. She's comfortable. She's starting a family. Maybe she didn't want to have to fly down and have to do this stuff. Or maybe she felt like she wanted to be part of the show [full time], not just half the season. Perhaps she felt a little jilted. Our [original] plan was to definitely keep her for [all of] Season 3, but after a couple of times of getting it kicked back from the network, we had to come up with a new idea and that necessitated her character being killed.

你认为她不肯回来继续的原因是什么?怎么想也觉得她拒绝回归很奇怪?你不觉得吗?Olmstead: 它表面看起来确实是个好合约.我们确实有讨论钱的问题.如果她参加了前13集会让她的角色有个正式的离开.我们愿意把她的拍摄时间推后[以适应她的产期],这样她就只需要在10集左右开始拍摄,但是被拒绝了.所以我们提出在她生产前飞去[加拿大]在她家拍摄.她甚至不用离家就可以赚大钱.还是被拒绝.所以我和其他工作人员都对她这么强硬的态度感到好奇.[也许]她认为她太相信自己会在这季度里出现.公平点说,确实是的,我们确实想让她在这季度里出现,因为她在剧情里是个举足轻重的角色.或许因为,她远在[加拿大],有了新的家庭成员,温馨而舒适.也许她不行千里迢迢飞来这里拍摄这些东西.又或许,她想要演[整个季度],而不只是一半.她可能感到被抛弃了.我们[最初]的想法的确想让她演出[整个]第三季,但是经过数次的与公司的沟通,我们有了新主意,她必须得死.

Did you ever get an inkling that she wasn't happy working on the show? Olmstead: No. I've worked in TV for 10 years. I've been around difficult actors. I've definitely been around malcontents. She was none of those. Great actress. Very smart. Good suggestions. And an asset to the show.

你有没有察觉她在拍摄中有任何不愉快的地方? Olmstead: 没有.我们从事电视拍摄行业10年了,曾见过些难搞的演员,当然也见过些不满的.她不是其中一列.很棒的演员,聪明又勇于提意见.对剧组很有帮助.

Sarah was recently quoted in a French magazine saying that she was "sad," "shocked" and felt "deceived" by the decision to kill off the character. Presuming this is what she actually said, does this surprise you? Olmstead: Not really. She was invested in the character and wanted to be a part of the show. We felt the same way.

近期在一本法国杂志里,Sarah被描写"难过","惊讶",并且感到"被骗",因为角色的被砍.假设这是她的真实说法,你感到惊讶吗? Olmstead: 不怎么惊讶.她对这个角色有所付出并想要成为剧中一角.我们和她有相同的感受.

Let's discuss the way you killed her off. Some might view it as you guys exacting revenge on Sarah for not returning. Olmstead: We really had no way of using her image other than the existing images that we had. Those Polaroids we used are old wardrobe shots from Season 1 and 2. She didn't give us any new photos. So [we had to devise a way to] kill her [and still] show a body…. Obviously she wasn't going to fly down and be a DOA for us. We just wanted to go with the most dramatic way to do it, a way that you could do it and not need the actress. Also, what it does is it helps put teeth into the antagonist of the show, the Susan character. Because a lot of times with [villains], they're constantly wagging their finger, "You better do this, you better do that or this is going to happen" and it becomes hollow after a while. So, this absolutely dramatizes that when Susan issues a cautionary to Lincoln and that goes unheeded, this is the result.

那我们来谈谈你"砍掉"她的方式,有些人认为是你们对Sarah不肯回归的报复. Olmstead: 我们不能用除了我们原有以外的她的照片.那些胶片是我们用第一和第二季的片段制作的.她没有给我们新的照片.所以[我们得想个办法]去杀她[并依然]留有尸体...当然,她肯定不会飞过来为我们扮演一具死尸.我们只是想让她的死更生动,可以实现又不需要演员.还有,这样的结果也是让Linc的对手,"Susan",言而有信.因为他们一直在指手划脚"你最好做这个,做那个,不然就会怎么怎么样",但是什么都没发生.所以,当Susan给了Lincoln警告,可他忽视了,这(Sara之死)就是结果.

So Sarah's refusal to return essentially limited how you could kill her? Olmstead: Yeah, basically. Could you have seen a [body] double's feet being shoved into a meat grinder? Sure. Could you see a wide shot of a female body being dumped in an ocean? Probably. But dramatically, this allowed us to get the most out of what little we had to work with…. We used her not coming back to our advantage. When the bomb finally drops for Michael — and he finds out that she has been killed — it's an unbelievable sequence between him and Lincoln. And it really lays a huge motivation on him.

所以Sarah的拒绝演出本质上限制了你"砍掉"她的方法 Olmstead: 是的,基本上是这样. 你曾见过[尸体]的双脚被推进绞肉机吗? 当然.你见过一具女尸被枪杀丢进海里吗?也许吧.但是,这个是我们在仅有不多的材料上所能获得做大的效果... 我们让她的不回归,成为我们的助力.当这个迈克获得这个爆破性的消息--他发现她被杀了--在他和Lincoln之间会有让人难以想象的变化.这对他是个巨大打击.

Response from Sarah Wayne Callies Although Callies declined multiple interview requests, last Friday the actress sent me the following statement via her spokesperson. "As hard as we all tried, the Prison Break powers that be and I were unable to find a way to meet both the needs of the story and the needs of my family. We parted wishing each other well. I had a wonderful time working with the creative team and have a world of respect for all of them; they took great care of Dr. Sara. I'm also enormously grateful to the fans. They've been so gracious and supportive, and I hope they continue to enjoy the show."

Sarah Wayne Callies的回复 尽管Callies拒绝了采访,上周五她通过她的经纪人发出以下声明. "不管我们多么努力,越狱剧组和我不能找到一个好办法,可以同时满足我的家庭和剧情需要.我们尽管分开了,但是还是希望对方都好.在这个具有创造力的剧组里,我过了一段很棒的被尊重的日子,他们对"Sara医生"很好.对于粉丝们,我感到非常的感谢.他们是这么的支持和爱护我,希望他们可以一如既往的喜欢越狱"

So, there you have it. Michael and Sara's love story was cut short over a frakkin' contract dispute. Assuming you're already in the anger phase of your grieving process, let the blame game begin in the comments section below. Also, don't forget to check out this week's Ask Ausiello for scoop on the next chapter in this unbelievable tale: Michael's rebound relationship!

那么,就是这样了,迈克和Sara这对有情人,就这样被这么个该死的合约拆散了.也许你已经过了悲痛的阶段,开始愤怒了,那就在下面留言吧~~~ POLL: Will you stop watching Prison Break because of what they did to Sara? Vote here. 投票: 你会因为Sara之死而停止看越狱吗?
xixi20203 发表于 07-10-24 12:30:16 | 只看该作者
yongtao8283 发表于 07-10-24 16:41:18 | 只看该作者
babyiamkeen 发表于 07-10-24 19:05:32 | 只看该作者
pb may say goodbye to us fans all just because the death of sarah
babyiamkeen 发表于 07-10-24 19:06:09 | 只看该作者
from this x-mas
xixinger 发表于 08-2-14 13:55:44 | 只看该作者
幽助 发表于 08-3-23 16:53:58 | 只看该作者
kathy-sunshine 发表于 08-4-3 14:24:48 | 只看该作者
popzhangxin 发表于 08-4-4 20:37:26 | 只看该作者
ningxue 发表于 08-4-6 20:39:18 | 只看该作者
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