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第一部分 历年真题及详解[听力音频]
第二部分 模拟试题及详解

第一部分 历年真题及详解[听力音频]
第一部分 听力



We will go tothe park on Sunday.

They are goingto play volleyball this afternoon.

People who livein the north part like noodles as their food.

Don’t forget totake an umbrella with you on such a rainy day.

Please turn leftat the first crossing.

I ordered aglass of beer.

Wang Fang isgood at math.

I had rice forlunch yesterday.

You can rest inthe shadow of the tree.

At the end ofthe street there‘s a bookstore.
11.When is the meeting hold?
[A] 3:15.
[B] 3:30. 
[C] 3:45.
W: It’s about 3:30.
M: Oh, no, I’mlate. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes.
12.What did the boy’s father do last week?
[A] Had 5classes.
[B] Had 5meetings. 
[C] Had 5 parties.
W: Howmany meetings did your father have last week?
M: My fatherhad 5 meetings.
13.When was the building built?
[A] 1990.  
[B] 1909.
[C] 1919.
W: Whenwas the building built?
M: It was builtin 1909.
14.Why didn’t the man want the shirt?
[A] It’s toosmall.
[B] It’s toobig.
[C] It’s notgood enough.
M: I’ mafraid the shirt is too big for me. Do you have a smaller one?
W: Sure. Hereit is.
15.What does the woman want to drink?
[A] A cup of tea.
[B] A glass ofmilk.
[C] A bottle ofjuice.
M: Wouldyou like a bottle of juice?
W: No, thanks.I’d like a cup of tea, please.
16.Who is the boy talking with?
[A] His mother.
[B] Histeacher.
[C] The doctor.
M: I’vegot a headache.
W: Oh, don’tworry, little boy. Now open your mouth and say “Ah.”
17.What is the man’s sister doing now?
[A] She isvisiting London.
[B] She isvisiting New York.
[C] She isvisiting Shanghai.
W: Haveyou heard from your sister yet?
M: Yes, I got a letter from her yesterday. She said she enjoyed hervisit to New York very much.
18.Whose book is it?
[A] It’s Sam’s.
[B] It’sSteven’s.
[C] It’s mine.
W: Is thisyour book, Stevan?
M: No, it isn’tmine. It’s Sam’s.
19.Has the father given up smoking?
[A] Yes, heused to.
[B] No, hehasn’t.
[C] Yes, hehas.
W: Doesyour father smoke?
M: No, but heused to smoke.
20.What does Miss King probably speak?
[A] Japanese. 
[B] French.
[C] English.
M: Wheredoes Miss King come from?
W: She comesfrom Tokyo.
21.What will the woman do?
[A] Have adrink with the man.
[B] Take a walkwith the man.
[C] Hold aparty at home.
M: Wouldyou like to come out for a drink?
W: Yes, thatwould be wonderful. Thanks.
22.Where did she found her book?
[A] Under herbed.
[B] On her bed.
[C] Under herdesk.
M: Wheredid you find your book?
W: I found itunder my bed.
23.What’s Ken good at?
[A] English.
[B] Chinese.
[C] Nothing.
W: What isKen good at?
M: Nothing butsleeping.
24. Who hasn’t brought the dictionary toclass?
[A] Mary.
[B] Simon.
[C] Both Maryand Simon.
M: Haveyou brought your dictionary to class, Mary?
W: No, Ihaven’t and neither has Simon.
25.When will they start?
[A] At 8:00.  
[B] At 8:30.  
[C] At 9:00.
M: When shallwe start?
W: Now it’s8:30. We’ll start half an hour later.
第二部分 英语知识运用
第一节 单项填空

26.—May I come in?
— .What can I do for you?
[A] I’m notsure  
[B] No, thankyou
[C] Yes, please
【解析】句意:——我可以进来吗?——请进,我能为你做些什么?本题考查情景对话。上句是以情态动词May开头的一般疑问句,有空格后的“我能为你做些什么”可知这里的回答应是肯定的,即允许对方进来。因此C项正确。Iam not sure.表示不确定。No,thank you.表示礼貌地拒绝别人的好意。
27. Morgan wanted to show her father thatshe could take care a horse.
[A] for
[B] of  
[C] about
【解析】句意:摩根想要向的父亲证明她可以照顾好一匹马。本题考查固定搭配。take care of是固定搭配,表示“照顾,照料”。因此B项正确。
28. The man over there under the treeis teacher.
[A] Peter andBob’s 
[B] Peter andBob
[C] Peter’s andBob’s
【解析】句意:站在树下的那个男人是彼得和鲍勃的老师。本题考查名词所有格的用法。结合句意可知只有一位老师,而Peter’s and Bob’s指代的是两位老师,Peter and Bob’s指的是两人共同的一位老师。故选A。
29. David is still in high school. When he ,he wants to go to college.
[A] ends 
[B] stops
[C] finishes
30. The Browns spent holidaysin the country last summer.
[A] their  
[B] his
[C] her
【解析】句意:布朗一家去年夏天去乡下度假了。本题考查的是名词单复数的用法。定冠词the+姓氏复数指这一家人,所以the Browns指的是布朗一家,相应的物主代词也应为复数形式。故选A。
31. She goes to the same school mybrother.
[A] like   
[B] as
[C] than
【解析】句意:她和我弟弟在同一所学校。本题考查的是固定搭配。the same as表示“和……一样”,故选B。
32. Seven years have passed by welast met.
[A] while
[B] since
[C] until
33. Some of the apples in the basket havegone . Throw them away!
[A] ill
[B] wrong
[C] bad
【解析】句意:篮子里的有些苹果已经坏了,把它们扔掉吧。本题考查的是动词词组辨析。go bad变质,变坏。结合句意应该是苹果变质,坏掉了,故选C。go illwith对……不利(妙)。go wrong出错,发生故障。
34. Mr. Watsonasked the students to theirhomework.
[A] hand in 
[B] fill in
[C] get in
【解析】句意:华生老师让同学们把家庭作业交上来。本题考查的是动词词组辨析。hand in交上,递交,符合句意,故选A。fillin填满,填写。get in进入;抵达。
35. More and more people are using the Internetthings.
[A] buy  
[B] to buy
[C] bought
【解析】句意:越来越多的人用互联网来购物。本题考查不定式作目的状语的用法。use sth. to do用某物做……,不定式“to do”作目的状语,故选B。
36. James ate a big meal hesaid he wasn’t hungry.
[A] if  
[B] though  
[C] because
37. Some of the doctors are paid almosttwice as as the nurses.
[A] much  
[B] more  
[C] most
38.He’ll give you a call as soon as he .
[A] is arriving 
[B] will arrive
[C] arrives
【解析】句意:他一到就会立刻给你打电话。本题考查的是时间状语从句的用法。as soon as表示“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句时,如果主句为一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时,故选C。
39. He raised his voice in order to makehimself by more people.
[A] heard
[B] hearing 
[C] hear
【解析】句意:为了让自己的话被更多人听到,他提高了音量。本题考查的是固定搭配。通过分析句意可知,动词hear与路基主语himself为被动关系,故应用过去分词表示被动关系。make oneself understood/heard表示“使某人明白/听见自己说的话”,故选A。
40.She South America at the age of 15 and has never returned.
[A] leaves
[B] left 
[C] has left
第二节 完形填空
One Saturday,Mark and Jane decided to go to a hill near their village. They made some food totake along  41 lunch. The two friends talked andlaughed  42 they walked. When they got close tothe hill, they  43 see a tall tree on the top.
Mark  44out, “I’ll race (赛跑) you to the tree!”
Both childrenran as  45 as they could  46 thehill. As they arrived  47 the top, the children  48that there were large dark clouds in the sky.
“I think a storm(暴风雨)  49,” said Jane. The children ran down the hill quickly  50 Mark’shouse. Then it started to rain. Mark and Jane sat by a large window and atetheir food watching the storm.
41. [A] for [B]on  [C]with
42. [A] because  [B]since  [C]as
43. [A] could [B]would  [C]should
44. [A] calls  [B]called [C]has called
45. [A] quick [B]soon [C]fast
46. [A] around  [B]down  [C]up
47. [A] in [B]at [C]by
48. [A] noticed  [B]understood  [C]mentioned
49. [A] came [B]is coming [C]has come
50. [A] in [B]with [C]to
41.A 句意:他们带了一些食物当午餐。本题考查的是介词搭配。结合句意,表示午餐吃什么应用介词for,A项正确。on在……之上。with和。
42.C 句意:两个朋友边走边说边笑。本题考查的是连词的用法。两位朋友边说边笑边走,这是三个同时发生的动作,as表示“随着,当……时”,符合句意,故选C。because因为。since从……以后;因为。
43.A 句意:接近山丘时,他们看见山顶上一棵很高的树。本题考查的是情态动词的用法。结合句意,这里表示的是他们能看见山顶上的树,could表示“能够”,符合句意,故选A。would将要;愿意。should应该,可能。
44.B 句意:马克喊道:“我要和你比赛跑到那棵树”。本题考查的是动词的时态。整篇文章描述的是一件过去发生的事情,应该用一般过去时。故选B。A为一般现在时,C为现在完成时。
45.C 句意:两个孩子竭尽全力地往山上跑去。本题考查的是词义辨析。根据前面的动词run可知空格处应使用副词来修饰动词。fast主要用作副词,指运动着的人或物体速度快,符合题意,故选C。quick迅速的。soon很快。
46.C 句意:两个孩子竭尽全力地往山上跑去。本题考查的是介词搭配。结合文意,孩子们应该是往山上跑去,up表示“向上”,符合题意,故选C。down向下。around在……周围;到处。
47.B 句意:孩子们到达山顶后,发现天上布满了大块的乌云。本题考查的是介词搭配。arrive表示“到达”,为不及物动词。arrive in+相对大的地点,如城市名。arrive at+相对小的地点,如车站、飞机场、乡村。结合题意,山顶应属于比较小的地点,故选B。
48.A 句意:孩子们到达山顶后,发现天上布满了大块的乌云。本题考查的是动词词义辨析。结合文意,孩子们到山顶后注意到了天上的乌云, notice表示“注意到,察觉到”,符合题意,故选A。understand理解,懂。mention提及,说起。
49.B 句意:我觉得暴风雨就要来了。本题考查的是动词时态。结合句意,暴风雨即将来临,表示将要发生的事情,应使用正在进行时表将来,故选B。
50.C 句意:孩子们迅速地跑下了山,去了马克的家。本题考查的是介词的用法。to表示“向,到”,符合句意,故选C。in在……里。with和;具有;用。
第三部分 阅读理解
第一节 词语配伍

51.F 题干意为“人们在它里面查找生单词”。因此答案应为F项“字典”。
52.D 题干意为“人们用它来挡雨”。因此答案应为D项“雨伞”。
53.E 题干意为“人们早上会吃它。因此答案应为E项“早餐”。
54.C 题干意为“人们戴着它来掌握时间”。因此答案应为C项“手表”。
55.G 题干意为“人们读它来了解最新事件的报导”。因此答案应为G项“报纸”。。
第二节 短文理解1
阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Farmers do notlike crows (乌鸦)because these birds eat newly-planted seeds (种子). They are afraid that they will not haveanything left in autumn if the birds eat up all the seeds.
It is hard forfarmers to get close enough to kill crows. Crows have very good eyes and good hearing.They are also very careful. While some are eating the newly-planted seeds,others sit on the tallest trees around the fields. “Caw-caw-caw,” cries thefast crow to see farmers coming. All the other “lookout” crows join in thecrying and then, in no time at all, there is not a crow to be seen.
Farmers havefound several ways to kill crows. But it is good that there are still crowsabout.
These birds are ourfriends. They pay for the seeds they eat by killing pests (害虫). Onepest, for example, can eat up several plants in a few hours. With thousands ofthem at work in one night, we might find ourselves without food to eat. This iswhy we should not try to kill off the crow.
56. According to the writer, crows onlybring troubles to farmers.
[A] Right
[B] Wrong
[C] Doesn’t say
57. It is not easy for farmers to killcrows.
[AI Right
[B] Wrong
[C] Doesn’t say
58.Farmers can get paid by killing pests.
[A] Right
[B] Wrong
[C] Doesn’t say
59. Up to now, no ways have been found tokill crows.
[A] Right
[B] Wrong
[C] Doesn’t say
60.Crows eat seeds and pests at night.
[A] Right
[B] Wrong  
[C] Doesn’t say
56.B 原文第三段中提到“But it is good that there are still crowsabout. These birds are our friends. (好在还有一些乌鸦。这些鸟儿是我们的朋友。)”,即作者认为乌鸦并不总是给农民们带来麻烦。因此题干表述“作者认为乌鸦只会给农民带来麻烦”与原文意思不符,故应选B项。
57.A 原文第二段提到“It is hard for farmers to get close enoughto kill crows. Crows have very good eyes and good hearing. (农民们很难靠近并杀死乌鸦。乌鸦的视力和听力都相当好。)”,因此题干表述“农民们要杀死乌鸦并不容易”符合原文意思,故应选A项。
58.C 原文第三段中提到“They pay for the seeds they eat by killingpests. (这些鸟儿可以通过吃害虫来弥补它们所吃掉的种子。)”,但是文中并没有提及“农民可以通过杀死害虫来获得报酬”。因此本题应选C项。
59.B 原文第三段中提到“Farmers have found several ways to kill crows. (农民们已经找到了一些杀死乌鸦的方法。)”。因此题干表述“直到现在,人们还未找到任何可以杀死乌鸦的方法”与原文意思不符,故应选B项。
60.C 原文第一段中提到“these birds eat newly-planted seeds(乌鸦会吃掉新种下的种子)”,第三段中提到“乌鸦可以通过吃害虫来弥补它们所吃掉的种子。例如,一只害虫可以在短短的几个小时内吃光好几株植物,如果有上千只害虫,它们一晚上吃下来,我们自己就没东西可吃了”。但是文中并没有提及“乌鸦是在晚上吃种子和害虫”。因此本题应选C项。
第三节 短文理解2
Mara was goingto stay with her friend Fanny for three days. A week before her trip, she calledFanny to tell her when the train would arrive. Fanny asked Mara to wait for herat the west
entrance (人口) of the railway station.
The trainarrived early. Mara didn’t know the station very well and instead of going tothe west entrance, she went out of the north entrance and wailed for Fannythere.
Fanny checked atthe information desk and found that the train had already arrived. She lookedround near the west entrance of the station but couldn’t see Mata anywhere. Shebegan to think that Mara must have missed the train.
Mara waited atthe north entrance, but she couldn’t see Fanny. She decided that Fanny was notcoming to meet her after all. So she walked across the road to the bus stationand asked for the bus to Market Road, where Fanny lived.
You can imagine (想象) how surprised Fanny was whenshe arrived home and found Mara already talking to her mother.
61. When did Mara tell Fanny about hertrain ride?
[A] On the dayof her trip.
[B] A weekbefore her trip.
[C] Three daysbefore her trip.
62. Why did Mara go out of the northentrance instead of the west entrance?
[A] She didn’tsee Fanny at the west entrance.
[B] She didn’tknow the station very well.
[C] The northentrance was nearer.
63. Mara stopped waiting for Fanny at thestation because .
[A] she believedFanny was not coming to meet her
[B] she knewthe way to Fanny’s home
[C] she thoughtFanny was late
64. How did Mara get to Market Road afterthe train ride?
[A] On foot.
[B] By car. 
[C] By bus.
65.Where did Fanny meet Mara?
[A] At Fanny’s home.
[B] At thenorth entrance.
[C] At theinformation desk.
61.B 细节题。题目问的是:“玛拉什么时候告诉范妮她坐的是哪班火车的?”,根据文章第一段第二句“A week before her trip, she called Fanny to tell her when the trainwould arrive.”,由此可知,玛拉在旅行之前一周打电话告诉了范妮她坐的火车什么时候到达。故选B。
62.B 细节题。题目问的是:“为什么玛拉从北入口出来了,而不是西入口?”,文章第二段第二句提到“Mara didn’t know the station very well and instead of going to thewest entrance, she went out of the north entrance and wailed for Fanny there.”,由此可知,玛拉是因为对火车站不是很熟,所以走错了,故选B。
63.A 细节题。题目问的是:“玛拉不在火车站等范妮了是因为……”,文章第四段第二句提到“She decided that Fanny was not coming to meet her after all.”,然后她就坐公交去了范妮家。由此可以推断出,玛拉觉得范妮不会来接她了,所以没有继续在火车站等范妮,故选A。
64.C 推断题。题目问的是:“下火车后玛拉是如何到达市场路的?”,文章第四段最后一句提到“So she walked across the road to the bus station and asked for thebus to Market Road, where Fanny lived.”,由此可知,玛拉去马路对面的公交车站问了到市场路,也就是范妮家住的那条街的公交车,所以玛拉是坐公交车去市场路的,故选C。
65.A 推断题。题目问的是:“范妮在哪里见到了玛拉?”,文章最后一句提到“You can imagine how surprised Fanny was when she arrived home andfound Mara already talking to her mother.”,由此可知,范妮回家后发现玛拉在和她妈妈聊天,所以范妮是在家里见到了玛。故选A。
Today we aresure that the mail will be sent every day to our door. But in the early days,no one could be sure about where—or when—themail would arrive.
There is a stump(树桩) of a big treein the state of Washington. It was once a “post office”. Because people needed aplace for the mail carrier (信使) to leave their letters, they found a tree at the cross of roadsand cut it down ten feet from the ground. Then they hollowed it out and coveredit with something. Inside, they put many boxes. Each box had a family’s name onit. The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone.
Even earlier,when there was no post services, people gave their letters to any travellergoing in the right direction. Often they gave them to a travelling shoe maker.The traveller might stop in a small hotel and he would leave the letters there.But the letters stayed there until the person to receive them happened to comeby and stop at the hotel.
Today an airmailletter can travel across the world in much less time than that. And you know thatyour letter will go where you want it to go, and when.
66.What is the text about?
[A] The uses ofa mail box.
[B] The earlydays of the mail.
[C] The postservice in Washington State.
67.Why did people cut down the tree?
[A] To make itinto a “post office”.
[B] To use itfor building houses.
[C] To buildmail boxes.
68. What does “hollowed it out” mean in “Thenthey hollowed it out...”?
[A] Made itsinside empty.  
[B] Covered itsstump up. 
[C] Cut itshort.
69. Who often worked as a mail carrier whenthere was no post service?
[A] A hotelowner. 
[B] A letterwriter.  
[C] A shoemaker.
70. What do we know about the post servicein the old days?
[A] Hotelsoffered post service.
[B] Letterswere sent to the door.
[C] Whenletters would arrive was not clear.
66.B 主旨题。题目问的是:“这篇文章主要讲的是什么?”,文章第一段“Today we are sure thatthe mail…But in the early days…”引出了话题:早期的邮政服务。结合文章的整体内容,本文主要讲的就是早期的邮政服务。故选B。
67.A 细节题。题目问的是:“为什么人们砍断了那棵树?”,根据从文章第二段中提到的“It was once a ‘post office’…they found a tree at the cross of roadsand cut it down ten feet from the ground.”,由此可知,人们砍断了这棵树,把它做成了一个“邮局”,故选A。
68.A 词汇题。题目问的是:“‘Then they hollowed it out...’这句话中的‘hollowed it out’是什么意思?”,根据下一句话“Inside, they put many boxes.”,可以推断出人们是将树挖空了。故选A。“hollowedit out”是挖空的意思。
69.C 细节题。题目问的是:“在没有邮政服务的时候,是什么人充当了信使?”,根据文章第三段第二句提到的“…people gave their letters to any traveller going in the rightdirection. Often they gave them to a travelling shoe maker.”,由此可知,没有邮政服务的时候,人们会把信件托付给四处旅行做生意的鞋匠。故选C。
70.C 推理题。题目问的是:“关于古代的邮政服务,我们可以知道的有哪些?”,根据文章第一段第二句“But in the early days, no one could be sure about where—or when—the mail would arrive.”,由此可推断出,人们不确定信件什么时候会到达,故选C。
第四部分 写作
第一节 改写句子
71.It was Tony’s dream to visit Australia.
Tony dreamed ofAustralia.
72. His dream came true when an Australianfriend invited him.
His dream cametrue when he by an Australianfriend.
73. He visited not only Sydney but alsoMelbourne in Australia.
He visited both Sydney Melbourne in Australia.
本题考查动词词组的用法。dream of doing sth.表示“梦想做某事”,of为介词,后接动词ing形式,所以空格处应填visiting。
72.was invited
本题考查被动语态。一般过去时的被动语态为was\were+done,所以空格处应填was invited。
本题考查的是连词的用法。not only…but also…表示“不仅……而且……”,相当于both…and…,表示“两者都……”故空格处应填and。
第二节 书面表达

Dear Lara,
How is it goingrecently? I’m sorry to trouble you, but I really need you to do me a favour. MyEnglish literature teacher asked us to read Wuthering Heights written byEmily Bronte and then writte a report. But I just can’t find the book anywhere inmy town. Would you please help me to buy one and mail it to me.
Thanks for yourtime! I would appreciate your help!
Li Min

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