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默然回首 发表于 07-1-28 22:00:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
just for fun~[s:7]

1. honorificabilitudinitatibus

  这个字是由27个字母组成的。出现在大文豪莎士比亚的剧本「空爱一场」love’s labour’s lost里,意思是「不胜光荣」。

  2. antidisestablishmentarianism

  这个字是由28个字母组成的。根据范克和华格若尔斯编的「英语新标准辞」里面的解释,这个字的意思是「反对教会与国家分开学说」。它曾被英国首相格来斯顿William Ewart Gladstone,1809-1898引述过一次。

  3. floccinaucinihilipipification


  4. supercalifragilisticexpiadocious

  这个字是由34个字母组成的。出现在一部名叫Mary Poppins的电影里,意思是「好」。

  5. hepaticocholecystostcholecystntenterostomy


  6. pneumonoultramicyoscpicailicovolcanoconiosis


7. antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops of the coprofied



 这个字是由51个字母组成的。它是人体构造一术语,曾出现在英国作家皮考克thomaslovepeacock,1785-1866那本名叫headlong hall的小说中。

有who能Spell出来吗 ^lOl^
ruirui69 发表于 07-1-28 22:17:03 | 显示全部楼层
can\'t spell, my tongune is too tired![s:2]
 楼主| 默然回首 发表于 07-1-29 14:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ruirui69 于 2007-1-28 10:17 PM 发表
can\'t spell, my tongune is too tired![s:2]

[s:7] my tonge is twistered[s:8]
talentmonkey 发表于 07-1-30 14:32:15 | 显示全部楼层
i think the sixth word must be known to most chinese sthdents
from the GRE study,just a exemple.
 楼主| 默然回首 发表于 07-1-30 18:47:27 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 talentmonkey 于 2007-1-30 02:32 PM 发表
i think the sixth word must be known to most chinese sthdents
from the GRE study,just a exemple.

it seems GRE is so terrible
and monkey ,have you joined GRE?
talentmonkey 发表于 07-1-30 19:44:37 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 默然回首 于 2007-1-30 06:47 PM 发表

it seems GRE is so terrible
and monkey ,have you joined GRE?

also it is too late.but i want to join it this year.and you?
 楼主| 默然回首 发表于 07-1-31 13:25:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 talentmonkey 于 2007-1-30 07:44 PM 发表

also it is too late.but i want to join it this year.and you?

I have no plan.
IT seems GRE is like a cake in the heaven ,and I never think for that.

but best wishes for you and please share good things in reviewing   GRE.
and we will thank you [s:7]
talentmonkey 发表于 07-2-1 21:37:45 | 显示全部楼层
thank you
and it\'s my pleasure[s:2]
xtcat 发表于 07-2-2 14:58:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 默然回首 发表于 07-2-6 15:12:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 talentmonkey 于 2007-2-1 09:37 PM 发表
thank you
and it\'s my pleasure[s:2]

[s:7] my pleasure to enjoy your pleasure
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