仅此而已,此所谓泛读,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
字体我放了大号的,这样方便大家看,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,但是也会显得比较多哦,不要害怕
When in doubt, fire the boss
AIG at least had a talented successor on hand in Mr Willumstad, though the ex-Citigroup executive's talents are in banking rather than insurance. It would be nice to see Mr Sullivan's removal as evidence that splitting the chairman and chief executive jobs—a division common in Europe, but not America—improves corporate governance.
splitting: 爆裂式的
The Booz study found that less than one-third of North American chief executives who were forced out in 2007 were at one time in their tenure also their firms' chairman, while 57% served under boards that had always been chaired by other people. On the other hand, a chairman who has ambitions to run a big financial firm, as Mr Willumstad did, may create conflicts of interest that complicate the firm’s governance process. We shall see.
chair: n. 椅子,席位,讲座v. 担任(某事务)的主席,动词过去式:chaired
Meanwhile, financial-company boards seem determined to treat their chief executives like a sports-team owner treats his coach after a bad season. So who’s next for the spike? Washington Mutual’s chief executive, Kerry Killinger, has already been stripped of his chairmanship, so he’s drinking in the Last Chance Saloon.
stripped: v. 剥夺(拆卸,拉丝,露天开采)
And what about Dick Fuld, the boss of Lehman Brothers, whose position until recently seemed unassailable? His decision last week to remove two of his top lieutenants, including the CFO, from their jobs, hot on the heels of a desperate capital-raising exercise and ahead of the record loss announced on June 16th, smacked of panic. Things had better start improving fast at Lehman. Mr Fuld has no one left to blame.
unassailable: a. 攻不破的(无争论余地的,无懈可击的)
lieutenant: n. 中尉,助理人员,副官