1.短对话 1)综合推断类题型: 综合推断类题旨在考察考生理解对话深层含义或内涵的能力。要求考生在听懂对话内容的基础上,根据对话双方的语调、语气和情景等信息,结合自己的语言知识、语法知识、生活常识、文化背景知识等进行归纳、推理和判断,透过表面词语意义,领会说话人的深层含义或真实意图。这类题涉及面较广,提问的形式也比较多样。常见的提问方式如下: What does the man/woman mean/imply/indicate? What can you infer/learn from the conversation? What can be inferred from the conversation? What do you learn from the man’s/woman’s response? What do you learn from the conversation? What does the conversation tell us? What are they talking about? What can we conclude from the man’s reply? What happened to the man/woman? 例: A.It call help solve complex problems. B. It will most likely prove ineffective. C. It is a new weapon against terrorists. D. It will help detect all kinds of liars. 原文为: Man:I hear a newly invented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists.Isn’t it incredible? Woman:Simple solutions to complex problems rarely succeed. As far as I know, no such drugs are ever known to work. Question:What does the woman think of the new drug? (B) 解析:从选项看,该题内容涉及某项新东西的性能。女士首先说: “听说新发明了一种药物能让人讲实话,这用来审讯恐怖分子恐怕不错。妙吧?”可是男士的态度来了个大转弯,他说:“对复杂问题来说,简单的解决办法很少行得通。据我所知,从没听说这类药管用过。”他首先以普遍规律否定了这类药物的有效性,进而又强调此类药物没有成功的先例。从而表明他认为该药恐怕不会有什么效果。 综合推断类题包罗万象,但归根结蒂旨在考察考生的综合理解力以及逻辑推理能力。所以遇到此类题型,考生一定要注意: ①通过选项分析预测关键信息可能内容或趋势。 ②根据预测分析注意捕捉相关信息。考生要首先听清对话内容,然后透过字面意思,体会讲话人的言外之意。 ③保持清晰的思路,根据选项提示,结合对话内容进行合乎逻辑的推论。 2)职业、身份、地点与人物关系类题型 判断职业、身份、地点与人物关系是听力测试中又一常见题型。这类题型考察人物的职业、身份,谈话发生的地点,以及谈话者之间的关系。对话中经常提供一个情节或情境,反映所涉及人物的职业、身份、彼此关系等。大部分隋况下,这类题目的选项特征相当明显:要么是四种不同的职业,要么是四个不同身份的人,要么是四个地点,要么是四种不同的人物关系。这类题型的常见提问方式有: Who is the man/woman? What is the man/woman? What are the speakers? Who are the two speakers? What is the man’s/woman’s job/occupation/profession? What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? Where does the conversation most probably take place? 例: A. Colleagues. B. Husband and wife. C. Employer and employee. D. Mother and son. 原文为: Women:John,what are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise? Man:This is not a game.It’s only a cross word puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary. Question:What is the probable relationship between the speakers? ( D ) 解析:本题属于人物关系类题型。选项的特征已明显说明要考察四种不同的人物关系。解题的关键是根据两人之间的谈话内容以及双方的语气来判断。女士问:“你在电脑上干什么?你难道忘记你的承诺了吗?”男士回答:“这不是电脑游戏,只是一个帮助我扩大词汇量的拼字游戏。”由关键词increase my vocabulary,基本可以判断男士的学生身份。加上女士反问的语气,综合考虑一下,正确答案应是母子关系。 例:A. At the airport. B. In a restaurant. C. In the booking office. D. At the hotel reception. 原文为: Woman: We don’t seem to have a reservation for you, sir.I’m sorry. Man:But my secretary said that she had reserved a room for me here. I phoned her from the airport this morning just before I got onboard the plane. Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place? ( D ) 解析:本题属于地点判断题。从所给选项就可清晰知晓问题一定是判断谈话地点的。所以听音时要特别留意表明地点的词语。女士的话的“似乎没有您的预定”已经告诉我们这里可能是酒店或餐馆,男士的话中“给我订了房间”的信息使我们进一步确认谈话地点是在酒店。 遇到职业身份与人物关系类题型,基本解题步骤应为: ① 浏览选项,确认题目类型。 ② 听音时捕捉线索词,以便抓住关键信息,做出准确的判断。该题型的关键是线索词。无论职业和人物关系,还是谈话地点都只能根据这些线索推导出来。对大多数情景来说,考生无须听懂整个句子或对话连贯的意思,只要听清几个孤立的线索词就能解题。因此听音时要注意捕捉对话中出现的与说话人身份、对话的时间、地点等相关的线索词或关键词,并根据这些进行推断,选出正确答案。 ③ 留意对话中双方的说话方式及语气。如前面的例2中所提到的:母亲质问的语气,可以帮助我们判断两人之间的关系。另外很多情况下,一些见面常用语也可以暗示某种职业。如:Can I help you? 一般是服务行业人员的用语,而What’s wrong with you?是医生的常用语。 |