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 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-22 20:32:06 | 只看该作者
The traditon of sharp debate and savage satire goes back to an era before Western democracy as we known it today had fully deweloped.It begins with the religious controversies of the 16th centuey.The Reformation in the 16th century split the Christian church in the West between Roman Catholics,who continued to give their allegiance to the pope,and Protestants ,who utterly rejected his authority.
 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-23 20:47:38 | 只看该作者
Many of the theological debates which occurred then may seem to us  today to be intellectual,academic and sterile.At the time this was not the case.Governments and peoples,convinced that they had a monopoly of the Truth,killed ruthlessly in order to stamp out  what they considered to be dangerous error.We are accustomed to thinking of the Cold War as a deep and dangerous ideological struggle.The religious debates of the 16th and 17th centuries were just as deep and dangerous,if not more so.
湮落梓涵 发表于 14-1-23 20:53:54 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-23 20:59:05 | 只看该作者
湮落梓涵 发表于 2014-1-23 20:53

 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-24 22:18:55 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-25 22:16:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 小四爷 于 14-1-26 22:25 编辑

This,then ,is where the sharp argumentative nature of Western culture finds its origin.And the sharpness of the debates was particularly evident in Britain.In the mid-17th century Britain suffered a civil war which was at least partly caused by religious differences between the king and his opponents.One of the issues at stake was whether the king should be able to continue to impose a particular form of religion on every citizen in the country,or whether there should be greater religious freedom and independence.In 1644 the poet John Milton,who later served in the government of Oliver Cromwell,published a major defence of press freedom called Areopagitica.
其次,这就是西方文化辩论天性锋利激烈的原因。并且辩论直指人心这一点在英国体现的尤为明显。17世纪中期的英国,在一场国王与其反对者之间经历了一场由于宗教差异等因素造成的一场内战。在一件事情上发生的分歧使局势危如累卵,这件事就是关于国王是否英国继续向国家中的每一个公民征收一份宗教税,或者是否应该给宗教更多自由和独立。1644年诗人john Milton,在奥利弗克伦威尔的政府任职,出版了一个重要的自由辩论的书籍,叫做Areopagita
 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-26 22:11:46 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 小四爷 于 14-1-26 22:26 编辑

Then in the 1670s the first political parties,the Whigs and the Tories,were formed,once again as a direct result of religious controversy.(The heart of the matter was a debate as to whether a Roman Catholic should be able to succeed to the throne)Political parties caused the traditon of debate to become embedded in British life.In parliament the two parties sat facing each other and expected to disagree and argue.Abroad,many of the more advanced thinkers,particularly in France,were very jealous of this tradition of free and open debate.The great French writer,Voltaire,for example,praised England in his Lettres Anglaises.
然后在十六世纪七十年代, 辉格党和保守党作为第一批形成的政党是多次宗教争端的直接产物。(核心问题在于争论罗马教皇是否能够成功登上宝座)政党使辩论这一传统深深嵌入英国生活中。两方政党在议会中面对面坐着预料到了争议和不一致。在国外,尤其是在法国,许多先进思想者十分妒忌这种自由开放辩论的传统。比如,法国伟大作家Voltaire在他的letres Anglaises中赞美了英国。
 楼主| 小四爷 发表于 14-1-27 23:10:27 | 只看该作者
In the early 18th century a coffee house culture grew up in England.In coffee houses people would not only drink coffee but also read newspapers and discuss politics and literature.By 1720 there were 12 London and 24 provincial newspapers.A century later the figures had risen to 52 London newspapers and over 100 others.
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