本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-31 16:43 编辑
*ST_陌颜ヅ轩 发表于 2013-10-27 21:19 ![]()
How to choose
As is shown in the picture, there are several roads before graduates, such as search ...
写作原文 As is shown in the picture,there are several roads before graduates, such as searching for a job, getting ready for the Postgraduate Exam(用postgraduate entrance exams较好), going abroad, trying to build your own entrepreneur(改为enterprise,entrepreneur是“企业家”的意思). How do we choose?(前面用的是your,因此最好改为How would you choose?) (第一段点评:文章首段描述图画,最大的优点是表述言简意赅。此外,末尾用疑问句能够引发人的思考,并点明文章的主题——“选择”。)
Making a proper choice is not easy,since every road has rough(rough是形容词,把has改为is), and every cloud has its linen(every cloud has a silver lining). What is more,every student has its(his)own conditions, interests, and characteristics. Thus, there is no road that fits everyone. The result is, many graduates in the picture feel nervous, looking like a small boat on the sea. (第二段点评:文章的第二段从两方面来阐述选择之所以困难的原因,一方面选择具有不确定性,另一方面个人情况不同——这也是图述学生犹豫不决的原因。文章的内容选取较好,衔接也比较自然,不足之处在于这一部分有点儿短小,可以从内容方面或者语言表达层面进行扩充。)
Seen from the God(此处有何用意?), every road could lead you to Roma. Just try what you like, (去掉逗号)and go ahead. Searching for swifter, higher, stronger,(for是介词,后面跟名词或者动名词等)(加and) never give up, and you would be outstanding. (此处应为“祈使句+and/or/then”句型,改为Search for speed, height,and strength and never give up,then you will be outstanding.) As a graduate,I choose to go for (take part in) the Postgraduate Exam, because I have a dream to be a scientist. No matter what the last scores (final score/scores)would be, I will try my best. (第三段点评:针对如何选择这一问题,作者给出了自己的看法——“选择自己喜欢的并坚持努力,一定会有所收获”,同时列举自己的例子说明无论做出什么选择都要勇往直前。本段内容较好,具有正能量,体现出作者独到的见解。)
总体点评 文章的优点在于行文思路清晰,内容较好,有自己的见解,给人一种短小精悍的感觉。但是,文章存在以下几方面问题: 1. 文章的字数也比较少。考研英语一规定的作文字数在160—200之间,而本文只有153个字。须知阅卷老师阅文无数,字不够或者字太多一眼就看得出来,一定要达到字数要求。 2. 文章有一些语法问题:词语词性不清every road has rough;物主代词选用不合适every student has its;介词后跟成分不清Searching for swifter, higher, stronger;“祈使句+and/or/then”句型未掌握…… 3. 注意一些同源单词词义的区别,如enterprise和entrepreneur。 4. 文章有单词拼写错误linen。 5. 由于受到汉语思维的影响,文章一些词语的选用和表达不够精准和地道。 总之,文章在行文思路、内容选取以及衔接方面都很不错,作者需重视文章的字数、语法、单词及表达的选用等方面的问题。此外,要想取得更高的分数,可以往“使用丰富的词语和语法结构”方面努力,并适当使用几个长句,使文章长短结合,这也是扩充文章字数的一个办法。有付出就有收获,加油! 参考分数(满分20分):9 考研1号编辑部 2013年 10月31日