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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-29 17:28:12 | 只看该作者
五妖妖 发表于 2013-10-29 15:55

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-29 17:28:44 | 只看该作者
风轩云冕御龙天 发表于 2013-10-29 17:02

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-30 09:03:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-30 09:15 编辑
子书十二 发表于 2013-10-26 22:50

    The given photo makes an obvious perception that everywhere there must be a crossroa ...

    The given photo makes an obvious perception that everywhere there must be a crossroad in frontof us. Just like the slogan(加says语意完整), (加going表意更完整)left or right, it’s all about yourself, and only you can decide which one will be your direction and(去掉)no matter how it looks like(后面的material or moral与look like搭配不合理,此处最好换一种表达), bright or dark, varied or innocent(此处想表达什么意思,“复杂或者简单”?可用complicated or simple), material or moral.
    (第一段点评:文章开门见山地指出图画蕴含的意义,这一点我个人比较欣赏。但是,作者并没有明确地描述图画,而只是用The given photo makes an obvious perception that everywhere there must be a crossroad in front of us意指图画,有种打擦边球的感觉。注意考研英语作文是应试作文,文章首段描述图画已经成为约定俗成的必须。)

    It is pretty clear that this picture wants to remind us life is full of choices. And when you confront millions of routes, it’s you, not anyone else, who have to be the one to undertake the responsibility to create a unique life. I believe that we all heard that some graduates complained they don’t like their major,they can’t find a job they truly love, and most of them blamed these on theirparents who had “compelled” them to choose such things they don’t prefer.时态应该对应统一,且描述一般普遍现象常用相应的现在时态。因此,此句可组织为 I believe we often hear some graduates complain about things like how they dislike their major ,or they won’t find a desired and suitable job after graduate, which are contributed to their parents who have compelled them to choose such things against their will.)
    (第二段点评:文章第二段先用一句“It is pretty clear that this picture wants to remind us life is full of choices.”把图画与话题联系起来,接着说明选择要靠自己,并列举不依靠自己做出选择的反例,从侧面说明自己选择自己道路的重要性。思路清晰,内容较好。)

    Can you see anything ironic about it? I guess the answer will be positive. There is an unaware double-standard in some people’s minds. On the one hand, they desire to make their own life. On the contrary, it has become a custom to be guided by others, who are parents at most time(用especially by parents in most cases较好). And when things can’t meet their expectations, they would like to roar hysterically: “it is not my fault.” And I consider it the most ashamed (改为shameful,ashamed是指主语主观感到羞愧与可耻,而shameful多指行为等从客观而言是可耻的) behavior. And as an adult who has an(去掉,后面的thoughts是复数)independent thoughts and soul, it is not valuable to live a life like that. We should remember that choiceis always in our hand(改为destiny/fate is in our own hands较好).

    本文最大的优点在于文章围绕“Only you can choose yourdirection这一中心来写,扣题紧密。此外,文章主体部分是通过列举一个反例来展开,内容比较通俗、具体。

    1.文章有些许语法问题:①连词多余;②文章部分语句的时态选用不是很合理,且前后未保持一致;③冠词的误用an independent thoughts。需仔细认真,并对遗漏的知识点进行巩固复习。
    2. 文章首段应明确地描述图画,最好不要意指。
    3. 注意近义词的辨析,如ashamedshameful
    4. 文章有的地方受到汉语影响,表达不够地道;还有一些地方语意不是很精准和完整。
                                                                                                                                              2013年 10月30


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 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-30 09:12:56 | 只看该作者
Drift547 发表于 2013-10-26 22:21
   In the above picture, four completely different roads diverge  ...

子书十二 发表于 13-10-30 09:56:08 | 只看该作者
考研1号编辑部 发表于 2013-10-30 09:03
写作原文    The given photo makes an obvious perception that everywhere there must be  ...


而且我有种轻微的强迫症,因为背了好几篇文都是“as is vividly depicted...”,我背得都要吐了,所以总是想换个样子写。可是貌似有些力不从心,勉强了。

黑眼圈olivia 发表于 13-10-30 10:48:26 | 只看该作者
arthashao 发表于 2013-10-26 20:03
Have you ever made choices in critical moments? Have you ever been anxious about which option in fro ...

黑眼圈olivia 发表于 13-10-30 10:50:40 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-30 11:40:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-30 11:48 编辑
子书十二 发表于 2013-10-30 09:56
这个“不一致”的问题我已经第二次犯了,上次诸位不一致, ...

    你可以看看其他考生的文章,看看大家都是怎样引出图画的,比如楼上arthashao的“Have you ever made choices in critical moments? Have you ever been anxious about which option in front of you is the best? If not, you must consider these two questions when you look at the picture above..."以及悠弥北北”All roads lead to Rome, which one belongs to you? “采用疑问引出图画就是一种很好的方法。可以借鉴别人好的表达,加以创造,形成自己特有的表达。最好不要通过背诵来写文章,因为记忆的东西是一成不变的,并且很多人同时都在使用,不利于得分。多看看其他人的写作,只要思路拓宽了,写起来就会游刃有余,加油哦[t:12]
 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-30 11:47:01 | 只看该作者
黑眼圈olivia 发表于 2013-10-30 10:50

 楼主| 考研1号编辑部 发表于 13-10-30 15:56:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-10-31 09:00 编辑
小椰 发表于 2013-10-27 12:13

In the middle of the picture stan ...

    In the middle of the picture stands a direction board,(去掉逗号)indicating two distinct ways. In front of them, many might be confused and hesitate to make a choice,especially when one road leads to high socioeconomic status while another to their original ideals.And a question might occur to them:Are we truly able to choose a correct direction?
    (第一段点评:文章首段描述图片,阐明现象。内容衔接比较自然,且倒装句的使用为文章增色不少。不过,文章提到socioeconomic status和original ideals稍显狭隘,需知选择包含多个方面,人们之所以会产生困扰的根本在于“不同的选择将带来不同的人生,一旦前行即没有退路”,因此必须慎重。)

    “Only you can choose your directions(direction,细心)", clearly illustrated in the caption,the answer seems self-evident. (如果把中间的clearly illustrated in the caption作为插入语来理解,则其前后部分应该是一个句子。但是,此处却不然,因此应换一种表达。可改为:As is clearly illustrated in the caption,“Only you can choose your derection”, thus , what you should do seems to be self-evident.)However, some argue that various social factors contribute to young people's ultimate choices. Youngsters graduate from colleges with nothing other than a few certificates, as well as their confusion and fear for the severe reality. Thus making choices becomes a mission difficult (difficult mission) for them. In addition, lured by temptations of unreasonable material and power worship in our society, those young men easily choose to run after money and social status, ignoring their previous pursuit of spirit or morality.

    Blaming the society is nothing new, but it is not as if youngsters are hardly responsible for their decisions of chasing material satisfaction other than noble ideals. In fact, the truth maybe (may be)just the opposite: youngsters, as independent individuals, do have enough discretion to make proper choices. When encounter(encountering) tough selection dilemmas, it is their strong resolve of spiritual pursuit,deeply burned in their heart, eventually plays a crucial role in determining whether they can stay true to their original ideals. (此句应为一个强调句,但由于遗漏了that使一个句子中出现了两个谓语动词——is和plays,在eventually前加that)
    1. 文章是对图画所示现象的一种具化,people具化为youngsters, choices具化为socioeconomic status和original ideals。把现象具体化使得现象不再空泛,写起来更有话说。但是,具化同时会存在一个问题,如果程度拿捏不好就会使文章的内容狭隘,甚至切题不够紧密。本文论述物质和精神方面相对较多,易使人误以为话题是“理想和现实/物质和精神的选择”。
    2. 相对作者第二期活动的作文,从内容之间的联系而言,此篇作文已经有了很大的改善。但需注意文章主体第二段有的地方逻辑不是很严谨。
    3. 文章有些许语法错误,如形容词与名词的位置颠倒,非谓语动词/现在分词的使用,强调句that的遗漏等,应该细心。
    4. 注意断句——逗号的使用。

                                                                                                                                              2013年 10月30


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