2012年12月22日,在世界本应该“末日”之后的第一天,九百多万中国的年轻人,在这寒冷冬天的清晨,迈进了四、六级考场,开始了他们对于“末日”的又一场“战争”! 然而这场战争,并不那么容易取得胜利,很多人在看到作文题目的那一瞬间,他们的心都停止了,都粉碎了——只因为,曾几何时,他们过于相信某些人类的相关“押题”,导致的是自己根本没有实际的动脑并且动手去写上些作文,去掌握些句子,去运用写段落! 而,我在考前的最后提高公开课程中,明确说过,不要“押题”,押不中失常,押上了,但是没背,只能崩溃! 我也说过,希望大家明白“任你几路来,我只一路去”的写作王道,即不论出题人怎么变化,我们都只写自己的作文,让他琢磨去吧。我们也要注意今年的作文题目,在此,笔者使用自己之前在网上已经公布的作文模版来实际书写一下这次四级作文的题目,以验证我所说的写作“王道”。 在对比过程之中,红色为现场添加,蓝色为主题或图片内容,黑色为原有内容。 写作一步一定项审题: ![]()
有的同学一看到这个题目,就开始忍不住要问候一些与自己,与考试都不相关的人,个人认为这完全没有必要! 我曾经在课上讲过,15秒钟必须进入动笔写作的状态,否则时间上来不及! 那么在审题之后,我们得到了一下几个信息: 第一,没有中文的说明,故我们想怎么写就怎么写。 第二,有图片,要加上描述图片的“废话”。 第三,图片中有单词,有数据,嘿嘿,字数要是不够,这下有着落了…… 于是开始写:第一段:引入现象 因为这是图片题,所以先上句“应景”的废话“As we can see from the picture that”,其余的部分直接往上写我们的模版“nowadays, the phenomenon of …… has aroused wide concern among the people who care about the young people's future”记得要把原来的“……”换成关键词“Education Pays”,要不就跑题了!剩下的随便写写,凑足字数就好了。 第一段可以写成: As we can see from the picture that nowadays, the phenomenon of Education Pays has aroused wide concern among the people who care about the young people's future. Especially to the young generation living in the big cities, they tend to put the pays to the first place but not the degree, ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to their present career and may even endanger futures. 第二段可以有两种写法,即第一种,说明这个“Education Pays”的原因,我给大家了四个原因写上一个就行。第一种写成:现象原因。 Ample reasons can account for the issue of Education Pays,the following one might be the most critical .For the majority of young people, they have been always considering the education as a bothering thing to do or not a opportunity that can add color to the dull routine of every day life.So,they want to get a job as early as possible.But, as matter of fact, as the picture described, the people who have learned more earn more than others And,in the picture, the ones who have the doctoral degree earn more XXXX than the ones who have only a degree as bachelor. 在这个段落中,最后一句话,我着重引用了一下图片的数据,比较了一下,没写倍数,那东西一不留神就写错,不写! 第二段也还可以写成:现象讨论,即大家对这个事儿看法不一致。有的人觉得这个事儿对什么好,有的人觉得这个事儿对什么坏!写上就好,因为,无论什么事儿,大家的观点都不是一致的哦!第二段第二种如下: Does anyone maintain the same attitude towards this issue?Definitely not,as a matter of fact,opinions vary from person to person. Some argue that Education Pays is beneficial to doctors, because, by this way,they can earn mare money. However ,quite a few people hold the opposite opinion that Education Pays is detrimental to the ones who learn the skills through hard works.But,most of people agree that the demerits of less education far outweigh its merits 以上这个段落,大家根据自己的想法写上一个就好了,可别都写,真的写不下的! 第三段,其实万古不变,就是个人观点,观点最好是建议或者对策,照着之前给出的三个,随便写写好了: To my way of thinking, the issue mentioned above will bound to generate more consequences if we keep turning a blind eye and deaf ear to it. We should appeal to the relevant administration departments to strengthen supervision over it.And,it is high time that all of us ,parents,educators,and the authorities, make combined efforts to tell the young people the fact about the Education Pays. With this measure taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future. 呵呵,于是,作文就写完了。 第二段为原因的字数为:267(有点多……)、 第二段为讨论的字数为:241(还是的……) 一定要注意我多次强调的主题词,要在三个段落都重复的哦! 好了,我们四级过了的话,大家六级、考研也要加油啊!