Useful Language
●introduce yourself:自我介绍
My name is…
●ask for permission:征求同意
May I take a picture of you and your little boy?
●introduce a conversation:引出话题
By the way…
●thank someone:向人道谢
I appreciate your help.
Thank you.
Thanks again.
●respond to someone thanking you:回答别人的道谢
My pleasure.
You\'re welcome.
●start talking to a stranger:与陌生人攀谈
Excuse me.
●say good-bye after meeting someone for the first
It was nice meeting you.
It was a pleasure meeting you.
●describe something:描述事、物
A small canvas bag.
●compliment someone:赞美别人
I think it looks terrific on you.
●make suggestions:提出建议
Try this (sweater).
How about green?
I\'m sorry I\'m so late.
I\'m really sorry.
●ask for help:请求协助
Can you help me?
●reassure someone:为人打气
Don\'t worry.
●ask if someone found something:询问别人是否捡到东西
Did anyone find a small canvas bag?
●introduce someone:介绍别人
Let me introduce you.
This is…
●respond to an introduction:介绍后回答
How do you do?
It\'s nice to meet you.
●correct yourself:改正言辞错误
It\'s Richard\'s film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas.
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to call home?
Can I drive you home?
●thank someone:向人道谢
I\'m so glad you took the time and trouble to return (the bag).
●respond to thanks:回答别人的道谢
It was no trouble.
●accept an offer:接受别人好意
I\'d appreciate that.
●refuse an offer:婉拒别人好意
No, thanks.