胡国渊,男,1942年10月16日出生于苏州市,1970年毕业于南京医学院医疗系,1981年在上海药物所获药理学硕士学位,1990年在挪威 Oslo 大学获神经生理学博士学位,1992年回所工作,现任研究员、博士生导师、新药研究国家重点实验室主任。
1. Hu GY, Hvalby , Walaas SI, Albert KA, Skjeflo P, Andersen P, Greengard P. Protein kinase C injection into hippocampal pyramidal cells elicits features of long term potentiation. Nature (Lond.) 328:426-429, 1987
2. Hu GY, Hvalby , Lacaille JC, Piercey B, stberg T, Andersen P. Synaptically triggered action potentials begin as a depolarizing ramp in rat hippocampal neurones in vitro. J. Physiol. (Lond.) 453:663-687, 1992
3. Chen W, Zhang JJ, Hu GY, Wu CP. Different mechanisms underlying the repolarization of the narrow and wide action potentials in pyramidal cells and interneurons of cat motor cortex. Neuroscience 73:57-68, 1996
4. Zhang JM, Hu GY. Huperzine A, a nootropic alkaloid, inhibits N-methyl-D-aspartate- induced current in rat dissociated hippocampal neurons. Neuroscience 105:663-669, 2001
5. Hu GY, Biro Z, Hill RH, Grillner S. Intracellular QX-314 causes depression of membrane potential oscillation in lamprey spinal neurons during fictive locomotion. J. Neurophysiol. 87:2676-2683, 2002
6. Zhao XY, Wang Y, Li Y, Chen XQ, Yang HH, Yue JM, Hu GY. Songorine, a diterpenoid alkaloid of the genus Aconitum, is a novel GABAA receptor antagonist in rat brain. Neurosci. Lett. 337:33-36, 2003 |