[table=757px][tr][td]中文:本人大学期间学习的是应用物理专业,物理学科成绩均为良好以上,对基本物理学常识有一定了解。大学毕业后到航空企业从事无损检测工作工作将近两年,取得了 渗透二级证书,射线、渗透、磁粉、超声均有实操经验,熟悉相控阵检测,熟练使用奥林巴斯OmniScan相控阵检测仪器。熟悉微机原理,对无损检测自动化 有一定见解,自己曾用80c51单片机做过一些项目。另外本人自学能力还算不错,自学了vb6.0,vb.net,autocad等计算机技术,能够独立 完成一些编程和cad绘图工作。
英文:My major is apply physical, and I have a good grade of physical course .After graduate from school ,I worked in a aircraft manufacturing factory for 2 years where I get the PTⅡ certification and have practice experience in RT,UT,PT,MT. Beside normal ultrasound inspection, I also familiar with the ultrasound phased array inspection and have a lot of practice in Olympus omniscan. I familiar with the MCU and have my view in the automatic of NDT, I had do some project in the 80C51 MCU. besides, I have a good self-learning ability,I have learn the vb,vb.net,autocad by myself,can do programming and cad drawing alone.
有些地方略有改动,但是无关紧要,我想要的是读起来通顺和连贯,求大家帮帮忙啊[/td][/tr][/table] |