What do managers do? The media (television,books,movies) offers us one view:mangers are supper-efficient planning machines.Whatever else happens,the wheels never stop turning in the heads.Sitting in their offices,they are the remote control center of operations.Their subordinates shoot back and forth from this control center,feeding in data and getting back orders.
Mintzberg·s observations and research indicate that manager activities can be organized into ten roles.A role is a set of expectations for a manager`s behaviors. These roles are divided into three categories: information,interpersonal and decisional roles. Each role represents activities that managers undertake to ultimately accomplish the functions of planning,organizing,leading and controlling.Although it is necessary to separate the components o the manager`s job to understand the different roles and activities of a manager,it is important to remember that the real job of management cannot be practiced as a set independent parts; all the roles interact in the real world of management. As Mintzaberg says,"the manager who only communicates or only conceives never gets anything done,while the manager who only `does` ends up doing it all done." |