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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-28 11:53:34 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 3

ascertain (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)

[v.][T,I]① to find out the true or correct information about sth弄清,查明[+sth, +wh-/that][近determine, discover]
ascertainable a.可确定的,可探知的  
ascertainment n.探查;确定,确认
1①. You need to ask the right questions to ascertain information that will help you build an accurate profile of the potential candidate(s).你需要问恰当的问题来弄清一些信息以帮助你建立关于潜在候选人的准确的资料。(2005 All Business)

certain (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.] ① that you can rely on to happen or to be true确实,确定,有把握[+(of sth/doing sth),+(to do sth), +that]
② firmly believing sth; having no doubt确信,无疑[+(of/about sth), +that][近sure]
③ used to talk about a particular person, thing, or group without giving any more details about it or them(不提及细节时)某人,某事,某种;(知其名但不识其人)某某,某位
④ slight; noticeable, but difficult to describe轻微的,显而易见却难以描述的
[pron.]⑤ (不提及人或物的名称时用)某些[+of]
make certain: [+of sth/doing sth, +that] a. to find out whether sth is definitely true 弄清楚;弄明白;b. to do sth in order to be sure that sth else will happen确保
certainly ad. 确定,肯定
certainty n. [U] 确信,确定性;[C] 确实的事,必然的事
uncertain a.(人)无把握的[+about/of sth];(人)迟疑的[近hesitant];难预料的,不确定的
uncertainty n. [U]无把握;迟疑;[C]拿不定的事;令人无把握的局面
1①. Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby (particularly a boy baby)surviving depended on its weight. A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death. 50年前,婴儿(尤其是男婴)存活的机率取决于体重,轻一公斤或重一公斤几乎意味着死无疑。(2000阅读Text 2)
2②. He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. 他坚持认为自己进行长时间纯抽象思维的能力十分有限,由此他也确信自己在数学方面根本不可能有大的作为。(2008翻译)
3③. Some software programs can also check spelling and certain grammatical elements in your writing.一些软件还可以检查出你文章中的拼写和某些语法错误。(2008阅读Part B)
4Ⅰ. They have been spurred in part by DNA evidence made available in 1998, which almost certainly proved Thomas Jefferson had fathered at least one child with his slave Sally Hemings. 他们的兴趣部分源自1998年的DNA证据,它几乎肯定地证明了托马斯·杰斐逊曾与其奴隶萨利·赫明斯育有至少一个孩子。(2008阅读Text 4)
5Ⅲ. That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?还记得怀疑者们坚持认为证据不确凿,科学也不确定的时候吗?(2005阅读Text 2)
6Ⅳ. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased people\'s anxiety.恐怖主义、经济不稳定局面及普遍的不安全感都增加了人们的焦虑。(2005阅读Text 3)
1③. The erection of a substantial bridge and better drainage has alleviated the flooding to a certain extent.坚固的大桥和更有效的排水系统的建立一定程度减轻了洪水灾害。(2007 Forsbrook)
2⑤. Certain of the offspring of these crosses will inherit the lack of the gene in question from both parents, and thus it will be entirely absent from them.这些杂交物种的某些后代会继承父母身上缺乏所谈及的这种基因的特性,因此这种基因会从它们身上完全消失。(2007 Economist)
3. The main thing to be concerned with when planting different plants is to make certain of their growing requirements. Do they require a lot of sunlight, a mix of sun and shade, or mostly shade? 种植不同的植物最重要的事情是弄清楚它们成长的需要:需要充足的阳光,阴阳兼顾型还是喜阴?(2006 Homefamily)
4.  The leader has a duty to make certain that people inside the company focus on the outside world, where the customers and competitors are.领导有责任确保公司内部人员将注意力投向顾客和竞争对手所在的外面世界。(2007 Economist)

certify (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)

[v.][T] ① to state officially, esp. in writing, that sth is correct or true(尤指书面)证明,证实[+sb/sth (as) sth,+that]
② [常用被动]to give sb an official paper proving that they have completed a course of training for a profession 授予证书[+sb (as sth)]
certificate n.证明(书);文凭,合格证书 v. 发给结业证书
certificated a. 持有合格证书的;有执业资格的
certification n.[U]证明,鉴定;出具结业证书
1Ⅰ.If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006\'s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk.如果检查一下2006年世界杯足球锦标赛所有参赛运动员的出生证明,你很可能会发现一个值得注意的怪现象。(2007阅读Text 1)
1①. The bill would also require employers to certify an employee\'s status through a central database. 这个法案也将要求雇主通过一个中心数据库证明雇员的身份。(2005 Businessweek)
2②. These programs offer individuals, regardless of whether they have a background in education or not, the opportunity to become certified as teachers by meeting requirements prescribed by the state.这一项目将向个人——不管有无教育背景——提供机会使他们满足国家规定的要求,成为持有合格证书的教师。(2008 Ncei)

concerted (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.]① [只用于名词前]done in a planned and determined way, esp. by many people working together 同心协力的,共同筹划决定的,努力的
in concert with sb/sth: working together with sb/sth与……合作或同心协力

concert [协调一致地演奏和谐的乐曲] n. 音乐会,演奏会
1①. A concerted effort by all levels of government—federal, provincial, and local—is needed in order to achieve our longterm goal of seeing a day when Canada no longer has endangered rivers. 需要在各级(联邦、省级、当地)政府的共同努力下才能实现我们长期的目标:有一天加拿大将不再有被污染的河流。(2008 Rrcap)
2 Governments must act in concert with open markets to provide the schools, highways, electricity, and investment incentives for generating growth.政府应开放的市场合作,为促进学校、高速公路、电力、和投资的发展提供激励措施。(2003 Businessweek)

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-29 10:09:19 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 3

[n.] [C] ① a path that forms a circle around an area, or a journey along this path环形道路;环行[近round trip]
② the complete circle that an electric current travels电路,回路,线路 [近electrics]
③ a series of games or events in which the same people regularly take part巡回;巡游;(体育活动中)巡回赛 [近tour]
④ a regular journey made by a judge to hear court cases in each of the courts of law in a particular area巡回审判(法官定期巡回某地区)
circuitous a. 迂回的,绕道的,曲折的
1②. the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s六十年代集成电路的发明(2002 知识运用)
2④. The judges on the Federal Circuit are \"reacting to the anti-patent trend at the Supreme Court ... 联邦巡回法院的法官们正在“对最高法院的反专利趋势作出反应”。(2010阅读Text 2)
1①. Satellites two hundred miles above the earth\'s surface make a circuit of the earth in about ninety minutes. 距离地球表面200英里的卫星绕地一周需要大约90分钟的时间。(2000 Free Library)
2③. The Grand Prix tennis circuit was one of the two main professional tennis circuits from 1970 to 1989. 庞蒂克网球巡回赛已成为1970至1989年间的两个最主要职业网球巡回赛之一。(2007 Wikipedia)

circular (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.] ① shaped like a circle; moving around in a circle圆形的,环形的;环行的,绕圈的 [近round]
② (of an argument or way of thinking)that is not true because the statement can only be true when the original argument is already true(指推理)循环论证的(以要论证的论点作为论据来论证自身)
③ (of a letter) sent to a large number of people大量送发的;传阅的
[n.] [C]④  a printed advertisement, notice, etc. that is sent to lots of people at the same time (同时送达很多人的) 印刷品;通知,通告

circularity n. [U] 环状,循环
circularize/circularise v. 发通知单、广告单给(许多人)
1①. The European Union\'s immigration pact invokes the concept of circular migration to argue that immigration can benefit both sending and receiving countries.《欧盟移民条约》援引了循环移民的概念,认为移民能使输出国与输入国同时受益。(2008 Economist)
2③. It would delete the in-box messages and reduce the time I would otherwise have to spend reading the hundreds of general circular emails received daily.它将删除收件箱里的信息,从而减少我每日阅读收到的普通传阅电子邮件而浪费的时间。(2008 Parliament)

circulate (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T,I] ① to move around a place or within a system, or to make sth do this (使)循环,环流
② to pass from one place, person, etc. to another; to send sth to people(使)流传, 传播;发送[近broadcast, spread]
③ to distribute or be distributed over a wide area(货币等)流通;(报刊等)发行
circulatory a. 循环的,流传的, 传播的
circulation n. 循环;传播;流通;(报纸等的)发行量
1Ⅱ. This seems to have a considerable effect on the distribution of the earth\'s atmospheric pressure, and consequently on wind circulation. 这似乎对地球大气压力的分布有相当大的影响,从而影响气流循环。(1992阅读Text 2)
2Ⅱ. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.人们今天若来读这些书(评论集),会诧异于这样一个事实:书中学术性的内容曾被认为适合刊登在面对大众发行的日报上。(2010阅读Text 1)
1①.The electric element heats the air being circulated by the fan and evenly distributes it throughout the oven. 电阻丝将由风扇循环起来的空气加热,并将热空气均匀地散布到整个烤箱中。(Hotpointservice)
2②. Rumors began to circulate that sth wasn\'t right at Jasper. “加斯波在某些方面是不对的”的谣言开始流传。 (2007 Nymag)
3③. More than 1million books circulate throughout the world.超过1万本书籍发行到世界各地. (2006 Questi)

circus (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C]马戏团;[the circus]马戏表演
② [用单数] an event or a group of people, etc. that attracts a lot of attention引人注意的人(或事);热闹的场面
③ [用单数] a round open area in a town where several streets meet(数条街道相汇聚的)圆形广场
1②. Balloons are always a hit with children, and they definitely add to a circus atmosphere! 孩子们都喜欢气球,它们绝对为场面更添热闹气氛。(2006 Birthday In A Box)
2③. I walked along Oxford Street, from Oxford Circus to Tottenham Court Road tube station. 我沿牛津大学街,从牛津广场走到托特纳姆法院路地铁站。(2006 You Tube)

cycle (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① the fact of a series of events being repeated in the same order; the period of time needed to finish a cycle循环;周期
② a bicycle or motorcycle自行车;摩托车
③ a complete set or process, for example of movements in a machine整套,整个过程 [近set]
[v.][I] ④ to ride or travel by bicycle骑自行车(旅行) [近bicycle]
1①. Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. 很少有美国人将此仅仅归因于美元贬值或商业周期循环这些显而易见的原因。(2000阅读Text 1)
1②. Anytime you ride a cycle, you\'re building up some serious green karma, and we salute you. 每次你骑自行车,你都在为绿色效应作很大的贡献,我们为此向你致敬。(2007 Sierra Club)
2③.It occurs at a temperature around 250℃ when the frequency of vibration is about 2 cycles per second. 在温度约250 ℃时发生频率振动,约每秒振动。(2007 Cnki)

encyclop(a)edia (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.]① [C] a book or set of books containing facts about many different subjects or about one particular subject百科全书;(某一学科的)专科全书,大全
Ⅰ  encyclopedic a. 百科全书的,百科知识的;(人)博学的,知识渊博的
1①. The medical encyclopedia includes over 4000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. 这本医学专科全书包含了超过4000篇有关疾病、测试、症状、伤病和外科手术的文章。(2006 Medicine Plus)

lidan520929 发表于 10-4-29 16:28:42 | 只看该作者





依依妈妈2009 发表于 10-4-29 17:08:25 | 只看该作者
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-30 12:03:45 | 只看该作者
原帖由 lidan520929 于 2010-4-29 16:28 发表



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同学你好,本书的标准配置是:《考研英语核心词汇说文解词》一本,赠送本《新大纲词汇速记手册》一本,赠送本《词根漫画联想记忆手册》一本,赠送光盘《考研英语核心词汇说文解词视频精讲》两张。A光盘的内容为《考研英语核心词汇说文解词》1至8单元的视频精讲,其中1至4单元为一文件夹,5至8单元为一文件夹,均为wmv格式,共7.83G。此光盘为DVD+R DL格式(DVD+RW double layer),需要支持这种格式的dvd光驱,大家可以升级自己电脑的光驱或下载光驱驱动程序,即可播放此光盘。B光盘的内容为《考研英语核心词汇说文解词》9至22单元的音频精讲,每个单元一个文件夹,均为MP3格式,共2.25G。也是DVD格式。对应视频可在我们网站下载,或在优酷看在线。
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-30 12:05:49 | 只看该作者
原帖由 依依妈妈2009 于 2010-4-29 17:08 发表

书永远只是工具,作用的真正体现还在于每个人的坚持和毅力,我们只是尽力把书做好,使诸位善假于器的君子有好的“器”,that\'s all
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-4-30 14:06:40 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 3

cite (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] [T] ① to mention sth/sb as a reason or an example, or to support what you are saying(尤指为支持、证明或解释一种观点或情况而)引证,举出(示例)[+sth/sb (as sth)]
② to give the exact words of sth that has been written in order to support an opinion or prove an idea; quote引用,引述[近quote]
③ to mention sb because they deserve praise嘉奖;表扬,表彰[+sb (for sth)]
④ to order sb to appear before a court of law将(某人)传讯(到法院)
citation n. [C]引文,引述;表彰,表扬;[U](被)引用,引证
1①. Levin asserted that “music is not the cause of society\'s ills” and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students.列文宣称“音乐不是社会问题的病因”,他甚至还自己的儿子的经历为例,他儿子是纽约州布朗克斯的一名教师,上课时用说唱的形式与学生进行交流。(1997阅读Text 4)
1②. Paraphrase if the idea or theory is important, but the exact words less so; cite if the exact words are as important as the ideas expressed.如果思想或理论很重要,但具体表述的语言不那么重要就可转述;如果具体表述语言和表达的思想一样重要就直接引用。(2008 Tudelft)
2③. They were cited for their outstanding performance in the field of business, entrepreneurship and public service.这些人在商业、创业和公共服务领域作出的突出贡献而受到表彰。(2006 Naga)
3④. She was cited in the divorce proceedings.她在离婚诉讼中被传唤。(Dictionary)

excite (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to make sb feel very pleased, interested or nervous, upset使激动,使兴奋;使紧张不安[近stimulate, inspire]
② to cause a particular feeling or reaction激发;引发;引起[近arouse]
③ to make a part of the body or part of a physical system more active 使(身体或身体系统某部分)活动,刺激……的活动[近stimulate]
excitement n. [U] 激动,兴奋,刺激;[C]令人激动(或兴奋)的事
exciting a. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的
excited a. 激动的,兴奋的;紧张不安的,受刺激的
1①. With extreme sports it is the danger and challenge that tends to excite people.对于那些极限运动来说,运动本身的危险性和挑战性往往人们兴奋不已。(2007 Sawse)
2②. We believe early childhood education should excite curiosity, stimulate creativity, and encourage the development of problemsolving skills.我们认为,早期的儿童教育应该激发孩子的好奇心,激励他们的创造力,鼓励培养解决问题的技能。(2008 Emporia)
3③. Scientists proposes that the real cause of cramping is an imbalance between nerve signals that excite a muscle and those that inhibit its contractions.科学家们认为肌肉痉挛的真正原因是因为刺激肌肉活动的神经信号与抑制肌肉收缩的信号之间失去了平衡。(2008 The New York Times)

recite (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [I,T] to say a poem, piece of literature, etc. that you have learned, esp. to an audience(尤指对听众)背诵,吟诵[+ (sth) (to sb)]
② [T] to say aloud a series or list of things列举,逐一讲述[+ sth (to sb)]
recital n. [C] 音乐演奏会,诗歌朗诵会;逐一列举
recitation n. [C,U] 朗诵,朗读;[C]逐一列举,逐个叙述
1Ⅱ. We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.我们被关在中小学和大学课堂里十到十五年,出来之后装满了一肚子的单词,却什么也不懂。(2004阅读Text 4)
1①. A new study has shown that the speaking and listening skills of children starting school have deteriorated to the extent that few now enter the classroom able to recite or sing the simplest nursery rhymes or songs.一项新的研究显示,开始上学的孩子们的听说能力已经下降到几乎没有几个孩子可以背诵或者演唱最简单的童谣或歌曲的地步。(2003 Guardian)
2②. An interviewer will remember you if you tell them an interesting story, much more than if you recite a list of interests and accomplishments.如果你给面试官讲一个有趣的故事而不是列举你的兴趣和成就,则更能让他记住你。(2008 Answers)

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-2 09:39:22 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 3

acclaim (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)

[v.][T] ① [常用被动语态]to praise or welcome sb/sth publicly向(某人/某事物)欢呼,喝彩;称赞 [+sb/sth (as sth)][近cheer, applause, applaud, praise, commend]
[T] ② to acknowledge publicly that a person has some position, quality, etc.。欢呼或拥戴(某人)为……
[n.][U] ③ public praise for a person or their achievements; applause; enthusiastic welcome or approval称誉,高度评价;欢呼(声),喝彩(声) [近praise]
Ⅰ  acclaimed a. 广受欢迎的,备受推崇的
acclamation n. (以欢呼、鼓掌等表示的)赞同,拥护;喝彩,欢呼
1①. At any rate, this change will ultimately be acclaimed by an evergrowing number of both domestic and international consumers …无论如何,这种变化将最终受到越来越多国内外消费者的欢迎。(2010阅读Part B)
1②.They acclaim Treemonisha as their leader. 他们拥戴Treemonisha他们的首领。(1995 Time)
2③. His career reached its climax in 1930, when he toured the principal capitals of Europe with the orchestra, won universal acclaim.他的事业在1930年达到了顶点,那时候他带着他的管乐队在欧洲国家的主要首都里巡演,并获得了全世界的赞誉。(2008 Time)
3Ⅰ. GARP became an acclaimed international research programme that contributed much to our understanding of weather and climate. GARP成为一个备受推崇的国际研究项目,为我们对世界天气和气候的了解作出了巨大贡献。(2008 Nature)
4Ⅱ. He would earn worldwide acclamation and gratitude by letting peace prevail. 通过发展和平事业,他将赢得世界的拥护和感激。  (2003 Newsweek)

claim (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [T]to state that sth is true, even though it has not been proved 声称,断言,主张 [+to, +that][近assert, affirm, declare, state]
② [T] to state that you have a right to sth or to take sth that belongs to you要求,索取(应得的权利或财物);认领 [近exact, demand]
③ [T](of things) to need time or attention(指事物)需要, 值得(关注或花时间) [近deserve]
④ [T] (of a disaster, an accident, etc.) cause the loss or death of (sb)(指灾难、事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡
⑤ [T,I] to officially demand or receive money from an organization(正式地)索赔[+(on)]
[n.] ⑥  [C] a statement claimed 声称;断言;主张 [近affirmation, declaration, statement]
⑦ [C, U] a right to have or get sth such as property, land, a title, etc. that belongs to you(尤指对财产、土地、头衔等的)所有权 [+(on/to sth)] [近title, ownership]
⑧ [C] a request for a sum of money (as insurance, compensation, a wage increase, etc.) 索款(作为保险金、赔偿、增薪等)[+(for sth)]
claim “喊,叫” →①大喊着主张(to state)一个可能未经证实的观点,声称(to state)对某物有所有权而→要求,索取(应得的权利或财物);认领(丢失的财物)②大喊着要求(to demand)→a.(指事物)需要, 值得(关注等)b.(事故、灾难等索要生命)→使(人)失踪或死亡→(向保险公司)索赔
lay claim to sth: to state that you have a right to own sth 声称对某物拥有所有权
have a claim on sb: to have the right to demand time, attention, etc. from sb 有权占用某人的时间、得到某人的注意
1①. In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have given up on ambition as an ideal. 然而,奇怪的是,恰恰是那些受过教育的人声称他们已经放弃了雄心壮志这一理想。(2000 阅读Text5)
2②. The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market. Bilski比尔斯基案涉及一项已申请了的能源市场风险规避方法的专利。(2010阅读Text 2)
3⑦. Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the Federal Circuit itself that introduced such patents with its 1998 decision in the so-called State Street Bank case …对商业方法专利的限制将意味着态度的重大转变,因为是联邦巡回法院自己在1998年所谓的\"州街信托银行案\"的判决中引入了这种专利。(2010阅读Text 2)
4⑧. As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants. 尽管个人伤害索赔案件如以往一样不断发生,但有些法庭已开始站到被告一方。 (1999 阅读Text 1)
1③. It is a magnificent thing that physical culture is claiming public attention and enthusiasm, but it is not quite such a simple wholesale affair as may be imagined. 体育运动引起了大众的注意和热情是一件非常了不起的事情,但是它也并不如我们可能想象的那样简单的、一下全部解决的事情。(Lightlodgealpha)
2④. Every few months a bombing somewhere in India claims dozens of ordinary lives. 每隔几个月印度某些地方就有爆炸发生,并造成几十个平民死亡。(2007 Economist)
3⑤. He has had several accidents in the past 3 years but has refused to claim on his insurance. 过去三年中他发生了多次意外,但是他拒绝索赔保险。(2007 The Times)
4⑦. The importance of being a shareholder is that you are entitled to a portion of the company\'s profits and have a claim on assets. 作为一个股东的重要性就是你有权力享有公司利益的一部分并且享有对资产的所有权。(2008 Invest Pedia)
5. Under the convention, governments can lay claim to an economic zone up to 200 nautical miles from their coast.按照惯例,政府可以宣布从其领海基线起200海里的海域为其专属经济区。(2007 Economist)

exclaim (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T,I]① to say sth suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, angry, or excited (因惊讶、愤怒或兴奋而)呼喊[~at/over] [近burst out]
exclamation n. 惊叫;感叹,感叹语
1①. He exclaimed once again over her genius for discovering comedy in almost any kind of situation. 他再次为她几乎能在任何场合下发现笑料的天分而惊呼。 (2007 Time)
2Ⅰ. It is debatable whether her keyboard even has an exclamation point on it.甚至于她的键盘上是不是有感叹号都让他们争个不停。   (2008 Time)

proclaim (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to say publicly and officially about sth important宣布,声明,公示 [+to/that/wh][近announce, declare]
② to show sth clearly or be a sign of sth明确显示,清楚表明[+to/that] [近demonstrate, display, manifest, exhibit, reveal, evidence]
proclamation n. 宣言,公告,声明
1①. joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise 沾沾自喜地、霸气十足地公然宣称他们对才智的敌意,也迫不急待地表示出对那些在才智上最没有前途的孩子们的认同(2004阅读Text 4)
1②. The friars in the coarse cloth and open sandals proclaim the virtue of poverty. 身穿粗布衣服和开口凉鞋的乞行修道士代表着甘于贫穷的美德。(2008 Guardian)

reclaim (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] [T]① to officially ask for sth to be given back to you or to get sth back要求收回、归还;取回,拿回[+sth (from)] [近recover]
② to make an area of desert, very wet land, etc. suitable for farming or building开垦,开拓(荒地)[+sth (from)] [近cultivate]
③ to obtain useful products from waste material (自废料中)回收(有用材料) [+sth (from)] [近recycle]
④ to rescue sb from a bad or criminal way of life挽救,教化,使悔过自新[+sb (from)] [近deliver, rescue]
reclamation n. [U]土地开垦;改造,感化;废物回收利用
1①. The aborigines are in an effort to reclaim their cultural and spiritual heritage.这些土著人民在努力收回他们的文化和精神遗产。(2004 Time)
2②. Back Bay is all built on land that was reclaimed last century from the Charles River Basin. Back bay 是建立在一块上世纪由查尔斯河谷盆地开垦的土地上的。 (2002 Time)
3③. Most hospitals try to reclaim part of the blood lost by a patient during surgery. 大多数医院都在努力回收病人在手术中失去的血。(1998 Time)
4④. The object of this Institution is to reclaim the youthful criminal by firm but kind and judicious treatment.该制度的目标是通过坚定但温和而审慎的手段挽救青年罪犯。(2000 Juvenile Delinquency)
5Ⅰ. The city has long had a mania for massive building and land-reclamation projects.这个城市一直热衷于大规模建设和土地改造工程。  (2006 Time)

 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-5-3 10:05:32 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 3

clarify (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T]① to make sth clearer or easier to understand 使更清楚易懂,澄清,阐明 [+sth,+wh]
clarification n. [U]
1①. You should go through the paper many times—and then again—working to substantiate and clarify your ideas.你还要反复阅读,然后努力论证并阐明自己的观点。(2008阅读Part B)

clarity (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [U] ①the quality of expressing ideas or thoughts in a clear way清晰,清楚;明确 [近clearness]
1①. Kitcher is a philosopher, and this may account, in part, for the clarity and effectiveness of his arguments. 金切尔是位哲学家,这也许能部分说明他的立论为何明确而有效力。(1996 阅读Text 5)

declare (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to state sth officially or publicly; to say sth clearly and firmly 宣布,声明;声称,宣称 [+sth,+that,+sth/sb (to be) sth, +sth/sb+ a.]
② to make a full statement saying how much money you\'ve earned, or that you are carrying dutiable goods) 申报(收益、应纳税品等)
declare against/for sb/sth: to state publicly that you oppose or support sb/sth 声明反对/支持
declaration n. [C,U] 宣告,宣言,声明(书);申报(单)
declared a. 公开宣布或声明的
1①. Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment... 他宣称反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧业技术去克隆人,并下令禁止联邦资金用于此类实验。(1999阅读Text 4)
2Ⅰ. Straitford\'s briefs don\'t sound like the usual Washington back-and-forthing, whereby agencies avoid dramatic declarations on the chance they might be wrong. 斯特雷福特公司的简报听上去不像华盛顿当局常提供的躲闪言辞,政府机构以此来避免发布惹人注目的言论,以防出错。(2003阅读Text 1)
1②. Of course, unlike taxes collected from workers, taxes on most investment income must be declared and paid voluntarily by the taxpayer; this raises a problem of the possible underreporting of investment income. 当然,不像从工人手中收来的税费,大多数的投资收入税的申报和缴付都依靠纳税人的自觉,这就引发了这样一个问题,有可能会存在投资收入的申报不足情况。(1999 Caw)

lidan520929 发表于 10-5-4 00:25:26 | 只看该作者

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