College life, a period designated for both self-denial and self-confirmation, a life meant for growing pains and gains, a time much given to tears and laughter, provides each of us a life of great paradox.
In college, there is the most pressing yet most satisfying academic life. As a student, no room has been left for doubt on our primary duty--pursuing academic achievement. Without such a keen desire, we have no business being in college. On the way forward, however, there are always brambles. It seems nothing lies ahead of us but exertion and perseverance. Not exactly. As we move on, the expertise we acquire and the ever-increasing distinction we enjoy do repay those sleepless nights and restless holidays, those sweats of effort and tears of struggle. Such a sense of fulfillment is undoubtedly beyond measure and comparison.
Also, there is the variety of colorful extracurricular life that offers us enjoyment and sometimes disappointment. Between clubs and the library, we are on the way to developing our abilities and enriching our personality, to shaping our inclination, broadening our horizon as well as improving our thoughts. We enroll in various clubs, where we meet new people and establish new friendship; where we engage in activities of all shades and forms, and come out refreshed, revitalized and reeducated; where we try to participate in the plan and organization and are bursting to offer ideas… We may feel low when the ideas are rejected, but anyhow, we are learning all the way. Besides, we indulge in vast stories of books in the library--the reservoir of wisdom. A college has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting us in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with what the best human minds have thought. The more we read, the more disappointed we become to find how ignorant we actually are. It gives us the inevitable frustration, but at the same time a drive to learn more.
Obviously, there is the most exciting yet most frustrating moment when we relate to other seniors and peers alike. College is a melting pot, in which people from different backgrounds and of different ages interact with each other. We are bound to experience a certain degree of cultural shock and confront with some obstacles when handling interpersonal relationships. But the whole process is also interesting as we continuously share a new life or a new interpretation of life.
The thing to remember is that, in joy and sorrow, chances and challenges alike, college life is precious. It gives us an opportunity to learn what we can learn, to experience what we can experience and to be what we can be. It is, unquestionably, where our dreams start.
东南大学 石戴镕
【评语】本篇习作的作者描写的也是大学生活,但作者主要描述的是亦苦亦甜的大学生活。矛盾无处不在,万事万物都有其对立面,大学生活也如此。它丰富多彩却又布满荆棘,有动力同时又有挫折,它是知识的海洋,梦想的开始。文中深难度词汇及多种复杂句式像排比、倒装以及多种复合句等的综合运用,显示出作者非常扎实得语言功底。文章结构完整、描写到位,论述全面而深入,是一篇很好的学生习作,文中多处语言的闪光点值得学习。 |