我爱我的祖国 I love my country
她像一座大山 She is like the huge mountain
站在山顶,放眼远眺 When I stand on the top and look forward
江山如此多娇 What a great world
风景处处都好 Beautiful sceneries everywhere.
我爱我的祖国 I love my country!
她像一片海洋 She is like the blue ocean.
辽阔无边,激情澎湃 Vastly and pashionately
人才济济,英雄辈出 Heros, from generations to generations
仿佛后浪推前浪 Just as the waves after waves.
我爱我的祖国 I love my country!
她像一片田野 She is like the rich lands.
充满希望,硕果累累 With endless hopes and great successes.
稻花飘香,麦田金黄 Oh, smell the fragrant rice and taste the sweet wheat.
全是一片丰收景象 This is the harvest season!
我爱我的祖国 My country, my love!
她像一个巨人 She is like the Giant
吐纳乾坤,叱诧风云 riding the winds and having the worlds in her hands.
迈着矫健的步伐 With vigorous steps,
向远方奔去 She is marching towards to the Brighter Future!