1.Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.在大约七百种竹子中,一些最多只能长不到一英尺高,而另一些可以在24小时内就长3英尺。
2.Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.在开始航海之前,谨慎的航海家们会先学习海图,研究航行方向,并记忆灯塔位置来为他们可能遇到的各种情况做准备。
3.Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied.在所有的重要的经济作物中,棕榈是被研究的最少的。
Among amlost seven hundred species of bamboo,some are fully grown at less than a foot high,while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
Before straing on a voyage ,prudent navigators learn the sea chart,study the sailing dirrections ,and memorize locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they minght encounter
Of all the economically important plants,palms have been the least studied
Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
2. Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.
3.Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied.
Amount almost 700 species of bamboo,some are fully grown at less than one foot high,while others grow three foot in twenty-four hours.
Before starting a sea voyage, prutend navigators learn sea charts, study sailing directions, memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encount.
Of all economically important plants, palms have been the least studied.
1.Among almost seven hundreds pieces of bamboo,some are fully grown at less than one foot,but others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
2.Before starting on a sea voyage,prudent navigators learn the sea chars,study the sailing directions,and memorize the lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they may encounter.
3.Of all the economically important plants,palms have been the least sudied.