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梦依旧飞扬 发表于 07-10-18 16:59:30 | 只看该作者
moonway111 发表于 07-10-18 18:21:04 | 只看该作者
恩  音标部分是乱码  不过其他的很好
胭脂流年 发表于 07-10-18 22:12:59 | 只看该作者
77310596 发表于 07-10-18 23:50:57 | 只看该作者
wlming 发表于 07-10-20 02:12:54 | 只看该作者
why520511 发表于 07-10-20 09:29:33 | 只看该作者



Exercise 1        词汇层次        引自《夏徛荣考研英语新新指南》

1. It seems to me that the time is ripe for the Department of Employment and the Department of Education to get together with the universities and produce a revised educational system which will make a more economical use of the wealth of talent, application and industry currently being wasted on certificates, diplomas and degrees that no one wants to know about.
[原译] 看来时机已成熟,就业部门和教育部门该同各大学携起手来,修正我们的教育制度,使之能把人才资源、申请及工业更好地运用于经济方面,而这些人才资源、申请及工业都浪费在无人感兴趣的证书、文凭和学位上。
[评析] ……使之能十分珍惜地使用学校的人才,以及学生的勤奋刻苦。而现在这些人才和努力都白白浪费在……。

2. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a ‘valid’ or ‘fair’ comparison.
[原译] 既然对智力的评估是比较而言的,那末我们必须确保,在对我们的主题进行比较时,我们所使用的尺度能提供“有效的”或“公平的”比较。
[评析] ……在对我们的对象进行比较时……。

3. When he switches on such a programme as “Any Questions?”, he finds himself projected into a hall full of people humming with anticipation, and as questions and answers succeed each other he senses unmistakably the fluctuating mood of the audience.
[原译] 当他打开收音机,调到“有什么问题吗?”之类的节目时,他就会发现自己来到了一个挤满了人的大厅,只听见嗡嗡一片声音,人们都期待着答案。随着问题和答案一个个被解答出来,他明白无误地感到听众情绪的变化。
[评析] ……随着一个个问题的提出和一个个答案的涌现……。

4. Consequently he swept aside not only the literature that pretended that ours is a society of sweetness and light, but also that which contended that the inculcation of the spirit of Christian fellowship would put an end to class controversy.
[原译] 因此,他不仅撇开把我们的社会粉饰成一个光明美好的社会的那些文学,而且也撇开硬说不断灌输基督教的博爱精神就能清除阶级矛盾的那些文学。
[评析] 文学作品。

5. Psychological studies of the lives of eminent painters, writers, musicians, philosophers, religious leaders, and scientists of previous centuries, as well as prize-winning adolescents in this country today, reveal early, intense concentration on previous work in their fields, often to the near-exclusion of other activities.
[原译] 对前几个世纪著名画家、作家、音乐家、哲学家、宗教领袖、科学家的生活,和今天这个国家里获奖的青少年的心理分析早就表明了他们孜孜不倦、专心研究前人在这些领域里的成果,往往专心和程度已达到几乎没有什么其他爱好。
[评析] ……表明他们早就开始非常专心地研究前人这些领域里的成果……。

6. The development of literacy, the acquisition of information, and the problem-solving of beginners differ in degree rather than in kind from the mental activities of experts.
[原译] 初学者文学上的发展,知识的获得以及问题的解决与专家的思维活动只是程度不同,本质上是一样的。
[评析] 初学者学习文化知识,获取信息以及解决的活动与专家的思维活动……。
why520511 发表于 07-10-20 09:30:23 | 只看该作者


Exercise 2        短语层次        引自《夏徛荣考研英语新新指南》

1. We could do with a few original, creative men in our political life —— if only to create some enthusiasm, release some energy —— but where are they?
[原译] 在政治生活中,有一些创见和有创造力的人,我们就能干,即使仅仅为了掀起一点热情,发泄一点精力也好,但他们在哪儿?
[评析] 在政治生活中,我们需要一些有创见和有创造力的人,即使……。

2. Even Henry Kissinger, who is not an excessively modest or silent man, hesitated to face Nixon with the disasters Kissinger knew lay ahead.
[原译] 甚至基辛格这个有点傲气,喜欢乱发言论的人在要面对尼克松时也有点踌躇不前了,因为他知道等待在前面的将是什么样的灾难。
[评析] ……在把他知道要把发生的灾难告诉尼克松时,也有点踌躇不前。(face … with为短语)

3. But in this twilight world which is neither at peace nor at war, and where there is insurance against certain immediate, downright, personal disasters, for most Americans there remains only anxiety over what may happen, might happen, could happen.  
[原译] 但是,在这个既非和平又非战争的、扑朔迷离的世界里,在这个对个人的飞来横祸都有着保险的地方,因为那里的大多数美国人只存在唯一的忧虑,那就是有可能发生什么事,或许会发生什么事,万一会发生什么事。
[评析] ……对大多数美国人来说,唯一还存在的忧虑就是可能会发生什么事……。(介词,而非连词)

4. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard indeed.
[原译] 因为人们已吃惯七道菜一顿饭,睡惯了高级的亚麻布床单,所以来到阿尔卑斯山后,生活上的变化肯定是难以适应的。
[评析] 对于在家里已吃惯了七道菜一顿饭,睡惯了高级亚麻布床单的人来说,来到……。(介词,而非连词)
why520511 发表于 07-10-20 09:32:02 | 只看该作者


Exercise 3        可恨的THAT        引自《夏徛荣考研英语新新指南》

1. We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, or, to be more accurate, we can think only a very little way outside, and then only if we are very original.
[原译] 在一定的模式之外,我们无法想象我们脑子所制约的东西,或确切地说,我们的思想只能极少地超出特定的模式,而且只有在我们有创制性的条件下才有可能。
[评析] 我们的思想无法超越我们的头脑所习惯的特定思维模式,或确切地说……(that为定语从句,而非宾语从句)

2. No one is in the least interested in the marks a little child gets on his test; what we are interested in is whether we can conclude from his mark on the test that the child will do better or worse than other children of his age at tasks which we think require ‘general intelligence’.
[原译] 没有人会对一个小孩在测验中取得的分数发生任何兴趣。我们所关心的是我们能否从他的考试分数中得出结论。做这个考试,这小孩做得比他同年的孩子好还是坏,尤其是在我们认为需要总体智力的测验中。
[评析] ……我们所关心的是我们能否从他的测验分数中得出结论:他在我们认为需要一般智力的各项所干的事情中比他同龄的孩子干得好还是差。(that为宾语从句,而非定语从句)

3. Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, as to the packaged tour, that the traveler abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.
[原译] 理想主义者反对野营旅游,如同他们反对由旅行社组织的旅游一样。这种做法,使出国旅游者夫去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。
[评析] ……因为野营旅游者在国外也会因此而失去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。(object to之后往往引出原因)

4. For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all.
[原译] 从现在起很长一段时间里,人类将十分谨慎地发展,而且把能够发展看成是幸运之事。
[评析] ……而且能够有所发展的话,乃属幸运之事。(说明作者反对、赞成、惊奇、高兴的原因)

5. Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the bird, and these will ply the short wings with irresistible power that they can bore for long distance through an opposite gale before exhaustion follows.
[原译] 野鸡,以及和它类似的鸽子,天生长着钢铁般的肌肉,这些占去了鸟的体重的很大部分的肌肉,能够以势不可挡的力量挥动短小的翅膀。它们凭借这股力量顶风飞行很长时间,然后才感到疲劳。
[评析] ……它们可以顶着大风穿插飞行很长距离才会精疲力竭。(bore为不及物动词“穿、钻”解释。That表示结果,相当于so that)

6. I had learned to live with hate. But to feel that there were feelings denied me, that the very breath of life itself was beyond my reach, that more than anything else hurt, wounded me.
[原译] 但是伤害我的是那么一种感觉,即我不能有某些感情,我不能得到生活本身最必需的东西,有一种比其他东西更伤人的东西。
[评析] 但是,我感到我被拒之于某些感情之外;我感到生活中最必需的东西我也得不到。这种感觉比其他东西都更深深刺伤我的心。(前两个that引导feel的宾语从句,而第三个that作为代词,引导前面to feel内容的同位语,相当于all of this的作用。)

7. The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time-consuming and sometimes even overwhelming.
[原译] 现在的人比以往任何一代人所能得到的信息多得多。要找到与他或她的问题有关的信息,其任务是复杂的,又是耗时的,有时甚至难以做到。
[评析] ……要找到与他们自己问题有关的那部分信息,其任务……(that不能作为finding动词的宾语从句的连词,而应该作为指示代词,修饰one piece。)

8. It is, true, the period of his life that established his name and fortune, that swift rise from undergraduate cabaret turn to star host on both sides of the Atlantic, joint founder of an ambitious ITV company and long since able to invite show business stars, business tycoons and a British Prime Minister to breakfast at three day’s notice.
[原译] 确实,就是在他生活的这一段时间里确立了他的名望,给他带来了财富,他迅速从一个在餐馆里演节目的大学生转变为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,和雄心勃勃的英国独立电视公司创始之一,而且早就能做到这一点:只要提早三天通知就可把影视界的明星、工商巨头、英国首相邀来共进早餐。
[评析] ……这段生活记载了他怎么从一个在酒吧里演节目的大学生迅速崛起成为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,……。(第1个that与前面的it is……构成强调句型。而第2个that为形容词性指示代词,修饰swift rise。)

9. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage, endeavored to pretend that all their marriages were happy.
[原译] 维多利亚时代的人认为人类最大的幸福是若给予幸福的婚姻,就要竭力装得他们的婚姻都是幸福的。
[评析] ……认为人类最大的幸福乃是美满婚姻带来的幸福,所以他们极力表明自己的婚姻是美满的。(第1个that引导宾语从句。而第2个that为代词,代替前面的the greatest happiness。)

10. In the best sense of that difficult word, science is a democratic method. That has been its strength: that and its confidence that nothing can be more important than what is true.
[原译] “科学”这个难解释的词,说到底就是一种民主的方法。那就是科学的力量:科学的力量以及没有什么真理更重要的信心。
[评析] 民主的方法和只相信事实的信念。(第1个that没问题。第2个that为代词,代替前面的a democratic method。第三个that的指代也应该一样。第四个that引导同位语从句。)

11. They believe that every moment can be put to some use, and that with more pleasure than if unemployed.
[原译] 他们认为每时每刻都可利用来做点什么事,他们还认为要比不干什么事更令人快乐。
[评析] ……而且要比不做什么事更为快活。(第1个that没问题。第2个that不能理解为believe的宾语从句。而and that为加强语气,意为“而且”。)

12. As the specializations have increased in number and narrowed in range, there has been an opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies in that one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world.
[原译] 由于专门学科越来越多,研究的范围越来越窄,便出现了一种反对跨学科研究的倾向。在这个跨学科的研究中,人们不可能很好地了解这个现代世界所带来的许许多多的非常复杂的问题。
[评析] ……因为人们不可能……。(in that为一个固定的搭配,意为“因为”。)
why520511 发表于 07-10-20 09:32:40 | 只看该作者


Exercise 3        可恨的THAT        引自《夏徛荣考研英语新新指南》

1. We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, or, to be more accurate, we can think only a very little way outside, and then only if we are very original.
[原译] 在一定的模式之外,我们无法想象我们脑子所制约的东西,或确切地说,我们的思想只能极少地超出特定的模式,而且只有在我们有创制性的条件下才有可能。
[评析] 我们的思想无法超越我们的头脑所习惯的特定思维模式,或确切地说……(that为定语从句,而非宾语从句)

2. No one is in the least interested in the marks a little child gets on his test; what we are interested in is whether we can conclude from his mark on the test that the child will do better or worse than other children of his age at tasks which we think require ‘general intelligence’.
[原译] 没有人会对一个小孩在测验中取得的分数发生任何兴趣。我们所关心的是我们能否从他的考试分数中得出结论。做这个考试,这小孩做得比他同年的孩子好还是坏,尤其是在我们认为需要总体智力的测验中。
[评析] ……我们所关心的是我们能否从他的测验分数中得出结论:他在我们认为需要一般智力的各项所干的事情中比他同龄的孩子干得好还是差。(that为宾语从句,而非定语从句)

3. Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, as to the packaged tour, that the traveler abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.
[原译] 理想主义者反对野营旅游,如同他们反对由旅行社组织的旅游一样。这种做法,使出国旅游者夫去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。
[评析] ……因为野营旅游者在国外也会因此而失去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。(object to之后往往引出原因)

4. For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all.
[原译] 从现在起很长一段时间里,人类将十分谨慎地发展,而且把能够发展看成是幸运之事。
[评析] ……而且能够有所发展的话,乃属幸运之事。(说明作者反对、赞成、惊奇、高兴的原因)

5. Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the bird, and these will ply the short wings with irresistible power that they can bore for long distance through an opposite gale before exhaustion follows.
[原译] 野鸡,以及和它类似的鸽子,天生长着钢铁般的肌肉,这些占去了鸟的体重的很大部分的肌肉,能够以势不可挡的力量挥动短小的翅膀。它们凭借这股力量顶风飞行很长时间,然后才感到疲劳。
[评析] ……它们可以顶着大风穿插飞行很长距离才会精疲力竭。(bore为不及物动词“穿、钻”解释。That表示结果,相当于so that)

6. I had learned to live with hate. But to feel that there were feelings denied me, that the very breath of life itself was beyond my reach, that more than anything else hurt, wounded me.
[原译] 但是伤害我的是那么一种感觉,即我不能有某些感情,我不能得到生活本身最必需的东西,有一种比其他东西更伤人的东西。
[评析] 但是,我感到我被拒之于某些感情之外;我感到生活中最必需的东西我也得不到。这种感觉比其他东西都更深深刺伤我的心。(前两个that引导feel的宾语从句,而第三个that作为代词,引导前面to feel内容的同位语,相当于all of this的作用。)

7. The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time-consuming and sometimes even overwhelming.
[原译] 现在的人比以往任何一代人所能得到的信息多得多。要找到与他或她的问题有关的信息,其任务是复杂的,又是耗时的,有时甚至难以做到。
[评析] ……要找到与他们自己问题有关的那部分信息,其任务……(that不能作为finding动词的宾语从句的连词,而应该作为指示代词,修饰one piece。)

8. It is, true, the period of his life that established his name and fortune, that swift rise from undergraduate cabaret turn to star host on both sides of the Atlantic, joint founder of an ambitious ITV company and long since able to invite show business stars, business tycoons and a British Prime Minister to breakfast at three day’s notice.
[原译] 确实,就是在他生活的这一段时间里确立了他的名望,给他带来了财富,他迅速从一个在餐馆里演节目的大学生转变为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,和雄心勃勃的英国独立电视公司创始之一,而且早就能做到这一点:只要提早三天通知就可把影视界的明星、工商巨头、英国首相邀来共进早餐。
[评析] ……这段生活记载了他怎么从一个在酒吧里演节目的大学生迅速崛起成为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,……。(第1个that与前面的it is……构成强调句型。而第2个that为形容词性指示代词,修饰swift rise。)

9. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage, endeavored to pretend that all their marriages were happy.
[原译] 维多利亚时代的人认为人类最大的幸福是若给予幸福的婚姻,就要竭力装得他们的婚姻都是幸福的。
[评析] ……认为人类最大的幸福乃是美满婚姻带来的幸福,所以他们极力表明自己的婚姻是美满的。(第1个that引导宾语从句。而第2个that为代词,代替前面的the greatest happiness。)

10. In the best sense of that difficult word, science is a democratic method. That has been its strength: that and its confidence that nothing can be more important than what is true.
[原译] “科学”这个难解释的词,说到底就是一种民主的方法。那就是科学的力量:科学的力量以及没有什么真理更重要的信心。
[评析] 民主的方法和只相信事实的信念。(第1个that没问题。第2个that为代词,代替前面的a democratic method。第三个that的指代也应该一样。第四个that引导同位语从句。)

11. They believe that every moment can be put to some use, and that with more pleasure than if unemployed.
[原译] 他们认为每时每刻都可利用来做点什么事,他们还认为要比不干什么事更令人快乐。
[评析] ……而且要比不做什么事更为快活。(第1个that没问题。第2个that不能理解为believe的宾语从句。而and that为加强语气,意为“而且”。)

12. As the specializations have increased in number and narrowed in range, there has been an opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies in that one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world.
[原译] 由于专门学科越来越多,研究的范围越来越窄,便出现了一种反对跨学科研究的倾向。在这个跨学科的研究中,人们不可能很好地了解这个现代世界所带来的许许多多的非常复杂的问题。
[评析] ……因为人们不可能……。(in that为一个固定的搭配,意为“因为”。)
why520511 发表于 07-10-20 09:33:06 | 只看该作者


Exercise 3        可恨的THAT        引自《夏徛荣考研英语新新指南》

1. We cannot think outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to, or, to be more accurate, we can think only a very little way outside, and then only if we are very original.
[原译] 在一定的模式之外,我们无法想象我们脑子所制约的东西,或确切地说,我们的思想只能极少地超出特定的模式,而且只有在我们有创制性的条件下才有可能。
[评析] 我们的思想无法超越我们的头脑所习惯的特定思维模式,或确切地说……(that为定语从句,而非宾语从句)

2. No one is in the least interested in the marks a little child gets on his test; what we are interested in is whether we can conclude from his mark on the test that the child will do better or worse than other children of his age at tasks which we think require ‘general intelligence’.
[原译] 没有人会对一个小孩在测验中取得的分数发生任何兴趣。我们所关心的是我们能否从他的考试分数中得出结论。做这个考试,这小孩做得比他同年的孩子好还是坏,尤其是在我们认为需要总体智力的测验中。
[评析] ……我们所关心的是我们能否从他的测验分数中得出结论:他在我们认为需要一般智力的各项所干的事情中比他同龄的孩子干得好还是差。(that为宾语从句,而非定语从句)

3. Idealists have objected to the practice of camping, as to the packaged tour, that the traveler abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited.
[原译] 理想主义者反对野营旅游,如同他们反对由旅行社组织的旅游一样。这种做法,使出国旅游者夫去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。
[评析] ……因为野营旅游者在国外也会因此而失去了了解所访问国家的人民的机会。(object to之后往往引出原因)

4. For an indefinite period from here on, mankind is going to advance cautiously, and consider itself lucky that it can advance at all.
[原译] 从现在起很长一段时间里,人类将十分谨慎地发展,而且把能够发展看成是幸运之事。
[评析] ……而且能够有所发展的话,乃属幸运之事。(说明作者反对、赞成、惊奇、高兴的原因)

5. Duck, and like them the pigeons, are endowed with steel-like muscles, that are a good part of the weight of the bird, and these will ply the short wings with irresistible power that they can bore for long distance through an opposite gale before exhaustion follows.
[原译] 野鸡,以及和它类似的鸽子,天生长着钢铁般的肌肉,这些占去了鸟的体重的很大部分的肌肉,能够以势不可挡的力量挥动短小的翅膀。它们凭借这股力量顶风飞行很长时间,然后才感到疲劳。
[评析] ……它们可以顶着大风穿插飞行很长距离才会精疲力竭。(bore为不及物动词“穿、钻”解释。That表示结果,相当于so that)

6. I had learned to live with hate. But to feel that there were feelings denied me, that the very breath of life itself was beyond my reach, that more than anything else hurt, wounded me.
[原译] 但是伤害我的是那么一种感觉,即我不能有某些感情,我不能得到生活本身最必需的东西,有一种比其他东西更伤人的东西。
[评析] 但是,我感到我被拒之于某些感情之外;我感到生活中最必需的东西我也得不到。这种感觉比其他东西都更深深刺伤我的心。(前两个that引导feel的宾语从句,而第三个that作为代词,引导前面to feel内容的同位语,相当于all of this的作用。)

7. The individual now has more information available than any generation, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time-consuming and sometimes even overwhelming.
[原译] 现在的人比以往任何一代人所能得到的信息多得多。要找到与他或她的问题有关的信息,其任务是复杂的,又是耗时的,有时甚至难以做到。
[评析] ……要找到与他们自己问题有关的那部分信息,其任务……(that不能作为finding动词的宾语从句的连词,而应该作为指示代词,修饰one piece。)

8. It is, true, the period of his life that established his name and fortune, that swift rise from undergraduate cabaret turn to star host on both sides of the Atlantic, joint founder of an ambitious ITV company and long since able to invite show business stars, business tycoons and a British Prime Minister to breakfast at three day’s notice.
[原译] 确实,就是在他生活的这一段时间里确立了他的名望,给他带来了财富,他迅速从一个在餐馆里演节目的大学生转变为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,和雄心勃勃的英国独立电视公司创始之一,而且早就能做到这一点:只要提早三天通知就可把影视界的明星、工商巨头、英国首相邀来共进早餐。
[评析] ……这段生活记载了他怎么从一个在酒吧里演节目的大学生迅速崛起成为一个大西洋两岸杰出的节目主持人,……。(第1个that与前面的it is……构成强调句型。而第2个that为形容词性指示代词,修饰swift rise。)

9. The Victorians, realizing that the greatest happiness accorded to man is that provided by a happy marriage, endeavored to pretend that all their marriages were happy.
[原译] 维多利亚时代的人认为人类最大的幸福是若给予幸福的婚姻,就要竭力装得他们的婚姻都是幸福的。
[评析] ……认为人类最大的幸福乃是美满婚姻带来的幸福,所以他们极力表明自己的婚姻是美满的。(第1个that引导宾语从句。而第2个that为代词,代替前面的the greatest happiness。)

10. In the best sense of that difficult word, science is a democratic method. That has been its strength: that and its confidence that nothing can be more important than what is true.
[原译] “科学”这个难解释的词,说到底就是一种民主的方法。那就是科学的力量:科学的力量以及没有什么真理更重要的信心。
[评析] 民主的方法和只相信事实的信念。(第1个that没问题。第2个that为代词,代替前面的a democratic method。第三个that的指代也应该一样。第四个that引导同位语从句。)

11. They believe that every moment can be put to some use, and that with more pleasure than if unemployed.
[原译] 他们认为每时每刻都可利用来做点什么事,他们还认为要比不干什么事更令人快乐。
[评析] ……而且要比不做什么事更为快活。(第1个that没问题。第2个that不能理解为believe的宾语从句。而and that为加强语气,意为“而且”。)

12. As the specializations have increased in number and narrowed in range, there has been an opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies in that one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world.
[原译] 由于专门学科越来越多,研究的范围越来越窄,便出现了一种反对跨学科研究的倾向。在这个跨学科的研究中,人们不可能很好地了解这个现代世界所带来的许许多多的非常复杂的问题。
[评析] ……因为人们不可能……。(in that为一个固定的搭配,意为“因为”。)
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