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4月12日,开始背新概念拉! 开帖纪录中...

 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-5 14:51:42 | 只看该作者
1. knock和at似乎没关系?
Did I hear a knock at the door? 是有人敲门吗?

2. stand on his head
stand on one\'s own feet = depend on oneself 独立

3. in return for = as repayment; as a reward 作为回报

4. go away
   = leave       There was no answer to my knock, so I went away.
  = cease     If this pain doesn\'t go away soon. I\'ll go mad.

5. call at
   = pay a visit to (a place)  拜访(某场所)     We call at our new neighbour\'s house last week.
   =  ( of a ship ) stop for a short time at (船)短暂停靠       The train calls at every station.
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-5 14:59:38 | 只看该作者
2-7 Too late

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valueable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier someone had told the police that the thielves(thieves) would try to steal the diamonds. While(When) the plane arrived, some detectives were waiting in(inside) the main building while others were waiting at(on) the air field. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it to(into) the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand.
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-5 15:15:44 | 只看该作者
1. all morning 为何不用 all the morning?

2. a few hours earlier/a few hours ago

3. inside the building/on the airfield

4. carry it into Customs House

5. to sb\'s surprise

6. full of

7. sand: 查词典为 U.C 不过一般用sands阿,这里为何是stones and sand?
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-6 19:35:43 | 只看该作者
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-6 21:49:26 | 只看该作者
2-8 The best and the Worst

Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in the(our) town. Nearly everyone(everybody) enters for the \'Nicest Garden Competition\' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith\'s Garden is larger than Joe\'s. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables.(,) B(b)ut Joe\'s Garden is more interesting. He has made a neat path(s) in his garden and has built a (wooden) bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for (the)garden competition too.(,) A(a)nd I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town.
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-6 22:30:01 | 只看该作者
1. everyone = everybody

2. each year为何不用every year
Each day passed without any news.
Each of us has a company car. / We each have a company car.
He gave us 5 each. / The cakes are 20p each.

3. neat path

4. over a pool
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-7 00:42:49 | 只看该作者
2-9 A cold welcome

On Wednesday evening(,) we went to the town hall(Town Hall). It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the town hall(Town Hall) clock.  It would strike twelve in twenty minutes(\') time. Fifteen minutes passed by and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited(,) but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. \'It\'s two past twelve! The clock has stopped.\' I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the new year. At that moment, people(everbody) began to laugh and sing.
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-8 09:03:32 | 只看该作者
1. Town Hall

2. a large crowd of
What a large crowd

A man was traveling down a country road when he saw a large group of people outside a house. He stopped and asked a person why the large crowd was there.
A farmer replied, \"Joe\'s mule kicked his mother-in-law and she died.\"
\"Well,\" replied the man, \"she must have had a lot of friends.\"
\"Nope,\" said the farmer, \"we all just want to buy his mule.\"

3. in twenty minutes\' time

4. minute hand 分针

5. at that moment
qiweigr 发表于 07-6-11 19:54:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| ultradc 发表于 07-6-13 11:21:19 | 只看该作者
2-10 Not for Jazz

We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. It (The instrument) was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was demaged by a visitor. She tried to play Jazz(jazz) on it. She struck the key(s) too hard and two of (the)strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father\'s.
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