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Read the followingunfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement orquestion, four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given. Choose the onethat you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write theletter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the ANSWERSHEET. (50 points, 1 point each)
1. The Vikings, whocame from _____, attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8thcentury.
A. Norway
B. France
C. Germany
D. Denmark
2. The Celts began toarrive at Britain around _____ and kept coming until the arrival of the Romans.
A. 600 BC
B. 600 AD
C.700 BC
D. 700 AD
3. Among the Britishkings, _____ was known as “the Confessor” because ofhis religious piety.
A. Henry II
B. King Alfred
C. King Harold
D. King Edward
4. The Domesday Book states all the followingEXCEPT _____.
A. the history of the land
B. the ownership of the land
C. the value of the land
D. the extent of the land
5.The spirit of Magna Carta was _____.
A. the increasing of the powersof serfs
B. the limitation of the powersof the king
C. the increasing of the powersof the Church
D. the limitation of the powersof the Norman lords
【解析】1215年,英国大封建领主和教会反对英王约翰的一些政策,迫使他签署了保证他们公民权利和政治权利的文件,即《大宪章》(Magna Carta),限制国王滥用王权。《大宪章》的精神实质就是把国王的权利限制王权。故选B
6. The causes of the Hundred Years’ War were partly_____ and partlyeconomic.
A. racial
B. political
C. religious
D. territorial
7. In British history,the First Civil war broke out in _____.
A. 1640
B. 1642
C. 1645
D. 1649
8. The main causes forHenry VIII’s religious reform of the Church were the following EXCEPT _____.
A. pressure from the Pope
B. Henry’s need for money
C. accumulated desire for changeand reform in the Church
D. public resentment for theprivilege and wealth of the clergy
9. _____ was the onlymonarch that was condemned to death and executed inBritish history.
A. Charles I
B. Charles II
C. James I
D. James II
10.A good result of the agriculturalenclosure was that  _____.
A. tenants were evicted fromtheir lands
B. riots erupted in many areaswhere the peasant farmers went
C. a new class hostility wasintroduced into rural relationships
D. farms became bigger and biggerunits as the great bought up the small
11. The IndustrialRevolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changesin social and economic organization in Britain in the _____.
A. late 16th century and early17th century
B. late 17th century and early18th century
C. late 18th century and early19th century
D. late 19th century and early20th century
12. Which of thefollowing is TRUE about Britain inWorld War II?
A. It lost all her nationalwealth.
B. It was left gravelyimpoverished.
C. It devoted half of herstrength to the war.
D. It entered a period of economicand financial boom.
13. _____, who foundthat his policy of appeasement of German aggression was no longer tenable,wasforced to declare war on Germany on September 3.1939.
A. Churchill
B. George VI
C. Chamberlain
D. Elizabeth II
14. In January 1973,Britain finally became a full member of the _____.
A. Commonwealth
B. European Economic Community
C. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
D. Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries
【解析】1973年1月,英国终于成为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员国。故选B项。英联邦(Commonwealth)成立于1931年,从成立之初,英国就是其成员。北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic TreatyOrganization)成立于1949年,英国当年加入。石油输出国组织(Organization of PetroleumExporting Countries)成立于1960年,为亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲等石油输出国为对抗西方国家而成立的组织,英国不是其成员国。
15.The intervalbetween General Elections in the U.K. is _____ years.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 8
16. The two majorparties in Britain since 1945 are _____.
A. the Whig Party and the ToryParty
B. the Labor Party and theLiberal Party
C. the Labor Party and theConservative Party
D. the Conservative Party and theLiberal Party
17. In the U.K., government ministers areresponsible collectively to _____ for all Cabinetdecisions.
A. the Queen
B. the Parliament
C. the Privy Council
D. the Prime Minister
18. In Britain, _____is the largest of the Free Churches,originated in the 18th century following the evangelical revival under JohnWesley (1703-1791).
A. the Methodist Church
B. the Baptist Church
C. the Church of England
D. the Church of Scotland
19. Which of thefollowing is NOT a feature of the OpenUniversity?
A. It is a non-residentialuniversity.
B. It is open to all to becomestudents.
C. It admits students only fromBritain.
D. It offers degree and othercourses for adult students of all ages.
20. _____, the mostpopular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England.
A. Golf
B. Football
C. Cricket
D. Basketball
21. In the late 15thcentury, supported by the Spanish queen, Christopher Columbus, _____,discovered the New World.
A. an Italian navigator
B. a Danish navigator
C. an English navigator
D. a Portuguese navigator
22. One of thefeatures of the early colonistwhich play a role in the formation of American characteris _____.
A. religious intolerance
B. respect of individual rights
C. strong form of government
D. discouragement of individualenterprise
23. In September 1783,______ was signed and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.
A. the Articles of Confederation
B. the Bill of Rights
C. the Declaration of Independence
D. the Treaty of Paris
【解析】1783年9月,《巴黎条约》签署,英国承认美国独立。故选D项。邦联和永久联合条例》(Articlesof Confederation and Perpetual Union)是在1776年北美宣布独立后不久,第二届大陆会议就提出并着手起草全国宪法,简称为《邦联条例》。the Bill of Rights为《人权法案》,是1791年美国通过的前十项修正案。1776年7月4日,大陆会议通过并批准了《独立宣言》,这一宣言断绝了与英国的联系,建立了一个新的国家。
24. The Articles ofConfederation was very important in all the following EXCEPT that _____.
A. it provided for no king
B. it declared independence fromGreat Britain
C. it was a written constitutionfor the United States
D. it created a centralgovernment in the form of a Congress
【解析】《独立宣言》(The Declaration ofIndependence)是宣告美国独立于英国的文件。故选B项。
25. The American Civil War broke outmainly because _____.
A. Abraham Lincoln was electedpresident
B. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s UncleTom s Cabin was published
C. the southern states controlledland, raw materials and labor that the North needed
D. the southern states broke awayfrom the Union and formed the Confederate States of America
26. On August 4,1914,America President _____ issued an official statement proclaiming Americanneutrality in the First World War.
A. Harry Truman
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt
27. In the U.S., thefirst blow to the stock market came on October 24,1929, which was called _____.
A. the black Monday
B. the black Friday
C. the black Thursday
D. the black Tuesday
28. The aim ofPresident Roosevelt’s New Deal was to _____.
A. abolish social securitysystems
B. reduce government regulationand control
C. discourage industries fromdeveloping too fast
D. “save American democracy” ashe himself put it
29.The Americancontainment policy towards the Soviet Union, made by President Truman in 1949,lasted until _____.
A. 1975
B. 1989
C. 1991
D. 1998
30. _____ was theresult of the struggle between the great powers for control of the world andmilitary expansion of the countries of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy andmilitarist Japan.
A. The Cold War
B. The Korean War
C. The First World War
D. The Second World War
31. _____ was NOT acornerstone of the postwar American economic boom.
A. Increasing investment inagriculture
B. An ever-increasing militaryspending
C. Automobile manufacturing forthe growing new communities
D.A construction boom to providehouses and schools for all children
32. In February 1972,President _____ visited China and met Chairman Mao and the two countries issuedthe Shanghai Communique.
A. Nixon
B. Carter
C. Ford
D. Reagan
33. In the postwaryears the United States continued to emphasize government involvement andadopted the _____ in running the economy.
A. Keynesian theory
B. Marxist theory
C. Truman Doctrine
D. Monetarist policies
34.Apart from thestagnation, the American economy is now facing another problem of _____.
A. foreign debts and tradedeficit
B. foreign debts and tradesurplus
C. overproduction and trade deficit
D. overproduction and tradesurplus
35.The three giants inauto industry in the U.S. are _____.
A. General Motors, Ford, Chrysler
B. General Motors, Toyota, Chrysler
C. General Motors, Nissan, Chrysler
D. General Motors, Volkswagen, Chrysler
36. According to theprovisions for constitutionalamendment, the Congressmay initiate an amendment by a _____ vote in each house.
A. half
B. one-third
C. two-thirds
D. three-fourths
37.In order to besuccessful, a candidate for the U.S. Presidency must receive at least _____electoral votes.
A. 200
B. 270
C. 435
D. 538
38.The ambassadors,ministersand consuls appointed by the U.S. President must be confirmed by the _____.
A. Senate
B. House
C. Supreme Court
D. State Department
39. Which statementabout the American political parties is NOT true?
A. In general, America has atwo-party system.
B. The Constitution makes noprovisions for political parties.
C. Political parties are thebasis of the American political system.
D. The Democrats and theRepublicans dominate politics only at the federal level.
40. _____ were thoseAmerican writers who reported truthfully and objectively the life in the slumsin the last decades of the 19th century and the first decade of the 20thcentury.
A. Realists
B. Naturalists
C. Transcendentalists
D. Modernists
41. The PrairieProvinces which lie west of Ontario are ideal for _____ and arethinly settled.
A. fishing
B. mining
C. tourism
D. growing wheat
42. After the SevenYears’ War from 1756 to 1763,the French were forcedto give up _____ of Canada to Britain.
A. parts
B. the east
C. the whole
D. the northwest
43. By the Statute ofWestminster in 1931, Canada _____.
A. took Newfoundland as its tenthprovince
B. became a member of theCommonwealth of Nations
C. found rich oil fields inAlberta and other western provinces
D. opened the St. Lawrence Seawayfor further growth in economy
44. In 1921 theBritish signed the Anglo-IrishTreaty to _____.
A. start a civil war
B. keep Ireland out of World WarII
C. found the Irish RepublicanArmy
D. establish an Irish Free Statein Northern Ireland
45. Henry VIII was thefirst king to bring all _____ under English control.
A. Wales
B. Europe
C. Ireland
D. Scotland
46. Most of Australialies between 20°S and 35°S which is _____ a world.
A. hot and wet
B. hot and dry
C.dry and windy
D. dry and sunny
47. In Australia,traffic drives on the _____ of the road.
A. single line
B. middle
C. right side
D. leftside
48. In Australia, aspeople with different traditions and customs interact with each other, apeculiar blend of different _____ will be emerging.
A. politics
B. societies
C. cultures
D. philosophies
49.The Lake of Taupowas formed by a(n) _____.
A. big tsunami
B. horrible flood
C. terrible earthquake
D. enormous volcanic eruption
50.Since _____,earthquakes in New Zealand do not usually cause many deaths.
A. the land is hilly
B. there are many mountain lakes
C. many areas of the country arenot heavily populated
D. the central plateau in NorthIsland is dominated by 3 volcanic mountains
Give a one-sentenceanswer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in thecorresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points, 3 points each)
54.What does Oxbridgestand for?
答案:Oxbridgestands for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
55.What is the majordifference between the Puritans and the Pilgrims in American colonial times?
答案:ThePuritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen, but Pilgrim were mostly poor,laboring people.
56.What importantproclamation did President Lincolnissue to make the Civil War a just one?
答案:PresidentLincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation during Civil War.
57.What is the basicinstrument of American government and the supreme law of the land?
答案:TheConstitution of the United States is the basic instrument of Americangovernment and the supreme law of the land.
58.What is America’smost important patriotic holiday?
答案:IndependencyDay, falling upon the 4th of July every year, is America’s most importantpatriotic holiday.
59.What is the name of the radio educationalsystem through which children learn their lessons in Australia?
答案:TheAustralia BroadcastingCorporationis the radio educational system through which children learntheir lessons in Australia.
60.Politically howmany states and territories does Australia have?
答案:Australiais politically divided into six states and two territories.
Explain each of thefollowing terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on theANSWER SHEET in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points each)
61.Black Death
答案:BlackDeath is a modern name given to the dearly bubonic plague, an epidemic diseasespread through Europe in the fourteenth century particularly in 1348~1349. Itcame without warning, and without any cue. In England, it killed almost half ofthe total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences.
62.Civil List
答案:CivilList refers to an annual allowance, approved by parliament, made to thesovereign and members of the royal family for the expense involved in carryingout their public duties.
63.The U.S. Presidency
答案:TheU.S. Presidency is the elected head of state and head of government of theUnited States. The Constitution requires the President at least 35 years ofage. The presidential election is held every four years. The president startshis official duties with an inauguration ceremony.
64.The Cuban Missile Crisis
答案:TheCuban Missile Crisis was confrontation between the United States and the SovietUnion concerning Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba. In 1962, theSoviet Union sent both offensive and defensive medium and intermediate missileswith warheads to Cuba and started building missile sites there. PresidentKennedy finally decided on the use of naval force to prevent military materialand arms from getting into Cuba and demanded the removal of the missiles. ThenKhrushchev backed down and accepted American conditions.

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