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ooo 发表于 17-8-13 16:27:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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I. Put the FollowingTerms into Chinese.(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
Shanghai Free Trade Area, special envoy, consulate-general,National City Bank of New York, exchange rate, cash drains, intangible assets,bank balance, pay by installment, Host University, law firm, current account, antidumping,OPEC, export subsidy
Shanghai Free Trade Area  上海自由贸易区
special envoy 特使
consulate-general 总领事馆
National City Bank of New York 花旗银行
exchange rate 汇率
cash drains 现金外流
intangible assets 无形资产
bank balance 银行存款余额
pay by installment 分期付款
Host University  主办大学
law firm  律师事务所
current account  经常账户;现金帐户
antidumping 反倾销
OPEC  石油输出国组织
export subsidy   出口补贴
II. Put the FollowingTerms into English.(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
丝路基金 SilkRoad fund
反恐怖主义情报中心  anti-terrorismintelligence system
海外追逃 internationalmanhunt
苏格兰独立公投  ScottishIndependence Referendum
微信  WeChat
失联  losecontact
正能量 positiveenergy
埃博拉病毒 Ebolavirus
权利寻租腐败 Powerrent-seeking corruption
反垄断调查   anti-monopolyprobe
潜规则   hiddenrules; unspoken rules
科研经费 researchfunds
食品安全 foodsafety
依法治国 ruleof law
亚太自贸区   FreeTrade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)

III. Put the FollowingEnglish into Chinese.(60 分)
The most complex lesson the literary point ofview teaches—and it is not, to be sure, a lesson available to all, and is evendifficult to keep in mind once acquired—is to allow the intellect to becomesubservient to the heart. What wide reading teaches is the richness, the complexity,the mystery, of life. In the wider and longer view, I have come to believe,there is something deeply apolitical—something above politics—in literature,despite what feminist, Marxist, and otherpoliticized literary critics may think. If at the end ofa long life of reading the chief message you bring away is that women have hadit lousy, or that capitalism stinks, or that attentionmust above all be paid to victims, then I’d say youjust might have missed something crucial. Too bad, for there probablyisn’t time to go back to re-read your lifetime, allotment of five thousand or so books.
People who have read with love and respectunderstand that the larger message behind all books, great and good and even some not so good as they might be, is, finally, cultivateyour sensibility so that you may trust your heart. The charmingly ironic point of vast reading, at least as I have come to understand it, is to distrust much of one’s education. Unfortunately, the only way to know this isfirst to become educated, just as the onlyway properly to despise success is first to achieve it.
IV. Put the FollowingChinese into English.(60分)
The conscientiousness of Professor Ji Xianlin iswell-known. Once the magazine for which I work intended to carry a biographicalsketch of him. When I asked him over the telephone about his current position,he took the matter very seriously and told me not only his position but alsohis age, place of birth, and over a dozen of his titular positions. Hisattitude seemed to be: Since you have asked me, I have to make everythingclear. Vagueness and ambiguity are not in keeping with proper scholarship.
…Only after he moved the books and letters froman armchair did I have a place to sit. As if idly chatting, he asked me somequestions about myself and then said modestly that he was “too old to writeanything decent”. But his new works were being published one after another.After a while, the telephone rang. After he answered the phone, someone knockedat the door notifying him that there would be a meeting that afternoon. In themidst of coping with all of this activity, he mistakenly worte an inscriptionfor me on the back of an inscription by the famous old writer Xiao Qian. When Itook it from him, I felt very embarrassed. These inscriptions were both meantto be mounted and framed. Now that the two great celebrities had written onboth sides of the paper, how was I supposed to mount it? Hearing my worry,Professor Ji blamed himself again and again for his carelessness and said,“Xiao Qian wrote his inscription first. I should write on another piece ofpaper as a replacement. Let’s do it this way. In a few days I’ll use my brushto write a scroll for you. Is it all right?” I was not very sure about thesincerity of his remarks. However, shortly after I returned to Zhengzhou, I indeed received a letter fromhim. Enclosed with the letter was an inscription he had written with a brush,quoting two lines from a poem by the famous Song-dynasty scholar Zhu Xi:“Growing old is easy for a young person, but scholarship is difficult.Therefore one must treasure every moment of life.” I was deeply touched.
Ⅰ.Put the Following Terms into Chinese. (15’)
Federal Reserve; export subsidy; net worth;hard shoulder; China News Service; population ageing; default fine; ISO;documentary translation; Skopos theory; ST; antidumping; tax evasion;intellectual property; population ageing
8.国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)
11.结构文本(Structured Text)
Ⅱ.Put the Following Terms into English. (15’)
1.easy monetary policy
2.endowment insurance
3.cultural deficit
5.the distribution/allocation of resources
6.resident savings deposits expand/propel domestic demand
8.China’s Growth Enterprise Market; ChiNext
9.crude oil price; the price of crude oil
10.Year of the Snake
11.housing accumulation/provident fund
12.broadband speed
13. power-for-money deal; trade power formoney
14.Web hyper; Internet marketer
15. people’s livelihood; people’swell-being
Ⅲ.Put the Following English into Chinese. (60’)
Tyltyl was a fine, tall little fellow, stout and well-setup, withcurly black hair which was often in a tangle, for he was fond of a romp. He wasa great favourite because of his smiling and good-tempered face and the brightlook in his eyes; but, best of all, he had the ways of a bold and fearlesslittle man, which showed the noble qualities of his heart. When, early in themorning, he trotted along the forest-road by the side of his daddy, Tyl thewoodcutter, for all his shabby clothes he looked so proud and gallant thatevery beautiful thing on the earth and in the sky seemed to lie in wait for himto smile upon him as he passed.
His little sister was very different, but looked ever so sweet andpretty in her long frock, which Mummy Tyl kept neatly patched for her. She wasas fair as her brother was dark; and her large timid eyes were blue as theforget-me-nots in the fields. Anything was enough to frighten her and she wouldcry at the least thing; but her little child’s soul already held the highestwomanly qualities: she was loving and gentle and so fondly devoted to herbrother that, rather than abandon him, she did not hesitate to undertake a longand dangerous journey in his company.
vⅣ. Put the FollowingChinese into English. (60’)
During the reign of Taiyuan of Chin, there was a fisherman ofWuling. One day he was walking along a bank. After having gone a certaindistance, he suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank forabout a hundred yards. He noticed with surprise that the grove had a magiceffect, so singularly free from the usual mingling of brushwood, while thebeautifully grassy ground was covered with its rose petals.
He went further to explore, and when he came to the end of thegrove, he saw a spring which came from a cave in the hill. Having noticed thatthere seemed to be a weak light in the cave, he tied up his boat and decided togo in and explore. At first the opening was very narrow, barely wide enough forone person to go in. After a dozen steps, it opened into a flood of light. Hesaw before his eyes a wide, level valley, with houses and fields and farms.There were bamboos and mulberries; farmers were working and dogs and chickenswere running about. The dresses of the men and women were like those of theoutside world, and the old men and children appeared very happy and contented.
They were greatly astonished to see the fisherman and asked himwhere he had come from. The fisherman told them and was invited to their homes,where wine was served and chicken was killed for dinner to entertain him. Thevillagers hearing of his coming all came to see him and to talk. They said thattheir ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the tyranny of TsinShih-huang (builder of Great Wall) some six hundred years ago, and they hadnever left it. They were thus completely cut off from the world, and asked whatthe ruling dynasty was now. They had not even heard of the Han Dynasty (twocenturies before to two centuries after Christ), not to speak of the Wei (thirdcentury A.D.) and the Chin (third and fourth centuries). The fisherman toldthem, which they heard with great amazement. Many of the other villagers thenbegan to invite him to their homes by turn and feed him dinner and wine. Aftera few days, he took leave of them and left. The villagers begged him not totell the people outside about their colony.(林语堂 译)
In the year of Taiyuan of the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man inWuling Prefecture who earned his living by fishing. One day, he rowed his boatalong a stream, unaware of how far he had gone when all of a sudden, he foundhimself in the midst of a wood full of peach blossoms. The wood extendedseveral hundred footsteps along both banks of the stream. There were no treesof other kinds. The fragrant grass was fresh and beautiful and peach petalsfell in riotous profusion. The fisherman was so curious that he rowed on, inhopes of discovering where the trees ended.
At the end of the wood was the fountainhead of the stream. Thefisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer oflight. He stepped ashore to explore the crevice. His first steps took him intoa passage that accommodated only the width of one person. After he progressedabout scores of paces, it suddenly widened into an open field. The land wasflat and spacious. There were houses arranged in good order with fertilefields, beautiful ponds, bamboo groves, mulberry trees and paths crisscrossingthe fields in all directions. The crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs werewithin hearing of each other. In the fields the villagers were busy with farmwork. Men and women were dressed like people outside. They all, old and young,appeared happy.
They were surprised at seeing the fisherman, who, being asked wherehe came from, answered their every question. Then they invited him to visittheir homes, killed chickens, and served wine to entertain him. As the words ofhis arrival spread, the entire village turned out to greet him. They told himthat their ancestors had come to this isolated haven, bringing their familiesand the village people, to escape from the turmoil during the Qin Dynasty andthat from then onwards, they had been cut off from the outside world. They werecurious to know what dynasty it was now. They did not know the Han Dynasty, notto mention the Wei and the Jin dynasties. The fisherman told them all thethings they wanted to know. They sighed. The villagers offered him one feastafter another. They entertained him with wine and delicious food. After severaldays, the fisherman took his leave. The village people entreated him not to letothers know of their existence.(罗经国 译)

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