目录 封面
Part I Reading Comprehension (2×20=40分)
Directions: Inthis part for the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passageis followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinishedstatement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decideon the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage One
Justice in society must include both a fair trial to theaccused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty.Because justice is regarded as one form of equality, we find in its earlierexpressions the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the OldTestament is the expression “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” Thatis, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offence against society.To make up for his offence, society must get even. This can be done only bydoing an equal injury to him. This conception of retributive justice isreflected in many parts of the legal documents and procedures of modern times.It is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who hadcommitted murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the Germanidealist Hegel. He believed that society owed it to the criminal to give apunishment equal to the crime he had committed. The criminal had by his ownactions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that willcounteract this denial and restore the self that has been denied. To themurderer nothing less than giving up his own will pay his debt. The demand of thedeath penalty is a right the state owes the criminal and it should not deny himhis due.
Modern jurists havetried to replace retributive justice with the notion of corrective justice. The aim of the latter is not toabandon the concept of equality but to find a more adequate way to express it. It tries to preserve the idea ofequal opportunity for each individual to realize the best that is in him. Thecriminal is regarded as being socially ill and in need of treatment that willenable him to become a normal member of society.
Before a treatment canbe administered, the course of his antisocial behavior must be found. If thecause can be removed, provisions must be made to have this done. Only thosecriminals who are incurable should be permanently separated from the rest ofthe society. This does not mean that criminals will escape punishment or bequickly returned to take up careers of crime. It means that justice is to healthe individual, not simply to get even with him. If severe punishment is theonly adequate means for accompanying this, it should be administered. However,the individual should be given every opportunity to assume a normal place insociety. His conviction of crime must not deprive him of the opportunity tomake his way in the society of which he is a part.
1.The best title for this passage is _____.
A. FittingPunishment to the Crime
B. Approachesto Just Punishment
C. Improvementin Legal Justice
D. AttainingJustice in the Courts
2. The passage implies that the basicdifference between retributive justice and corrective justice is the _____.
A. type ofcrime that was proven
B. severity ofthe punishment
C. reason forthe sentence
D. outcome ofthe trial
3. The punishment that would be mostinconsistent with the views of corrective justice would be _____.
A. forcedlabour
B. imprisonment
C. fairsentence
D. the electricchair
4. The Biblical expression “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for atooth” was presented in order to _____.
A. prove thatequality demands just punishment
B. justifiesthe need for punishment as a part of law
C. give moral backingto retributive justice
D. show thatman has long been interested in justice
1.B 主旨大意题。通读全文,文章开头第一句“Justice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused andthe selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty(社会公平必须包括对被告公正的审判和对罪犯选择适当的量刑)”为主旨句,可判定本文中心内容为:保证公正审判的方法,故答案为B。
2.C 推理判断题。第一段重点介绍了报复性司法(retributivejustice)的观点,它认为“justiceis regarded as one form of equality(司法公正是一种平等的形式)”,也就是说,如果罪犯对社会造成了伤害,那么社会也应当对罪犯施以同样的伤害;文章第二段重点介绍了矫正正义理论(corrective justice),其中提到“The aim of the latter is not to abandon the concept of equality butto find a more adequate way to express it...The criminal is regarded as beingsocially ill and in need of treatment that will enable him to become a normalmember of society.”,主张在维护公平的前提下帮助罪犯改正。所以两者之间的基本差异应为:判刑的原因,故选C。
3.D 推理判断题。文章第三段有关“corrective justice”的理论提到“the course of hisantisocial behavior must be found. If the cause can be removed, provisions mustbe made to have this done… It means that justice is to heal the individual, notsimply to get even with him(要先找出犯人犯罪的原因并想办法消除它,对犯人可以釆取严厉的惩罚,但惩罚是为使犯人改过,不是使之得到相应的报应)”,由此可知矫正正义理论主张通过惩罚来帮助犯人改过自新,D项是极端的做法,不符合此理论,故选D。
4.D 推理判断题。文章第一段第二句提到“we find in its earlier expressions the idea of a punishment equal tothe crime(在早期人们对公平的定义是犯罪就要受罚)”,接着列举了《圣经》中的句子,旨在说明人们长久以来就对社会公平有着极大的兴趣,且本文是说明文,作者没有表达或反驳任何观点,只是做了介绍说明,所以A、B、C三项都是错误的,故选D。
Passage Two
Farmers in thedeveloping world hate price fluctuations. It makes it hard to plan ahead. Butmost of them have little choice; they sell at the price the market sets. Farmersin Europe, the U. S. and Japan are luckier; they receive massive government subsidiesin the form of guaranteed prices or direct handouts. Last month U.S. PresidentBush signed a new farm bill that gives American farmers $ 190 billion over thenext 10 years, or $ 83 billion more than they had been scheduled to get, andpushes U.S. agricultural support close to crazy European levels. Bush said thestep is necessary to “promote farmer independence and preserve the farm way oflife for generations”. It is also designed to help the Republican Party wincontrol of the Senate in November’s mid-term elections.
Agricultural productionin most poor countries accounts for up to 50% of GDP, compared to only 3% inrich countries. But most farmers in poor countries grow just enough forthemselves and their families. Those who try exporting to the West find their goodswhacked with huge tariffs or competing against cheaper subsidized goods. In 1999the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development concluded that for eachdollar developing countries receive in aid they lose up to $14 just because oftrade barriers imposed on the export of their manufactured goods. It’s not asif the developing world wants any favours, says Uganda’s Minister of Finance.“What we want is for the rich countries to let us compete.”
Agriculture is one of thefew areas in which the Third World can compete. Land and labour are cheap, andas farming methods develop, new technologies should improve output. This is nopie-in-the-sky speculation. The biggest success in Kenya’s economy over thepast decade has been the boom in exports of cut flowers and vegetables toEurope. But that may all change in 2008, when Kenya will be slightly too richto qualify for the “least-developed country” status that allows Africanproducers to avoid paying still European import duties on selected agriculturalproducts. With trade barriers in place, the horticulture industry in Kenya willshrivel as quickly as a discarded rose. And while agriculture exports remainthe great hope for poor countries, reducing trade barriers in other sectorsalso works: American’s African Growth and Opportunity Act, which cuts duties onexports of everything from handicrafts to shoes, has proven a boon to Africa’smanufacturers. The lesson: the Third World can prosper if the rich world givesit a fair go.
This is what makesBush’s decision to increase farm subsidies last month all the more depressing.Poor countries have long suspected that the rich world urges trade liberalizationonly so it can wangle its way into new markets. Such suspicions caused theSeattle trade talks to break down three years ago. But last November members ofthe World Trade Organization, meeting in Doha, Qatar, finally agreed to a newround of talks designed to open up global trade in agriculture and textiles.Rich countries assured poor countries, that their concerns were finally beingaddressed. Bush’s Handout last month makes a lie of America’s commitment tothose talks and his personal devotion to free trade.
5. By comparison, farmers _____ receivemore government subsidies than others.
A. in thedeveloping world
B. in Japan
C. inEurope
D. in America
6. In addition to the economic considerations, there is a _____motive behind Bush’s signing of the new farm bill.
C. financial
D. cultural
7. The message the writer attempts toconvey throughout the passage is that _____.
A. poor countries should begiven equal opportunities in trade
B. “the least-developedcountry” status benefits against agricultural countries
C. poor countries shouldremove their suspicions about trade liberation
D. farmers in poor countriesshould also receive the benefit of subsidies
8. The author’s attitude towards new farmsubsidies in the U.S. is _____.
A. favourable
D. reserved
5.C 推理判断题。第一段第四句提到“Farmers in Europe, the U. S. and Japan are luckier”,再结合第一段第五句提到的“...and pushesU.S. agricultural support close to crazy European levels(……使美国的农业扶持力度接近疯狂的欧洲水平)”,可以推断出欧洲农民收到的政府补贴最多,故选C。
6.A 推理判断题。第一段最后一句话提到“It is also designed to help the Republican Party win control of theSenate in November’s mid-term elections(议案还旨在帮助布什所在的共和党赢得对参议院的控制权)”,可以推断该法案背后有政党动机,故选A。
7.A 推理判断题。文章第二段最后一句乌干达财政部长提到“What we want is for the rich countries to let us compete(希望富国能让他们竞争)”,除此,第三段提到肯尼亚园艺工业曾经的发展和现在所面临的贸易障碍,得出一个教训:the Third World can prosper if the rich world gives it a fair go(富国若给一个公平的机会,第三世界就会富裕起来)”,综合可知,作者主要在呼吁富国给予落后的国家公平的机会。故答案为A。
8.C 态度观点题。本题考查作者的态度。最后一段第一句提到“This is what makes Bush’s decision to increase farm subsidies lastmonth all the more depressing”,说明布什的决定令人沮丧;最后一句提到“Bush’s Handout last month makes a lie of America’s commitment tothose talks and his personal devotion to free trade”,这实质上是批评了布什在多哈会谈上对自己的承诺撒了谎。因此态度是“批判性的”,答案为C。
Passage Three
“In every known humansociety the male’s needs for achievement can be recognized... In a greaternumber of human societies men’s sureness of their sex role is tied up withtheir right, or ability, to practice some activity that women are not allowedto practice. Their maleness in fact has to be underwritten by preventing womenfrom entering some field or performing some feat.”
This is the conclusionof anthropologist Margaret Mead about the way in which the roles of men andwomen in society should be distinguished.
If talk and print areconsidered it would seem that the formal emancipation of women is far fromcomplete. There is a flow of publications about the continuing domestic bondageof women and about the complicated system of defenses which men have thrown uparound their hitherto accepted advantages, taking sometimes the obvious form ofexclusion from types of occupation and sociable groupings, and sometimes themore subtle form of automatic doubt of the seriousness of women’s pretensionsto the level of intellectual and resolution that men, it is supposed, bring to thebusiness of running the world.
There are a good manyobjective pieces of evidence for the erosion of men’s status. In the firstplace, there is the widespread postwar phenomenon of the woman Prime Minister,in India, Sri Lanka and Israel.
Secondly, there is thevery large increase in the number of women who work, especially married womenand mothers of children. More diffusely there are the increasingly numerousconvergences between male and female behavior: the approximation to identicalstyles in dress and coiffure, the sharing of domestic tasks, and the admissionof women to all sorts of hitherto exclusively male leisure-time activities.
Everyone carries roundwith him a fairly definite idea of the primitive or natural conditions of humanlife. It is acquired more bythe study of humorous cartoons than of archaeology, but that does notmatter since it is not significant as theory but only as an expression ofinwardly felt expectations of people’s sense of what is fundamentally proper inthe differentiation between the roles of the two sexes. In this rudimentary naturalsociety men go out to hunt and fish and to fight off the tribe next door while womenkeep the fire going. Amorous initiative is firmly reserved to the man, who set aboutcourtship with a club.
9. The phrase “men’s sureness of their sexrole” in the first paragraph suggests that they _____.
A. are confident in theirability to charm women
B. take initiative in courtship
C. have a clear idea of whatis considered “manly”
D. tend to be moreimmoral than women are
10.The third paragraph _____.
A. generally agrees with thefirst paragraph
B. has no connection with thefirst paragraph
C. repeats the argument of thesecond paragraph
D. contradicts the lastparagraph
11. The usual idea of the cave man in thelast paragraph _____.
A. is based on the study ofarchaeology
B. illustrates how peopleexpect men to behave
C. is dismissed by the authoras an irrelevant joke
D. proves that the man, notwoman, should be the wooer
12. The opening quotation from Margaret Mead sums up a relationship between man andwoman which the author _____.
A. approvesof
B. argues isnatural
C. completelyrejects
D. expects togo on changing
9.C 语义推断题。“men’s sureness of their sex role”意为“对他们男性的角色十分确定”,即对于男子气概有着清晰的想法,故答案为C。
10.A 推理判断题。第三段第一句就提到“... the formal emancipation of women is far from complete (真正的妇女解放还未完成)”,接着从多个方面具体阐述了女性遭受的不平等待遇,第一段最后一句提到“Their maleness in fact has to be underwritten by preventing womenfrom entering some field or performing some feat”,点明了女性受到的不公平待遇,由此可以推断第三段与第一段的观点基本一致,故选A。
11.B 推理判断题。由最后一段第二句中的“…it is not significant as theory but only as an expression ofinwardly felt expectations of people’s sense of what is fundamentally proper inthe differentiation between the roles of the two sexes”可知,这种想法只是人们内心所感受到的一种期望。与选项B吻合,故答案为B。由“It is acquired more by thestudy of humorous cartoons than of archaeology”可知A项错误;由最后一句可知D项错误;C项文中没有提及。
12.D 推理判断题。Margaret Mead认为男性的权利、能力将女性排除在相关领域之外,作者在文章第三段指出女性的解放仍不彻底,并给出了具体事例。由此可以推断,作者希望Margaret Mead所总结的男女关系能够继续改变。
Passage Four
Roger Rosenblatt’s book BlackFiction, in attempting to apply literary rather than sociopoliticalcriteria to its subject, successfully alters the approach taken by mostprevious studies. As Rosenblatt notes, criticism of black writing has oftenserved as a pretext for expounding on Black history. Addison Gayle’s recentwork, for example, judges the value of black fiction by overtly politicalstandards, rating each work according to the notions of Black identity which itpropounds.
Although fictionassuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to thosecircumstances in ways other than ideological, and talking about novels andstories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictionalenterprise. Rosenblatt’s literary analysis discloses affinities and connectionsamong works of Black fiction which solely political studies have overlooked orignored.
Writing acceptablecriticism of black fiction, however, presupposes giving satisfactory answers toa number of questions. First of all is there a sufficient reason, other thanthe racial identity of the authors? Second, how does Black fiction make itself distinctfrom other modern fiction with which it is largely contemporaneous? Rosenblatt showsthat black fiction constitutes a distinct body of writing that has anidentifiable, coherent literarytradition. Looking at novels written by blacks over the last eighty years,he discovers recurring concerns and designs independent of chronology. These structuresare thematic, and they spring, not surprisingly, from the central fact that theBlack characters in these novels exist in a predominantly white culture,whether they try to conform to that culture or rebel against it.
Black fiction does leavesome aesthetic questions open. Rosenblatt’s thematic analyses permitsconsiderable objectivity; he even explicitly states that it is not his intentionto judge the merit of the various works yet his reluctance seems misplaced, especiallysince an attempt to appraise might have led to interesting results. For instance,some of the novels appear to be structurally diffuse. Is this a defect, or arethe authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic?In addition, the style of some black novels, like Jean Toomer’s Cane,verges on expressionism or surrealism; does this technique provide acounterpoint to the prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which blackheroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes ofexpression?
In spite of suchomissions, what Rosenblatt does include in his discussion makes for an astuteand worthwhile study. Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringingto our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like JamesWeldon Johnson’s Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man. Its argument istightly constructed, and is forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded andpenetrating criticism.
13. The author of the passage objects to criticism of black fictionlike that by Addison Gayle because it _____.
A. emphasizes purely literaryaspects of such fiction
B. misinterprets theideological content of such fiction
C. misunderstands the notionsof black identity contained in such fiction
D. substitutes political forliterary criteria in evaluating such fiction
14. The author of the passage is primarilyconcerned with _____.
A. evaluating the soundness ofa work of criticism
B. comparing various criticalapproaches to a subject
C. discussing the limitationsof a particular kind of criticism
D. summarizing the majorpoints made in a work of criticism
15. The author’s discussion of BlackFiction can be best described as _____.
A. pedantic andcontentious
B. critical butadmiring
C. ironic anddeprecating
D.argumentative but unfocused
16. It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be LEASTlikely to approve of which of the following?
A. An analysis of theinfluence of political events on the personal ideology of Black writers
B. A critical study thatapplies sociopolitical criteria to autobiographies by Black authors
C. A literary study of Black poetry that appraises themerits of poems according to the political acceptability of their themes
D. An examination of the growth of a distinct Blackliterary tradition within the context of Black history
13.D 由题干中的Addison Gayle可定位至第一段最后一句。由第一段最后一句中的“…judges the value of black fiction by overtly political standards…”可知,Addison Gayle对黑人小说的价值是通过公开的政治标准来评判的,而不是文学标准,因此答案为D项。
14.A 通读全文可知,作者通过介绍Roger Rosenblatt的书,以黑人文学为例,从社会环境、美学问题等方面评价了文学评论的合理性,由此可以推断本题答案为A项。
15.B 由题干中的书名可以定位至第一段第一句和最后一段。由第一段第一句中的“…successfully alters the approach taken by most previous studies”可知,作者认为该书成功改变了之前一些作品中所采用的方法;由最后一段第一句中的“In spite of such omissions what Rosenblatt does include in hisdiscussion makes for an astute and worthwhile study”可知,作者认为尽管该书有些疏漏,但仍然是有价值的研究。因此本题答案为B项。
16.C 文章第二段最后提到“...which solely political studies have overlooked or ignored”,由此可知,作者对以政治标准进行文学评判的作品持消极态度,因此本题答案为C项。而从“itsauthors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological”以及第三段中的“Rosenblatt shows thatblack fiction constitutes a distinct body of writing that has an identifiable,coherent literary tradition”可知,A、B、D项均在作者可接受范围内。因
Passage Five
Any hope of a fountainof youth to stop people from getting older is a long way off with science justbeginning to understand the complex genetic, physical and hormonal causes ofaging. But experts said there were interesting targets for study, includinggenes involved in Alzheimer’ disease, the hormone DHEA and the role ofexercises in keeping people young.
Steven Lamberts andcolleagues noted that levels of DHEA were much lower in older people. One studyin adults showed taking DHEA tablets “induced aremarkable increase in perceived physical and physiological wellbeing in bothmen and women without having an effect on sex.” Other studies on rats showed giving them DHEA could preventobesity and diabetes. But they said much more study was needed.
Cable Finch and RudophTanzi said it was conceivable that genetic engineering experiments couldtransfer genes from one species to another to alter life span. However, itseems unlikely that a few genes determine the 25 fold difference in life spansbetween rats and humans. An instructive example is the 10-fold difference inlife spans of female worker bees and queens of the same genotype, which showmuch slower aging during life spans of many active years of egg production. Thedifference—what the bees were fed as juveniles.
One interesting geneticcandidate was the apoE gene, mutations of which are linked with Alzheimer’sdisease. One version of this gene does seem to be linked with long life,although many more studies are needed.
For those who do notwant to wait, Lamberts’ team said exercise can be key to preventing the frailtythat aging brings. Loss of muscle strength is an important factor in theprocess of frailty. One study in home for the elderly showed a sedentarylifestyle greatly contribute to this. Supervised resistance exercisetraining could double muscle strength and significantly increase gait velocityand stair-climbing power. This demonstrates that frailty in the elderly is notan irreversible effect of aging and disease and can be reduced and perhaps evenprevented.
17. The specific purpose of setting Alzheimer’s disease as theresearch target is to _____.
A. discover a way to decodeall the human genes
B. find out something aboutthe genetic cause of aging
C. locate the fountain ofyouth in human bodies
D. probe into the role ofexercise in retaining youth
18. The second paragraph implies thattaking DHEA tablets would _____.
A. certainly make peopleyounger
B. help you lose some weight
C. promote no increase in sexdrive
D. show little health effect likegreater body strength
19. In the example cited by Finch andTanzi, life span was most likely affected by _____.
A. transferringcertain genes
B. differentstrains between species
C. nature ofone’s lifelong work
D. the diet onetakes
20. In the sentence “One study in a home for the elderly showed...”(in Paragraph 5), the last word “this” refers to _____.
A. exercisetraining
B. preventionof frailty
C. loss of musclestrength
D. process ofcuring the disease
17.B 由题干中的Alzheimer’s disease可定位至文章第一段。本段第一句简单提及变老的基因原因、身体原因以及荷尔蒙原因,本段第二句提到“genes involved in Alzheimer’ disease...”,由此可以推断,将阿尔茨海默病(老年痴呆症)设为研究目标是为了探讨变老的原因。因此答案为B项。
18.C 第二段中第二句提到“...taking DHEA tablets ‘induced a remarkable increase in perceived physicaland physiological wellbeing in both men and women without having an effect onsex.’”,即服用DHEA药片会显著改善身体和生理状况,但不会对性生活有任何影响,因此答案为C项,且D项错误。本段倒数第二句提到“Other studies onrats showed giving them DHEA could prevent obesity and diabetes”,即服用DHEA药片能防止肥胖和糖尿病,并没有说明能减少体重,故B项错误。A项过于绝对。
19.D 由题干可定位至第三段。第三段第一句提到基因工程实验能够通过将基因从一个物种转移到另一物种上来改变寿命,接着用“however”来对这一观点进行反驳。在两人所引用的蜜蜂案例中,基因相同的工蜂和蜂后寿命也大不相同,蜂后在产卵很多年后依然表现出比较缓慢的衰老。该段最后一句点明“The difference—what the bees were fed as juveniles.”,意指造成两者寿命差异的原因在于饮食:工蜂吃的是花粉,蜂后吃的是蜂蜜。故D项正确。
20.C 由题干可定位至第五段。该段提到“Loss of muscle strength is an important factor in the process offrailty”(肌肉力量的损失是衰老的一个重要因素),随后提到“国内研究表明久坐不动的生活方式极大地导致这一点”,由此可以推断,“this”指的是肌肉力量的消退。因此答案为C项。久坐不动会使身体衰弱,并不能阻止身体衰弱,故B项错误。
Part IIEnglish-Chinese Translation (5×4=20分)
Directions: Readthe following passage, and then translate the underlined parts, numbered from(1) to (4), from English into Chinese. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
The Chinese presence inthe colonies stirred many Australian anxieties. Australian colonists liked tothink of themselves as British, but they began to see they were British instrange geo-political surroundings. They suspected Australia might be on agreat Chinese flood plain. It was clearly well within reach of Chinese influence.California, another gold rush society, had also experienced a substantialinflux of Chinese. The realization grew that Australia should not look just toBritain. It shared strategic interests with other white communities in thePacific, especially with America. But the Pacific was a contested ocean. Fromthe 1880s, it was increasingly apparent that China and Japan were also nearbyPacific nations.
(1) The presence ofso many Chinese intensified debate on the potential character of Australiansociety. Potent concerns had developed about civic values in gold rush communities,concerns aggravated by Australia’s convict origins. Gold was a seductive, richlymythologized substance. Its discovery in the Australian colonies publicizedtheir potential more than anything else had yet done. Gold attracted a young,cosmopolitan, ambitious, predominantly white male population, often imbued withadvanced democratic views. Yet as David Goodman has shown, this influx stirredanxieties about the moral stability of these gold-seeking communities. Agold-obsessed society appeared a poor foundation for a stable cultured society.Many social commentators found the prospect that working men could gain suddenwealth in this way very disturbing. Would people still value achievementswrought by steady labour and industrious habits? What would happen to moralvalues? (2) There was another more disturbing thought. If Australia couldproduce only these rough, uncivilized communities, might it not lose the moralauthority by which Australians, claiming the rights of a superior culture,sought exclusive access to the continent? Were Australians still worthy of theirimmense opportunities?
Questions of tenure andentitlement were intensified by the dispossession of the Australian Aborigines.One of the main justifications used at that time for taking over Aboriginallands came from the belief that they were a primitive, nomadic people with nofixed settlements or habits of agriculture. It was thought that they did notvalue their land and had no capacity to develop it. (3) One of the troublingparadoxes of gold seeking populations was that they also were a highly mobilewandering tribe, in some ways similar to the Aborigines they sought todisplace. Anxieties about the continuity of white settlement in Australiaintensified impulses to vilify Aborigines and to keep Asians out. The majorquestion revolved around entitlement to the land. (4) In the blunt languageof the late nineteenth century, if white had replaced black because black was notdeveloping the continent, why should yellow not replace white on precisely the samegrounds? If European communities in Australia were not seen to be civilized andproductive, the case for sole tenure of Australia by whites might be seriouslyweakened.
(1) 澳大利亚众多中国人的存在加剧了人们对澳大利亚社会隐性特征的争议。人们对淘金热群体的公众价值观已产生极大担忧,而澳大利亚的犯罪历史又加重了这一担忧。金子这种物质具有诱惑性,还有很多关于金子的神话传说。
(2) 还有一个想法令人更加不安。如果澳大利亚只能产生这些粗鲁不文明的社会群体,那么它会不会可能失去道德的权威?而这种道德权威是一直以优越文化自居的澳大利亚人寻求通往这个国家的唯一途径。澳大利亚人是否仍然值得拥有如此丰厚的机会?
(3) 令淘金人群感到不安的一个悖论是,他们同时也是一群流动性极高、四处为家的部落,在某些方面与他们试图取代的土著居民有一些相似之处。对白人持续在澳大利亚定居的担忧加深了澳大利亚人贬低土著居民以及驱逐亚洲人的意图。
(4) 用十九世纪后期强硬的措辞来说,如果白人取代黑人的原因是黑人无法发展澳大利亚,那么基于完全相同的原因为什么不能让黄种人取代白种人?如果澳大利亚的欧洲群体不文明、生产效益低,那么只能由白种人来管理澳大利亚就可能非常站不住脚。
本篇翻译句子结构较为复杂,生词较多,翻译时应首先分析句子结构,其次应注意不同词性的相互转化,最后还需注意调整语序,使译文更加符合汉语的表达习惯。①第一个划线部分中的intensify可译为“增强,加剧”,“Potent concerns”为名词短语,翻译时可添加主语,转译为动词词组(人们对……产生极大担忧)。②第二个划线部分中第二句话较长,其中包含一个by which引导的定语从句,直译显得疑问句冗长赘余,可独立成句。③第三个划线部分中的mobile译为“流动的,移动的”,vilify表示“诽谤,贬低”,该部分最后一句话中带有两个非谓语动词平行结构to vilify Aborigines和to keep Asians out,翻译时也应保持原有的平行结构。第四个划线部分中the blunt language表示“直言不讳,强硬的说法”,grounds译为“理由”,the case might be weakened是指这种说法不能成立。
Part IIIChinese-English Translation (20分)
Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write youranswer on the ANSWER SHEET.
Before I fellill, I had been the bully under our roof owing to my doting parents. Once I wasisolated and confined in a chamber on the hillside of the garden, I suddenlyfelt I was neglected and became very depressed. One spring evening, my parentsheld a banquet in the garden, where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. Inno time, a crowd of guests congregated and laughter was brimming over. I,without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy thebustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters, brothersand my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling among theguests. Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at beingforgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out.
本篇汉语原文属于散文随笔类。翻译时注意逻辑顺序以及英文衔接。如第一句“父母宠爱”和“横行霸道”属于因果关系,可以使用owing to表现隐藏的逻辑;第二句中“园中设宴”和“园中百花怒放”之间使用where引导的定语从句,并调整语序,使得译文更加紧凑简洁。第三句中的几个词语翻译需注意,“悄悄”可以直接用一个副词secretly或quietly来表达,“窥见”可用peek, glimpse等词,“大千世界”可翻译为kaleidoscopic world。“个个喜气洋洋”这种情绪属于哥姐和堂表弟兄,可译为形容词短语修饰“哥姐和堂表弟兄”。“忍不住做某事”翻译为could not help doing sth.,“痛哭”可译为cry one’s heart out。
Part IV ShortEssay Writing (20分)
Plagiarizing, orrepresenting someone else’s ideas or words as your own, will cause problems forpeople in any stage of life. Students get flunked for it and it even cost JoeBiden a shot at becoming the US President in 1988. Please elaborate in yourwriting on how to avoid plagiarism, either on purpose or by accident. Youshould write at least 200 words.
Howto Avoid Plagiarism
Modern advancedtechnology demonstrates itself in powerful information searching on theInternet which enables people to copy other’s articles or conception easily,aggravating the phenomenon of plagiarism. We all know plagiarism, but itscauses and effects are hardly considered. Consequently, a large number ofcollege students, or even college professors, take the risk of plagiarizingothers’ work. To ensure social integrity and academic honesty, it is imperativeto come up with related methods to cope with plagiarism. As far as I’mconcerned, three measures can be taken into consideration.
First and foremost,students’ academic competence need improving. There being not enough input isthe main reason of plagiaristic behavior. In this case, teachers should createpositive atmosphere to develop students’ ability of essay writing. For examplemasses of reference books should be provided for students to study a topic andfinish an assignment. Only in that way can students get a deep understanding andyield fruitful thoughts. Moreover, receiving formal academic training toacquire knowledge of plagiarism prevention can help avoid plagiarism. Knowledgeof plagiarism and plagiarism prevention should be imparted to students so thatthey may have the awareness of guarding against plagiarism. Finally, strictpolicies and penalties should be worked out by authorities to control academicplagiarism. Through effective enforcement of them, plagiarism can be expectedto decrease.
All in all, to improvestudent’s academic competence, to impart knowledge of plagiarism and toimplement policies concerning plagiarism can help to avoid plagiarism. Effortsfrom different parties are needed, from individual students, to schools andgovernment. Only in this way can plagiarism be reduced and eradicated.
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