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第一部分 历年真题
第二部分 章节题库
 第一章 单项选择
  ⊙冠 词
 第二章 完型填空
 第三章 阅读理解
 第四章 补全句子
 第五章 书面表达
  ⊙书 信
  ⊙日 记
第三部分 模拟试题

第一部分 历年真题

第一部分 听力(共两节。满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分。满分7.5分)
1. Whatis Linda
A. A writer.
B. A student.
C. A teacher.
M: Wow, the literature class is so lively and interesting!
W: Yes, Linda uses a lot of games so that we can learn moreeffectively during the 45 minutes.
2.What is the man afraid of?
A. Having an accident.
B. Missing theinterview.
C. Saying somethingwrong.
【解析】录音中女士安慰男士面试不用紧张,男士说“What if I… I say a silly word by accident?”即,万一我不小心说错话怎么办?可知C项正确。What if……假使……会怎么样?
W: Come on.It'sonly an interview.
M: Only aninterview? Only an interview? What if I panic? What if I… I say a silly word byaccident?
3. Whatdose the woman want to do?
A. To return a jacket.
B. To change a jacket.
C. To buy a another jacket
W: I bought a size 10 of this jacketyesterday, but I just found size 8 fits me better. Could you hold this one forme? I'll bring the other one back tomorrow.
M: Sure, ma'am, I'll put this one away for you.
4. Whydose the man feel upset?
A. A guy stole his clothes.
B. He found his clothes ugly.
C. Someone said he clothes ugly.
W: Sam, you look a bit upset.
M: Yes, I saw someone in the supermarket today.He was dressed in the same clothes as me. The clothes looked so ugly.
W: Oh, that's interesting.
M: But when I went up to him, I saw it was me, myself in the mirror!
5. Whatdose the woman mean?
A. She disbelieves her son.
B. She feels very sorry for her son.
C. She wants her son to use a new key.
M: Sorry, Mum. I'm late again. I lost my keys on my way home andtried hard to find them.
W: I'm sorry. I've got used to this kind of excuse. Could you trysomething new?
第二节 (共l5小题;每小题l.5分,满分22. 5分).
6. Whyisn’t Jenny at the store?
A. She left work early.
B. She’s late for work.
C. She's been out of work.
7. How dosethe man feel about Jenny?
A. Angry.
B. Curious.
C. Concerned
6.A 录音中男士说到“She disappeared in the middle of the work”,可知Jenny中途旷工了。A项符合题意。B项“迟到”、C项“失业”均不符合题意。故选A项。
7.A 录音中男士说“Don't ask me about her.(不要跟我提她)”,又知Jenny矿工给他带来麻烦,可知男士很生气。
M: Welcome to our store. Can I help you,ma'am?
W: Yeah, I'm looking for Jenny.
M: She's not here.
W: Ah, is she coming in later?
M: Don't ask me about her.
W: Why? Look. I'm concerned about her.
M: Well, your friend made me a big trouble.
W: What happened?
M: She disappeared in the middle of thework. I had to find someone else to fill in her position for the moment.
8. Whatis lying on the railway tracks?
A. A man.
B. A rock.
C. A trunk.
9. Whatare the speakers about to do?
A. To move the rock.
B. To wave the T-shirt.
C. To find something re
8.C女士问男士铁轨上是什么,男士说“Oh,it's a tree trunk(哦,是树干)”。故选C项。
W:Look, what's that on the railway tracks, David? A rock? A man?
M:Oh, it's a tree trunk.
W:Gosh, a train is coming soon. It's going to hit it. Let's move it away.
M:There's no time for that. We must stop the train. Let's wave at it.
W:But we always wave at trains coming by. And the drivers are used to our waving.
M:We must wave something red. Red is for danger.
W:Good idea. Your T-shirt is red. Take it off.
10. Whatdose the man want to talk about?
A. Lucy’s poor health.
B. Lucy’s school education.
C. Lucy’s work performance.
11. Whatdid the customer at Table 4 do that annoyed Lucy?
A. He praised her.
B. He made a complaint.
C. She ordered the special offer.
12. Whyis Lucy in low spirits?
A. She hasn’t made a plan.
B. She hasn’t realized her dream.
C. She hasn’t become a good waitress.
10.C. 录音中男士说“one of our waitresses ishaving a nervous breakdown.(我们的一个女服务员惹麻烦了)”,结合后面他借口让Lucy回去休息,及Lucy向他解释自己的服务,可知男士想谈谈Lucy的工作。
11.A 录音中女士说“The guy at Table 4 said something horribleto me”,在被问到顾客说了什么时,Lucy说他夸她是个好服务员。而Lucy觉得生气,因为她不想一辈子做服务员。
12.B 题目问,为什么Lucy心情不好。由录音可知,Lucy语气很差,是因为一心想当律师,可由于自己高中都没毕业,至今(32岁)都没有实现自己的愿望。
M:Um, Lucy, I'm getting a lot of complaints.
W:Really? About what?
M:Well, apparently, one of our waitresses is having a nervous breakdown.
W:Who? Me?
M:Yeah, er, listen, maybe you should take the rest of the night off if you don'tfeel well.
W: You don't understand. The guy at Table 4said something horrible to me when I was telling him about today's specialoffer.
M:What did he say?
W:He said I was… a good waitress.
M:That's not bad.
W: Ididn't grow up to be a good waitress. That was never the plan. The plan was tobe a lawyer.
M:OK. You're a young woman. You can still do that.
W:Can I? A thirty-two single mother who didn't even graduate from high school?
13. How doesthe woman think Mark feels?
A. Anxious.
B. Unhappy.
C. Frightened
14. Whatwas Catherine doing when the speakers got home?
A. Reading her books.
B. Playing with her friends.
C. Chating with the operator.
15. Whatdoes the woman want to ensure?
A. Mark can pass the exam.
B. Mark can help people in need.
C. Mark can apply what he’s learned.
16. Whatwill the speakers do for Mark?
A. Keep a record of his reactions.
B. Create an unexpected situation.
C. Write down their own experiences.
13.C 录音中女士说“I think Mark isfrightened to be left alone in the house.”故选C项。
14C 录音中男士说到“When we got home, Shewas chatting with emergency phone operator.”故选C项。
15.C 录音中女士说“we have to make sure that Mark knows what todo in case of emergency”,男士回答Mark上个月通过的相关的测试,女士说“It helps little in reality”,即担心Mark不会运用。随后她想故意制造紧急事件,看Mark的反应。可知,女士想确定Mark会不会运用他学到的应急常识。
16.B录音中女士说到“Let'screate an emergency situation for him.”故选B项。
W: I think Mark is frightened to be leftalone in the house. Although he doesn't look anxious or unhappy, I know he'sjust pretending to be brave.
M: Honey, he's already fourteen. Remember? Weleft Catherine alone when she was ten.
W: That was a mistake. We didn't leave her.We forgot her.
M: When we got home, she was fine except thatall her books were thrown out of the window. She was chatting with emergencyphone operator and had become friends with her.
W: Yeah, but we have to make sure that Markknows what to do in case of emergency.
M: Of course he does. He took part in thefirst aid training programme last month and passed the exam.
W: The exam? It helps little in reality.
M: Mmm, you have a point.
W: I've got a solution. Let's create anemergency situation for him. Then he'll have real life experience instead ofjust theory.
M: Sh, keep the plan between us.
17. Whendid the magician first perform professionally?
A. In l964
B. In l968.
C. In l972
18. Whatmade the magician world famous?
A. His TV show
B. His global tours.
C. His teaching job
19.Which does the magician think is his greatest achievement?
A. Project Magic
B. Box office records.
C. The Magic of AB
20. Howis the magician different from other magicians?
A. He practices hard
B. He believes in wonder.
C. He started his career early.
17.B 录音中说到“began performing professionally at 12”,前文又提到这个魔术师出生于1956年。所以答案是1968年。故选B项。
18.A 录音中讲到这位魔术师主持电视节目“The Magic of ABC”,随后讲到“The show was a huge success and made him known to the whole world”。故选A项。
19.A 录音中提到“ the greatest work he thinks he has done is ‘Project Magic’”。故选A项。
20.B 录音中讲到“While others think it can't be done, he always says, ‘Yes, it can.’”,即他与其他魔术师不同的地方在于他相信奇迹。
W: Welcome to this edition of the stories ofsuper geniuses. I'm Susan Wilba. Today, you're going to hear a story of a greatmagician. He was born on September 16th 1956 in New Jersey. He picked up magic at 8, and began performing professionally at 12.By the age of 16, he was already teaching magic at New YorkUniversity. In 1977, he was chosen tohost a TV show The Magic of ABC. The show was a huge success and made him knownto the whole world. He understands his craft more than any other magicianbefore him. He said, “Before there can be wonders, there must be wonder.” Whileothers think it can't be done, he always says, “Yes, it can.” With thisattitude, he never stops amazing people with magic. But the greatest work hethinks he has done is “Project Magic”.This is a project established in March1982 to help disabled patients. Every year, he performs over 550 shows and hascreated many box office records. His love for magic is everything to him. Andto those who want to become great magicians, he gave this advice: Practise,practise, practise, and never consider anything impossible. Do you know who heis now? Call 2029832476 to tell us the name of this magician and you'll get aDVD of his shows.
第二部分 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
21. Her ______ for writing was a desire for women to get the rightto higher education.
A. motivation.
B. qualification
C. talent.
D. technique
22. When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,Joan’s face turned red at the unexpected ______.
A. command
B. comparison
C. compliment
D. contribution
23. Seeing the big crowd coming towards him, he started to run downthe hill, but ______ and went down on his hands and knees in the melting snow.
A. slipped
B. skied
C. signalled
D. sank
【解析】本题考查动词辨析。句意:看到一大群人朝他涌来,他开始向山下跑,但是却滑倒在融化的雪里面,双手着地,跪在地上。A项slip“滑,滑倒”符合语境。sky滑雪。signal发信号。sink下沉。由“went down on his hands andknees in the melting snow”可知他滑倒了。故选A项。
24. The old rules have to be ______ because they only applied thecircumstances that existed when they were made a hundred years ago.
A. developed
B. established
C. observed
D. revised
25. I've been trying to phone Charles all evening, but there must besomething wrong with the network;I can’t seem to ______.
A. get through
B. get off
C. get in
D. get along
【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:我一晚上都在给Charles打电话,但是一定是网络出了故障,我似乎怎么都打不通。A项getthrough“接通电话”符合语境。getoff下车。get in进入。Get along进展;过活。故选A项。
26.Is this your necklace,Mary? I ______ it when l was cleaning the bathroom this morning.
A. came across
B. dealt with
C. .lookedafter
D. went for
【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:这是你的项链吗?Mary? 我今天早打扫卫生间时偶然捡到的。A项comeacros“偶遇;偶然发现”符合语境。dealwith处理。look after照看。go for喜欢。故选A项。
27. What was ______ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that shecame first in the marathon bare-footed
A. awful
B. essential
C. impressive
D. obvious
【解析】本题考查形容词辨析。句意:Jasmine Westland的成功令人印象深刻的地方是,她是第一个赤脚参加马拉松的选手。C项impressive“令人印象深刻的”符合语境。awful令人不愉快的;恐惧的。essential必要的;基本的。obvious明显的。故选C项。
28. Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase,she gave him a ______ smile andlet him go.
A. cautious
B. grateful
C. tolerant
D. wild
29. Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said ______, “Don’tbe so mean.” pointing a finger of warning at her.
A. dreadfully
B. guiltily
C. indirectly
D. sharply
30. Check carrots,potatoes,onions and any other vegetables ______ and immediately use or throwaway any which show signs of rotting.
A. in demand
B. in store
C. on loan
D. on sale
【解析】本题考查介词短语辨析。句意为:检查一下储存的胡萝卜、土豆、洋葱和其他任何蔬菜,要马上吃掉或者扔掉那些有腐烂迹象的蔬菜。B项in store“贮存”符合语境。in demand需要。on loan出借的,被借用的。on sale打折;廉价出售。故选B。
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
When ourrestaurant business failed. we headed north in a camping truck to Texas, hopingto have a‘‘fresh start”. At the  31 of Palo DuroCanyon(峡谷)StatePark, I  32 a job advertisement hiring parkhosts. The position offered a  33 , permanent campsitein the park, and  34 the hosts served as a linkbetween the park’s guests and the rangers(护林人).It was the perfect solution: a rent-free place to reorganize ourlives.We entered the park and I made an  35 forthe following day.
The park was  36, so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, aswe finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks(臭鼬)walking toward our table. We 37 climbed onto the table and, for the next fourhours, waited for them to  38 our camp.
Having survivedthat night, we were  39 that everything elsewould be all right.The next day we met with the people who ran the park Theyexplained our  40 and gave us a beautiful campsite.
That evening,  41, we learned about the canyon  42 , They werestrong and cold, rocking our little camping truck violently. and we lay  43, in the dark until the winds died away.
44  theweeks that followed, we learned to survive in our truck and  45 thelittle money my wife  46 by substitute teaching. Buildinga successful business and then losing it had left very little time for buildinga successful 47 . For a time after our business  48 ,I thought I might lose my family as well.
Living in thetiny  49 with no television, we sat lose togetherreading and talking.One evening, standing under a jeweled sky, I found myself  50for all the hardships.We had walked the trails and climbed thecanyon walls.We had become a family!
31. A.back  B.edge C.centre  D.entrance
32. A.sponsored  B.published C. noticed Danswered
33. C.convenient D. beautiful
34. return time short turn
35. A.attempt  B.agreement C. appeal  D.appointment
36. Acrowded  B.dangerous C. ideal D.quiet
37. A.repeatedly  B.immediately C. eventually D.calmly
38. A.attack B.leave C.pass
39. A.satisfied   B.determined  C. confident  D.aware
40. A.responsibilities  B. requirements C.circumstances  D. conditions
41. A.moreover  B. therefore  C.meanwhile D. however
42. A.winds B.snows  C.woods  D.trails
43. A.shaking  B.quarrelling  C. mourning D.aching
44. A.After B.Between  C.During D.Beyond
45. A.give away  B. handout  C. liveon D.put aside
46. A.borrowed  B.earned  C.posted  D.raised
47.  D.image
48. A.started  B.failed  C.expanded  D. declined
49. A.truck B.park
50. A.desperate  B. ready  C.suitable D.thankful
31.D 本题考查名词辨析。结合下文“I …anadvertisement”,由于广告一般贴在最显眼的地方,这里应该是贴在了峡谷入口处。D项符合语境。back后面。edge边缘。center中心。故选D项。
32.C 本题考查动词辨析。结合上下文,作者经营饭店失败,想去德州野营,并找到新的起点。广告招人经营公园(park hosts),作者和他的家人就去公园了。可知这里作者是注意到了广告。C项notice“注意到”符合语境。sponsor赞助。publish出版。answer回答。故选C。
33.B 本题考查上下文逻辑。结合下文“a rent-free place(不付租金的地方)”可知,campsite(宿营地)是免费的。故选B项。
34.A 本题考查介词短语辨析。空格前说到广告提供免费住宿,下文说到park host的职责,可知空格处应是“作为回报”,A项inreturn“作为回报”符合语境。intime及时。in short简而言之。in turn轮流。故选A。
35.D 本题考查名词辨析。结合上下文可知,作者进了公园,并与相关负责人约好第二天(the following day)见面。make an appointment约定。make an attempt尝试。make an agreement达成协议。make an appeal呼吁;上诉。故选D项。
36.A 本题考查形容词辨析。由下文“so it took us some time to find an available site”可知,公园很拥挤,所以我们费了一番工夫才找到合适的地方。A项crowded“拥挤的”符合语境。故选A项。
37.B 本题考查副词辨析。结合上下文可知,妻子看见两只臭鼬向他们的餐桌走来,所以他们立刻跳到桌子上,等待它们离开。故选B项。
38.B 本题考动词辨析。结合上下文,臭鼬爬过来时作者一家人都惊慌地爬到桌子上,等待他们离开。故选B。
39.C 本题考查形容词辨析。根据“that everything else would be all right”可推知,作者一家对未来充满信心,认为一切都 会好起来的。故选C项。
40.A 本题考查名词辨析。结合上下文可知,作者第二天见到了公公园领导,领导给他们解释了工作职责。故选A项。
41.D 本题考查上下文逻辑。空格前面讲到作者在经历了臭鼬之夜后,对未来充满信心。空格后面讲到第二天晚上峡谷的大风猛烈地摇撼他们的营帐。前后是转折关系,故选D项。
42.A 本题考查上下文逻辑。根据下文“until the winds died away”可知,此处指作者一家人领略了峡谷的大风是。故选A项。
43.A 本题考查动词辨析。由上文“they were strong and cold, rocking our little camping truckviolently”可知,峡谷的风猛烈且寒冷,作者一家人在黑夜中瑟瑟发抖。A项shaking“发抖;摇动”符合语境。quarrel吵架。mourning哀悼。ache疼痛。故选A项。
44.C 本题考查介词辩析。根据语境可知,此处表示在接下来的儿个星期里。C项during“在……期间”符合语境。故选C。
45.C 本题考查动词短语辨析。由上文“survive” 以及“the little money”可推知,作者一家暂时靠妻子代课赚来的微薄薪水度日。C项liveon“靠……生活”符合语境。giveaway分发;赠送。hand out分发。put aside放在一边。故选C项。
46.B 本题考查动词辨。结合上下文可知,这里指妻子代课赚的钱,B项earn“赚得,获得”符合语境。故选B项。
47.C 本题考查上下文逻辑。由下文“l thought I might lose my family as well”可推知,这里指作者在创业、失业的过程中,几乎没有时间好好经营一个圆满的家庭。故选C项。
48.B 本题考查上下文逻辑。由“lose my family as well”可推知,这里指作者在事业上失败之后,以为可能也会失去家庭。故选B项。
49.A 本题考查上下文逻辑。由上文“rocking our little camping truck”及“we learned to survive in our truck”可知,作者家目前在自已的小卡车上生活。故选A项。
50.D 本题考查形容词辨析。结合上下文,作者曾经因为忙于事业而疏于家庭,而现在经历了一番挫折之后,他感到“We had become a family!”。可知作者感恩生活中的磨炼,这让他又重新找回了幸福的家庭。故选D项。
第三部分 阅读理解共20小题;每小题2分.满分40分)
Before I had myson, l spent two years working with children with disabilities.I learned thatshouting and threats of punishment would result in a disaster.Coming up againsttheir behaviour could only make the job harder and their behaviour moreextreme.I found something that worked, though.
There was a verynaughty boy in the nursery and a teacher wbo was generally very confident withthe children was asked to take charge of him.One day the boy joined a sessionin the room next to mine. His appearance created an atmosphere of tension .Hespent the entire session running around, hitting and kicking,and destroying property.
1 was in the craftroom working with some other children when my co-worker told me that this boy’steacher was in tears,and could not get control of the situation. As we were talkin9, theboy ran in. I told my co-worker that l would take care of him.
I closed thedoor.He was full of energy, throwing things around and making a huge mess. ButI couId see that he was doing all these to annoy me.He needed connection,and this was the only way heknew how to ask for it.So l sat back down and kept quiet. Then he slowed downand began making a rocket.I talked to him about it.We continued like this for afew minutes before I slipped into the conversation:
“So whathappened today?”
It was purely aquestion,no blameor anger in my tone. I believe that if l had criticized him, the gate that wasslowly opening would have shut firmly closed He told me that the teacher didn’tlet him do what he knew well due to safety but asked him to do what he dislike.He also admitted that he had enjoyed making her run around and saw it as agame. I explained that his teacher had not seen it as a game and was veryupset.This again was stated simply as a fact. I suggested that next time he hada session, he talk about what he hoped to do at the start, which might beeasier for everyone. He agreed and was quiet for a moment.Then he looked at mewith tears in his eyes before quietly asking if he could go to find his teacherto apologize.
51. Theboy made trouble for his teacher because he ______.
A. was accused of destroying property
B. was told not to yell at other children
C. was made to do things against his will.
D. was blamed for creating an air of tension
52. Whydidn’t the author do anything about the boy’s bad behavior at first?
A. She didn’t want to make it worse.
B. She didn’t mind the huge mess at all.
C. She was tired of shouting and threats.
D. She hadn’t thought of a coping strategy.
53. Theauthor managed to get the boy to talk to her by ______.
A. playing games with him
B. giving him good suggestion
C. describing his teacher’s feelings
D. avoiding making critical remarks
54. Whydid the boy have tears in his eyes in the end?
A. He was sorry about his reputation.
B. He was regretful about his behavior.
C. He was fearful of the author’s warning..
D. He was sad for the author’s misunderstanding.
51.C 细节题。由最后一段第三句“He told me that the teacher didn’t let him do what he knew well dueto safety but asked him to do what he disliked”可知,那个男孩之所以给老师找麻烦是因为老师违反了他的意愿。故选C项。
52.A 推断题。由第四段第四句“He needed connection,and this was the only way he knew how to ask for it.So l sat backdown and kept quiet.”可知,作者之所以保持安静而没有批评男孩,是因为她知道这是男孩寻求沟通的方式。由此可推测,作者知道如果批评他,反而会使情况恶化。故选A项。
53.D 推断题。最后一段一、二句讲到“It was purely a blame of anger in my tone l believethat if l had criticized him, the gate that was slowly openingwould have shutfirmly closed”,该段第六句又讲到“This again was stated simply as a fact”,作者反复强调她对男孩说话时尽量避免批评的语气,而是平静对待,所以才让小男孩敞开心扉。故选D项。
54.B 推断题。由最后一段最后一句“Then he looked at me with tears in his eyes before quietly askingif he could go to find his teacher to apologize”可推知.小男孩最后哭了是因为他对自己之前的不良行为感到后悔,故选B项。
London’s newestskyscraper(摩天大楼)iscalled the Shard and it cost about 430 million pounds to build. At a height ofalmost 310 metres, it is the tallest building in Europe. The Shard hascompletely changed the appearance of London. However not eweryone thinks thatit is a change for the better.
The Shard wasdesigned by the famous Italian architect Renm Piano. When he began designingthe Shard for London, Piano wanted a very tall building that looked like aspire(尖顶). Hewanted the glass surfaces to reflect the sky and the city. The sides of thebuilding aren’t regular. So the building has an unusual shape. It looks like avery thin, sharp piece of broken glass. And that is how the building got thename: the Shard. Piano says that the spire shape of the Shard is part of agreat London tradition.The shape reminds him of the spires of the churches ofLondon or the tall masts(桅杆)of the ships that were once on the fiver Thames.
The Shard has 87floors. At the top, there is an observatory. At the moment the building isempty, but eventually there will be a five-star hotel. There will also be topquality restaurants, apartments and offices.
Before buildingwork began, a lot of people didn’t want the Shard though the plans were approved.Now they are still unhappy about the Shard. Some critics say that such a tallskyscraper might be good in a city like New York,but not in London. They say that the best thingabout the Shard is its spire shape. But that is the only thing. There is nodecoration·only flat surfaces. The Egyptians did that 4500 years ago.. Theyalso think the Shard is too big for London. It destroys the beauty of the city.
Other criticsdon’t like what the Shard seems to represent. They say that the Shard shows howLondon is becoming more unequal. Only very rich people can afford to buy theexpensive private apartments and stay in the hotel. But the people who livenear the Shard are among the poorest in London. So the Shard seems a symbol ofthe division in society between the very rich and the poor.
The Shard nowdominates the London skyline. It is not certain, however, that ordinary Londoncitizens wilI ever accept it as a valuable addition to the city.
55.London’s newest skyscraper is called the Shard because of ______.
A. it’s cost
B. its size
C. its shape
D. its height
56. Whenhe designed the Shard,Piano wanted it to ______.
A. change London’s skyline
B. inherit London’s tradition
C. imitate the Egyptian style
D. attract potential visitors
57. Thecritics who refer to social division think the Shard ______.
A. is only preferred by the rich
B. is intended for wealthy people
C. is far away from the poor area
D. is popular only with Londoners
58.Which would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Shard:Cheers and Claps
B. The Shard:Work of a Great Architect
C. The Shard:New Symbol of London?
D. The Shard:A Change for the Better?
55.C 细节题。由第二段第五、六、七,句“So the building has an unusualshape. It looks like a very thin, sharp piece of broken glass. And that is howthe building got the name:”可知,the Shard是因其外形而得名。故选C项。
56.B 推断题。第二段第二句讲到“When he began designing the Shard forLondon, Piano wanted a very tall building that looked like a spire(尖顶)”,第八句又讲到“Piano says that thespire shape of the Shard is part of great London tradition”。可知,Piano这样设计是为了传承伦敦的传统。故选B项。
57.B 推断题。文章讲到将会有五星级酒店和高级写字楼进驻the Shard。倒数第二段第三句讲到“Only very richpeople can afford to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel”,最后一句又说the Shard可能会成为贫富差距的标志。B项“the Shard倾向于为富人服务”符合文意。故选B项。
58.D 标题慨括题。第一段最后一句即点明文章主旨:However,not everyone thinks that it isa change for the better”。二三段介绍这座大楼的设计,四五段介绍市民的反对意见,最后一段再次点题“It is not certain,however.that ordinary London citizens will ever accept it as avaluable additiontothe city.”可知本文主要围绕the Shard引起的争议展开。故选D项。
Working with agroup of baboons(狒狒)in the Namibian desert, DL Alecia Carter of the Department ofZoology, Cambridge University set baboons learning tasks involving a novel foodand a familiar food hidden in a box. Some baboons were given the chance towatch another baboon who already knew how to solve the task, while others hadto learn for themselves. To work out how brave or anxious the haboons were, Dr.Carterpresented them either with a novel food or a threat in the form of a model of apoisonous snake.
She found thatpersonality had a major impact oil learning. The braver baboons learnt,but the shy ones did not learnthe task although they watched the baboon perform the task of finding the novelfood just as long as the brave ones did. In effect,despite being made aware ofwhat to do, they were still too shy to do what the experienced baboon did.
The same heldtrue for anxious baboons compared with calm ones. The anxious individualslearnt the task by observing others while those who were relaxed did not, eventhough they spent more time watching.
This mismatchbetween collecting social information and using it shows that personality playsa key role in social learning in animals, something that has previously beenignored in studies on how animals learn to do things.The findions are significantbecause they suggest that animals may perform poorly in cognitive(认知的)tasks not because they aren’tclever enough to solve them, but because they are too shy or nervous to use thesocial information.
The findings mayimpact how we understand the formation of culture in societies through sociallearning. If some individuals are unable to get informarion from others becausethey don’t associate with the knowledgeable individuals, or they are too shy touse the information once they have it, information may not travel between allgroup members, preventing the formation of a culture hased on social learning.
59. Whatis the first paragraph mainly about?
A. The design of Dr. Carter’s research.
B. The results of Dr.Carter’s research
C. The purpose of Dr.Carter's research
D. The significance of Carter’s research.
60.Aceording to the research, which baboons are more Iikely to complete a new learningtask?
A. Those that have more experience
B. Those that can avoid potential risks.
C. Those that like to work independently
D. Those that feel anxious about learning
61.Which best illustrates the “mismatch” mentioned in Paragraph 4?
A. Some baboons are intelligent but slow in learning.
B. Some baboons are shy but active in social activities.
C. Some baboons observe others but don’t follow them.
D. Some baboons perform new tasks but don’t concentrate.
62.Dr.Carter’s findings indicate that our culture might be formed through ______
A. storing information
B. learning from each other
C. understanding different people
D. travelling between social groups
59.A 概括题。第一段主要介绍实验的对象(baboons(狒狒))及方式(让狒狒们完成相关任务,其中一些狒狒可以模仿其他知道如何做任务的狒狒,而另一些狒狒则需要自己摸索,以此来考查狒狒的勇敢或热切程度)可知,该段主要介绍针对实验目的所做的实验设计。故选A项。
60.D 细节题。由第三段第二句“The anxious individuals learnt the taskby observing others while those who were relaxed did not”可知,渴望的急切的狒狒比松懈的狒狒更容易完成新任务。故选D项。
61.C 词义猜测题。由关键词mismatch定位在第四段“This mismatch between collecting social informationand using it …”可知,mismatch指的是接收信息和运用信息之间的不均衡现象。结合上文,“thismismatch”指的是由于性格原因,只观察如何做任务却不做出实际行动的狒狒。故选C项。
62.B 细节题。由最后一段第一句中“ the formation of culture insocieties through social learning’’可知,文化是通过社会性的学习,即互相学习形成的。故选B。
You’ve flownhalfway around the world;you’ve sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Thailandseems to have ever heard of, so what on earth is there to do here?You considerthis question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you abovethe sand.
It was a longjourney from Bangkok to Huaplee.By the time you found the bus station and gotyourself sorted out, it took almost as long as the flight from Falonglan
Huaplee islocated just south of Hua Hin,about two hurtdred kilometres from Bangkok, downthe west side of the Gulf of Thailen. Not many tourists find this place, andthe ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.
There’s an apparentlaziness that surrounds you here.It’s what this place offers, and it's free ofcharge. The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down.You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long resL You sit thereand watch the sea
It’s earlyafternoon, so the cook comes out and asks what you’d like to eat this evening,Before long he’s rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whateverit was that you ordered--every meal fresh and to oeder. No menu here.
There is no poolsidenoise here but just that wonderfully warm, clear blue sea. There’s no streetnoise. The only sounds are the murmurs of nature.
For now you justcount your blessings(福祉), listing them in the sand with your toe(脚趾). You don’t have to worryabout being late for work. You don’t have to do anything.
The beach toyour right stretches off to the horizon(地平线),slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-emerge again on your left,now steadily widening until itcovers the chair beneath you. Sand to your left and sand to your right;it’s unbroken, endless. Nostart, no end, just sand, sun.and peace. Step off it, and you re-enter theworld of traffic, stress, work, and hurry.
Normally you’rethe type who can’t sit still for more than ten minutes, but you’re on HuapleeLazy Beach now the right frame of mind. it stretches all the way aroundthe world.
“How could ittake me so long to find it?” you wonder.
63. Whenthe author first went to Huaplee Beach
A. he found it unworthwhile
B. he failed to sort himself out
C. he became sensitive to smell
D. he had difficulty in finding it
64. Whatis special about the food service at Huaplee Beach?
A. No menu.
B. Free foo
C. Self service.
D. Quiek delivery.
65. Inthe author’s opinion,a tourist can enjoy Huaplea Beach most when he.
A. sits in a beach chair
B. forgets his daily routine
C. plans a detailed schedule
D. draws pictures in the sand
66. Whatdoes the author imply by his question at the end of the passage?
A. He shouldn;t have counted his blessings.
B. He should have understood the wonder of nature.
C. He shouldn’t have spent so much time on the trip.
D. He should have come to the place earlier.
63.D 推断题。第一段讲到,作者飞了半个地球才来到这个即使泰国人也很少听说过的地方。第二段讲到,从Bangkok到Huaplee,花费的时间跟坐飞机的时间差不多。可知,作者笫一次上Huaplee沙滩费了一番周折。故选D项。
64.A 细节题。由文第五段最后一句“No menu here.”可知,Huapiee沙滩餐饮服务的特色就是没有菜单,想吃什么厨师就现做什么。故选A项。
65.B 细节题。第七段最后两句讲到“You don’t have to worry about beinglate for work. You don’t bare to do anything.”,可知在Huaplee沙滩可以抛开一切日常烦恼。结合第六段对沙滩宁静自然的描写,及与第八段最后的对比(“you re-enter the world of traffic, stress, work, and hurry”)可知,作者认为游客在忘掉城市、工作的忙碌和烦恼时才能最尽情地享受沙滩时光。故选B项。
66.D 推断题。根据文章最后一段“‘How could it take so long to find it?youwonder.”,并结合对全文的整体理解可推知,作者非常热爱这个地方,以至于遗憾自己没有早点发现它。故选D项。
For most citypeople, the elevator is an urremarkable machine that inspires none of theenthusiasm or interest that Americans affrord trains, jets.and even bicycles, Dr.ChristopherWilk is a member of a small group of elevator experts who consider ______ thisa misunderstanding. Without the elevator, they point out, there could be nodowntown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would beimpossible. In that sense, they argue, the elevator’s role in American historyhas been no less significant than that of cars. In fact,according to WiIk, the car andthe elevator have been locked in a“secret war”for over a century, with carsmaking it possible for people to spread horizontally(水平地),and elevators pushing themtoward life in close groups of towering vertical(垂直的)columns.
If we tend toignore the significance of elevators, it might be because riding in them tendsto be such a brief, boring, and even awkward experience—one that can involveunexpectedly meeting people with whom we have nothing in common, and anunpleasant awearness of the fact that we’re hanging from a cable in a longpassage.
In a new book,Lifted,German journalist and culturalstudies professor Andreas Bernard directed all his attention to this experience,studying the origins of elevator and its relationship to humankind and findingthat riding in an elevator has never been a totally comfortableexperience.“After l50 years, we are still not used to it, ”Bermrd said.“Westill have not exactly learned to cope with the mixture of closeness anddispleasure”That mixture, according to Bernar, sets the elevator ride apartfrom just about every other situation we find ourselves in as we go about ourlives.
Today, as theworld’s urban population explodes, and cities become more crowded, taller, andmore crowded,America’stotal number of elevators—900000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazine’s“2012Vertical Transportation Industry"—are a force that’s becoming more important than ever. And for thepeople who really, really love them, it seems like high time that we lookedseriously at just what kind of force they are.
67. Whatdoes the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A. The general view of elevators
B. The particular interests of experts.
C. The desire for a remarkable machine.
D. The enthusiasm for transport vehicles
68. Theauthor’s purpose in mentioning cars is ______.
A. to contrast their functions with elevators’
B. to emphasize the importance of elevators
C. to reveal their secret war against elevators
D. to explain people’s preference for elevator
69. Aoccordingto Prof.Bernard, what has made the elevator ride different from other lifeexperiences?
A. Vertical direction.
B. Lack of excitement,
C. Little physical space.
D. Uncomfortable conditions.
70. Theauthor urges readers to consider
A. the exact number of elevator lovers
B. the serious future situation of elevators
C. the role of elevators in city development
D. the relationship between esx5 and elevators
67.A 指代判断题。“this”指代的是它的前文,也就是第一段第一句所陈述的事实:“For most city people,the elevator is an unremarkahle machine that inspires none of theenthusiasm or interest that Americans affrord trains,jets,and even bicycles.”即,对于很多城市人来说,电梯是一种不值得引起注意的平凡的机器,它很难激起人们那种对于火车、飞机甚至是自行车一样的兴趣。接着Wilk说这是难以理解的,因为如果没有电梯,就没有摩天大楼,那么城市生活就成为空谈了。可知,“thls”代指人们对电梯的普遍看法。故选A项。
68.B 推断题。由题干关键词cars定位在第一段第四句“In that sense, they argue, the elevator’s role in American historyhas been no less significant than that of cars.”即,从这个意义来说,电梯在美国历史上的重要性不亚于汽车。接着解释到,如果说汽车延伸了人们水平的活动范围,那么电梯就是延伸了人们垂直的活动范围。再结合前文人们对电梯不以为然的态度,可知作者在这里提到汽车是为了强调电梯的重要性。故选B项。
69.C 细节题。由题干关键词“Prof.Bernard”定位在文章第三段,该段介绍Benard教授对乘电梯经历的研究。文章最后一句说到“Thatmixture,…,sets theelevator ride apart from just about every other situation we find ourselves inas we go about our lives.”即“这种混合使电梯与我们日常经历的其他所有情形相分离”,结合前文可知,“this mixture”指的是“the mixture of closeness and displeasure(拥挤和不悦的混合)”。可知,电梯与其他生活体验不一样的地方在于其狭小的空间。故选C项。
70.C 概括题。整篇文章都在为电梯的重要性辩护。第一段指出人们对电梯不以为然的态度不可取,二三段分析人们忽视电梯重要性的原因,最后一段又敦促大家重新考虑一下电梯在城市发展中的作用。故选C项。
第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 完成句子(共l0小题;每小题2分.满分20分)
71.The community college has to cut down on staff ______.(save)
72. So far the well-known jourrmlist ______ more than 4000 interviewswith famous people.(accumulate)
73.Sometimes ______ to use examples to explain abstract concepts.(helpful)
74. The police will reward ______ useful information to catch therobber.(provide)
75. He’s the only student in the class ______ to take part in theModel United Nations conference.(select)
76. No other technological development has had ______ as the growthof electronics on so many aspects of social, economic, and culturaldevelopment.(impact)
77. You ______ the meeting to tell me that; you could have come totell me afterwards.(interrupt)
78. This novel was once the ______ book in high schools in theUnited States.(read)
79. The Public Square is an eye-catching sight of the city. ______ manystone sculptures of famous historical figures.(stand)
80.It was several minutes ______ what he was saying.(take)
71.(in order) to save money
本题考查非谓语动词。动词不定式表示目的,故用to save money。也可以用in order to do的结构。
72.has accumulated
本题考查动词的时态。由时间状语“So far”可知本句用现在完成时have/has done。主语为第三人称单数,故用has accumulated。
73.It might/may be helpful
本题考查it作形式主语的句式“It is/was +形容词+(for sb)+to do sth.(做……(对某人来说)是……的)”。注意题干中的“也许”,要用might或may来表达。故填it might/may be helpful。
74.whoever provides/has provides
75.that has been selected
本题考查定语从句。先行词student指人,连接词可用who或that;由于先行词被the only修饰,连接词只能用that。其次,定语从句中的谓语动词要与先行词保持一致,即要用单数形式。再次,“被选上”,应用被动语
态。最后,由语意可知,本题应用现在完成时态。故答案为that has been selected。
76.such a great impact/as great an impact
本题考查名词的比较句型。such+冠词+形容词+可数名词单数+as+名词=so/as+形容词+冠词+可数名词单数+as+名词,意为“与……一样……的事物或人”。故用such a great impact/as great an impact。
77.shouldn’t/oughtn’to have interrupted
本句考查虚拟语气。由“you could have come to tell me afterwards”可知,本句是对过去情况的虚拟,故用shouldn’t/oughtn’t have done的形式。
78.most widely read
本题考查非谓语语动词和副词最高级。read与book为动宾关系,这里应用过去分词read修饰名词book,即“被阅读的书”;同时,修饰read应用副词,且此处为最高级。故用most widely read。
79.There stand
本题考查倒装句。本句属于全部倒装,类似的有there exist(s)/live(s)/lie(s)/stand(s)等,注意there后的动词应与动词后面的名词,即主语,在人称和数上保持一致。
80.before I could take in/before I took in
本题考查固定句型it is/was+时间段+bef ore+从句,意为“多久以后才……”。注意主从句时态需一致,用一般过去时。
第二节 短文写作(共1题;满分30分)
Small things make a big difference. The small things we do can makeus a responsible member of the society.
It is widely promoted that every citizen should start small to take hisresponsibility for our society, but it was not until last Friday did I realizehow my own actions could make a difference.
Traffic is always busy on Friday, for Friday is the day when mostpeople, including students like me, are released form a whole week’s hard workand rush home to enjoy the coming weekend. Last Friday was no exception, andthe bus I took was heavily crowded as usual, with all seats occupied when I gotin, so I felt extremely happy when the passenger seated beisde me tended to getoff, only to find that the seat was colored orange, denoting that it wasspecially for the old. I hesitated for a while, and finally decided not to takeit despite the exausted body. Other passengers on the bus seemed to understandmy behavior, for none of them took the seat instead, and those who sat on thespecial seats even stood up, leaving the seats to old people. Although my feetbegan to ache for prolonged standing, I felt very proud of what I did.
Now I’m totally convinced that effect will be tremendous if all ofus discipline ourselves form very small things. Only by starting small can wecontribute greatly to our society.
① promote 宣传;发扬
② be released from 从……中解脱
③ occupy 占据
④ denote 表示,指示

the, C., B., A.
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