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I. Choosethe one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in thesentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points).
1. One purpose of the conferences was to foster a dialoguebetween opposing sides in the arms race, and the speakers often includedscientists and government officials in charge of the unclear arms programs intheir own countries.
A. start
B. bring up
C. develop
D. involve
2. Moderninfomercials usually relied on celebrity endorsement rather than high-pressuresalesmen to lent credibility to their products.
A. mobility
B. trust
C. capability
D. loyalty
3. Anepidemic of Ebola virus in Africa prompted increased awareness of the potentialdangers of so-called hot viruses, which cause deadly and virtuallyuntreatable diseases in humans and other animals.
A. almost
B. mostly
C. totally
D. completely
4. InSaudi Arabia, a monarchy where conservative Islam prevails and no modifiedsystem of law exists, women’s mobility is strongly curtailed.
A. strengthened
B. improved
C. lifted
D. reduced
5. The contemporary botanical garden has many urgent tasks, theconservation of plant resources being paramount.
A. tolerable
B. deplorable
C. extreme
D. supreme
6. Also ofconcern was the fact that many consumers lacked sufficient information andawareness to protect themselves in the marketplace and to make knowledgeablebuying choices.
A. diligent
B. intelligent
C. remarkable
D. understandable
7. Manycountries had already removed the distinction between widows andwidowers as regards eligibility for survivors’ benefits, and some were extending protection to other single parents.
A. indication
B. reference
C. difference
D. relationship
8. Thesoft economy did not slow the inexorable growth of TV and radio outletsin the U. S.
A. impossible to stop
B. likely to increase
C. impossible tohappen
D. unreasonably low
9. Wheredo comets come from? For years astronomers have postulated a cometstorehouse beyond the orbit of Pluto.
A. simulated
B. assumed
C. stimulated
D. assimilated
10. A favorablymoist rainy season through late July deteriorated during August and Septemberacross the eastern Sahel, leaving below-normal seasonal rainfallamounts in most areas.
A. courageously
B. probably
C. advantageously
D. terribly
11.Disagreement continued on ways to meet the undertaking to reduce carbon dioxideemissions given in the UN Convention on Climate Change.
D. seduction
12.Another exceptionally tough trading year for the world airline industry sawpassenger numbers rise an average of 5.7% but the profit made per seat—theyield—decline as wild discounting took place in vicious fare wars.
D. violent
13. Duringthe past few years archaeologist William Kelso delved into contemporary accountsof the settlement and searched for telltale postholes and palisades in thesandy soil.
14. Withadvances in xerography and desktop publishing, the fanzines became slicker andmore visually appealing.
A. moving
B. available
C. attractive
D. destructive
15. Greenpeacespokes-people attributed the cutbacks to a drop in annual fund-raising.
A. subjugated
B. allocated
C. safeguarded
D. regarded
16. InParis a record 81 international designers unveiled spring/summer collections,which resulted in fashion confusion.
A. underlined
B. uncovered
C. undetected
D. presented
17. TheBritish newspaper industry continued to consolidate, with larger chainsbuying smaller ones rather than individual newspapers.
A. constitute
B. strengthen
C. contaminate
D. lengthen
18. Theultimate verdict on welfare reform, however, would not be in for years. In somehigh-poverty areas, efforts were hampered both by politics and by a lackof jobs and funds for support services.
A. hindered
B. tampered
C. doubled
D. interfered
19. BothCoca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola moved into categories they had previously ignored,after seeing their potential cultivated by others. Bottled and canned teaexperienced a renaissance.
A. survival
B. approval
C. disapproval
D. revival
20. Theother cause of unemployment is deep in the modern structure of the welfarestate. This places on the employer a substantial labor cost in additionto wages, the provision of pension and health benefits in particular but othercosts as well.
A. considerate
B. considerable
C. subsequent
D. successive
II. In eachof the following sentences, there are four underlined parts, marked with A, B,C and D. Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answerson the ANSWER SHEET (10 points).
1. Trends in new product development in the U. S. largelymirrored those in Europe, with
low-fat introductioncontinuing, although at a reducing rate.
2. The major international auction houses posted annualearnings that pointed to a healthy art
A  B
market, though theone not as robust as that of the frenetic 1980s.
3. Like a motion picture, which presents movingimages on a flat surface, a cyberspatial
A  B
environment wouldconvey realistic detail in three dimensions and to all fivesenses.
4. The rules laid the foundation for a major restructuringin gas pipeline operations by
requiring pipelines tocharge separately for each of their services and
by making themavailable on equal basis to anyone desiring to use them.
5. Dissatisfaction with the economic relationships ofindustrialized
A  B
and lessindustrialized countries led to proposals for environmental trade-offs.
6. Overall, the question of treatment was unlikely to besettled quickly.
There was no doubt thatsome stones, especially sapphires
from Montana, werepermanent improved by heating.
C  D
7. In China discoveries from more than 100 sites alongwith the Yangtze River showed
that rice cultivationbegan 11,500 years ago rather than 8,000.
8. Demand of new equipment rose as business improved.Unlike Airbus, Boeing
had already beenoperating at full capacity and could not immediately meet demand.
9. The strong U. S. dollar continued to attract North American visitorsto overseas
destinations, while the long-delayed Japanese economic recoveryand setbacks
in Southeast Asianeconomies caused the Asia-Pacific region to under-perform.
C  D
10. Curriculum reforms in India took a more nationalisticturn as a growing number of
foundation-sponsoredprivate schools supplemented the government syllabus by studies of
Indian culture, music,philosophy, and Sanskrit language.
III. Beloweach of the following four passages you will find questions or incompletestatements about the passage. Each statement or question is followed bylettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that mostsatisfactorily completes or answers each question in accordance with themeaning of the passage. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (40 points).
For common gifts, necessity makes pertinence and beauty every day, and one is glad whenan imperative leaves him no option: since if the man at the door has no shoes,you have not to consider whether you could procure him a paint-box. And it isalways pleasing to see a man eat bread, or drink water, in the house or out ofdoors, so it is always a great satisfaction to supply these first wants.Necessity does everything well. In our condition or universal dependence itseem heroic to let the petitioner be the judge of his necessity, and to giveall that is asked, though at great inconvenience. If it be a fantastic desire,it is better to leave to others the office of punishing him.I can think of many parts I should prefer playing to that of the Furies(复仇三女神). Next to things of necessity, the rule for a gift, which one ofmy friends prescribed, is that we might convey to some person that whichproperly belonged to his character, and was easily associated with him inthought. But our tokens of compliment and love are for the most part barbarous.Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologiesfor gifts. The only gift is a portion of yourself. You must bleed for me.Therefore the poet brings him poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer, corn;the miner, a gem; the sailor, coral and shells; the girl, a handkerchief of herown sewing. This is right and pleasing, for it restores society in so far tothe primary basis, when a man’s biography is conveyed in his gift, and everyman’s wealth is an index of his merit. But it is a cold lifeless business whenyou go to the shops to buy me something which does not represent your life andtalent, but a goldsmith’s. This is fit for kings, and rich men who representkings, and a false state of property, to make presents of gold and silverstuffs, as a kind of symbolical sin-offering, or payment of blackmail.
1. According to the author, what is the best gift to the man atthe door who has no shoes?
A. a paint-box
B. flowers
C. foodstuff
D. shoes
2. Amongthe following behaviors, which may be not treated as being heroic when we arefaced with the petitioner?
A. To fulfill hisprimary needs when you are not available for those requirements
B. To grant himwhatever is requested
C. Always beingpleasing to supply his first wants
D. To let him have afantastic desire
3. Does the author agree to play the role of the Furies whensomeone has an unattainable desire?
A. Yes, he does.
B. No. he doesn’t.
C. He has no ideaabout that.
D. It depends on thesituation the author is involved in.
4.The italicized word “apologies” refer to ______.
A. an expression ofregret
B. defense
C. a poor example
D. equivalent
5. According to the rule for a gift, what should a painter bringas a gift?
A. his painting brush
B. his pain-box
C. his picture
D. his paint bucket
Being told I would beexpected to talk here, I inquired what sort of a talk I ought to make. Theysaid it should be something suitable to youth something didactic, instructive,or something in the nature of good advice. Very well, I have a few things in mymind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for itis in one’s tender early years that such things will best take root and be mostenduring and most valuable. First, then, I will say to you, my young friendsand I say it beseechingly—Always obey your parents, when they are present. Thisis the best policy in the long run, because if you don’t they will make you.Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make moreby humoring that superstition thanyou can by acting on your own better judgment.
Be respectful to yoursuperiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. If aperson offends you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional ornot, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit himwith a brick. That will be sufficient. If you shall find that he had notintended any offense, come out frankly and confess yourself in the wrong whenyou struck him; acknowledge it like a man and say you didn’t mean to. Yes,always avoid violence; in this age of charity and kindliness, the time has goneby for such things. Leave dynamite to thelow and unrefined.
6.According to the passage, why do people have to listen to some instructiveadvice when they were young?
A. Because theseadvice are given by the elderly who have plenty of experience.
B. Because thesedidactic advice are suitable to youth.
C. Because they shouldalways obey the elderly.
D. Because the youth would retainthe impressive words and never treat them with obliviousness.
7.What is the author’s suggestion concerning the parents’ words?
A. Their words aremerely superstition.
B. Their words mayhelp you accomplish more in your life.
C. Their words couldprevent you from making your own judgment.
D. Their words mayoffend you.
8.The italicized word "humoring" means ______.
A. putting into a goodmood
B. making concessionsto
C. entertaining
D. having the power toevoke laughter
9. Amongthe following kinds of response, which is not the proper behaviour when you areoffended by others?
A. To grasp a properchance and make a counterattack
B. To decide whetherthe offender’s behavior is performed with purpose or not
C. Always beingreluctant to strike back
D. To resort to afurious return for the offense
10.The italicized term “the low and unrefined” means ______.
A. the lower class
B. the barbarian
C. people lackingcultivation
D. the poor
Most gulls don’tbother to learn more than the simplest facts of flights how to get from shoreto food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matter, buteating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight:More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly. This kind ofthinking, he found, is not the way to make oneself popular with other birds.Even his parents were dismayed as Jonathan spent whole days alone, makinghundreds of low-level glides, experimenting.
“Why, Jon, why?” hismother asked. “Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Whycan’t you leave low flying to the pelicans (鹈鹕), the albatross (信天翁)? Why don’t you eat? Son, you’re bone and feathers!”
“I don’t mind beingbone and feathers, mom. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what Ican’t, that’s all. I just want to know.”
“See here, Jonathan,”said his father, not unkindly. “Winter isn’t far away. Boats will be few, andsurface fish will be swimming deep. If you must study, —then study food, andhow to get it. This flying business is all very well, but you can’t eat aglide. You know. Don’t you forget that the reasons you fly is to eat.”
Jonathan noddedobediently. For the next few days he tried to behave like the other gulls: hereally tried, screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers(码头) and fishing boats, diving on scraps of fish and bread. But hecouldn’t make it work.
It’s all so pointless,he thought, deliberately, dropping a hard-won anchovy(鳀类鱼) to a hungry old gull chasing him. “I could be spending all thistime learning to fly. There’s so much to learn!”
“Why aren’t there moreof us here? Why, where I came from there were...”
“...thousands andthousands of gulls. I know.” Sullivan shook his head. “The only answer I cansee, Jonathan, is that you are pretty well a one-in-a-million bird. Most of uscame along ever so slowly. We went from one world into another that was almostexactly like it, forgetting right away where we had come from not caring wherewe were headed, living for the moment. Do you have any idea how many lives wemust have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more tolife than eating, or fighting, or power in the flock? A thousand lives, Jon,ten thousand! And then another hundred lives until we began to learn that thereis such a thing as perfection, and another hundred again to get the idea thatour purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth.…”
11. Whichof the following choices not the difference between most seagulls and JonathanLivingston Seagull?
A. Most seagulls justlearned how to get food through flight.
B. Jonathan LivingstonSeagull enjoyed flying business.
C. For most seagulls,the final destination of flying was not to be starved.
D. To fly and to eatwere the common goals of most seagulls.
12. What was other seagulls’ attitude toward Jonathan’s devotioninto flight?
A. They wanted tolearn from Jonathan Livingston Seagull in practicing flight skills.
B. His parentsencouraged Jonathan Livingston Seagull to improve his techniques.
C. They felt shamefulwhen they saw the low flying by Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
D. They could not understand whyJonathan Livingston Seagull spent energy and time experimenting slides.
13. Whichof the following choices is NOT Jonathan’s father’s advice when he saw Jonathangliding?
A. He remindedJonathan of the reason why seagulls fly.
B. He sternly forcedJonathan to learn to get food.
C. He told Jonathanthat gliding is invalid to get food for seagulls.
D. He didn’t deny theadvantages of flying business.
14.Did Sullivan agree with Jonathan’s practice?
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn’t.
C. He had no ideaabout that.
D. He was uncertainabout that.
15.According to Sullivan, what was one’s life goal?
A. To learn about theexistence of perfection.
B. To struggle toobtain perfection.
C. To pursueperfection and manifest it in yourself
D. To go throughdifficulties and know more about life
Psychologically thereare two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undueabsorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for thegood old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must bedirected to the future, and to things about which there is something to bedone. This is not always easy; one’s own past is a gradually increasing weight.It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid thanthey are and one’s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten, andif it is forgotten it will probably not be true.
The other thing to beavoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality.When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if youcontinue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you arelikely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous. I do notmean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest should becontemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. Animalsbecome indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look afterthemselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find thisdifficult.
I think that asuccessful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interestinvolving appropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience isreally fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experiencecan be exercised without being oppressive. It is no use telling grownupchildren not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, andbecause mistakes are an essential part of education. And you must realize thatyou must not expect that they will enjoy your company.
Some old people areoppressed by the fear of death. But I think for an old man who has known humanjoys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fearof death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to overcome it—so atleast it seems to me—is to make your interest gradually more impersonal, untilbit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasinglymerged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be likeriver—small at first, gradually grows, wider, and in the end, without anyvisible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose theirindividual being. The man who in old age can see his life in this way, will notsuffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. Andif, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest willnot be unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that otherswill carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what waspossible has been done.
16. Which of the following choices is not the danger to be avoidedin old age?
A. Being mired inmemories.
B. Showing lamentationabout the past.
C. Having no interestsin personal benefits.
D. Being dependentupon the next generation.
17.According to the passage, why do human beings always show their undue care fortheir children?
A. Human beings arecreatures of emotion.
B. Human beings don’ttreat their children as a burden.
C. Human beings’ earlystage of growth is a little longer.
D. Human beings arenot callous animals.
18. According to the passage, what role does experience play inone’s life?
A. Experience mayprevent children from making mistakes or going astray.
B. Experience may keep you inappropriate activities and ensure you comfortable in remaining years.
C. Experience mayproduce profound knowledge and ensure a successful old age.
D. Experience may finditself wasted on dead man.
19.In what manner will the youth consider the elderly?
A. They will alwaysfind the companionship of the elderly ungrateful.
B. They look up to theelderly and admire the elderly.
C. The companionshipof persons of their own age is an onerous burden.
D. They always ask formaterial services from their parents.
20. Whichof the following choices is not the proper way that the man in old age shouldtreat his life?
A. To overcome thefear of death.
B. He isn’t satisfiedwith what he has done on his deathbed.
C. His life is only atrivial part of the universal life.
D. He wants to have arest as he grows older.
IV.Directions: The following excerpt is taken from China Daily. The primary purpose of this passage is intended toprovide a source of inspiration for writing rather than tempt you into copyingthe same thing in your composition.
To vigorously promote fairness in education. Hu Jintao,general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,said in his report to the 18th National Congress that educational resourceswill focus on rural and remote areas poor families and non-Han ethnic groups.
Hu said that efforts will also be made to promote equaleducation for the children of migrant workers and to increase financial aid topoverty-stricken families for their children’s education. The centralgovernment has been making efforts in this direction over the past decade. Butwhat has been done is far from enough to bridge the gap between the quality ofeducation in urban and rural areas. That is why Hu’s report particularlymentioned the shift in focus to the underdeveloped and disadvantaged areas.
Despite the free nine-year compulsory education for allrural students there is still a long way to go before students in rural areaswill be able to receive education of a similar quality to that enjoyed by theirurban counterparts. The teaching facilities and incomes of teachers in rural areas,poverty-stricken areas in particular, leave a lot to be desired compared withtheir urban counterparts.
Rural students who receive free university education arerequired to return to teach in rural schools for a certain period of timebefore they leave for other jobs, but preferential policies are needed toencourage good teachers to teach in rural areas and financial aid is needed toimprove the physical condition of students.
Write an argumentative essay of about 400 words on the followingtopic (30 points):
Equal Education for Rural Studentsand Their Urban Counterparts
I. Choose the one answer that best explains the underlinedword or phrase in the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (20points).
1.A 句意:会议的目的是促使军备竞赛对立两方展开对话,而发言者通常包括两国负责不明确军事项目的科学家和政府官员。foster在句中指“促进;鼓励;培养”,start意为“开启”,start a dialogue指“开启对话”,与foster a dialogue表达意思相一致。bring up提出,养育。develop开发。involve包含,牵涉。
2.B 句意:现在的电视促销广告通常通过明星代言,而不是依靠使用高压销售技巧的推销员来提升产品的可信度。credibility可靠性,可信性。trust信任,信赖。mobility移动性。capability才能,能力。loyalty忠诚,忠心。
3.A 句意:非洲埃博拉病毒的爆发使人们愈发意识到所谓的热病毒具有所的潜在危险,而热病毒会给人类及其他动物带来致命且几乎无法治愈的疾病。virtually事实上,几乎。almost差不多,几乎。mostly主要地;通常。totally完全地。completely完全地。
4.D 句意:在沙特阿拉伯这个君主制国家,保守的伊斯兰教为国教,该国不存在完备的法律体系,而且妇女的行为受到很大限制。curtail缩减;剥夺。reduce减少,缩减。strengthen加强,巩固。improve改进,增加。lift抬升,提升。
5.D 句意:当今的植物园面临着很多艰巨的任务,其中最重要的就是植物资源的保护。paramount最主要的,主要的。supreme最高的,最重要的。tolerable可容忍的。deplorable糟糕的;应受谴责的。extreme极度的。
6.B 句意:同样令人担忧的是,消费者缺乏足够的信息和认识,无法在市场中进行自我保护和在购买时做出明智的选择。knowledgeable有见识的,聪明的。intelligent聪明的,智慧的。diligent用功的,勤奋的。remarkable卓越的;值得注意的。understandable可以理解的。
7.C 句意:关于幸存者救济金领取资格,许多国家已经取消了寡妇和鳏夫的区别,一些国家还把其他单亲父母也包括在内。distinction区别,差别。difference差异,不同。indication迹象,象征。reference参考,参照。relationship关系,关联。
8.A 句意:经济疲软并没有减慢美国电视台、无线电台不可阻挡的增长速度。inexorable不可阻挡的;不容变更的。因此A项impossibleto stop(无法停止)与之表达意思相符。
9.B 句意:彗星从何而来?多年来,天文学家都假定冥王星轨道外存在一个彗星宝藏。postulate假定,假设。assume假定。simulate模仿。stimulate刺激,鼓舞。assimilate同化。
10.C 句意:贯穿七月下旬的潮湿而又有利的雨季,于八月和九月在萨赫勒东部变得越来越糟,致使大多地区季节降水量低于正常水平。favorably有利地。advantageously有利地,有助地。courageously勇敢地。probably大概,或许。terribly可怕地。
11.A 句意:关于如何实现联合国《气候变化框架公约》中减少二氧化碳排放量的目标,仍然争议存在。emission排放,散发。production产生;形成;生成。reproduction繁殖,复制。deduction扣除,减除。seduction诱惑。
12.D 句意:对于世界上的航空公司来说,又是生意不景气的一年,虽然乘客数量平均增长了5.7%,但是残酷的票价战争中大幅度的折扣使得从每个座位所得利润下降。vicious邪恶的;残酷的;凶猛的。violent暴力的,猛烈的。victorious胜利的,凯旋的。vigorous精力充沛的。tolerant宽容的,容忍的。
13.A 句意:过去几年,考古学家William Kelso对当前有关定居地的描述进行了深入研究,并在砂质土壤中寻找能提供线索的柱坑与木桩。account记述,描述,陈述。description描述。accuracy准确性。acquisition获得。destination目的地。
14.C 句意:随着静电复印术和台式印刷系统的发展,杂志制作变得更加精良并且在视觉上更有吸引力。appealing吸引人的。attractive吸引人的。moving感人的;可移动的。available可得的。destructive毁灭性的。
15.D 句意:绿色和平组织的发言人将资金削减归因于年度筹集资金的减少。attributed...to把…归因于。regard把…看作。subjugate征服。allocate分配。safeguard保护,保卫。
16.D 句意:在巴黎81位国际设计师向公众公开了春夏装设计作品,引发了时尚界的混乱。unveil揭去…的面罩;使公诸于众。present呈现;组织(演出或展览)。underline强调。uncover揭露;发掘(地下埋藏之物)。undetected未被发现的;未探测到的。
17.B 句意:随着较大的报纸连锁店收购小的连锁店而非单个报纸,英国的报纸业得到持续的巩固发展。consolidate巩固,加强。strengthen巩固,增强。constitute组成,构建。contaminate污染,弄脏。lengthen延长,变长。
18.A 句意:然而,关于福利改革的最终决定几年之内并不会出现。在一些极其贫困的地区,福利改革受到的阻碍主要来自政治活动的影响和工作及支持性服务所需资金的缺乏。hamper妨碍,束缚。hinder阻碍,妨碍。tamper损害,削弱。double使加倍。interfere干涉。
19.D 句意:看到他们的潜力得到开发,可口可乐与百事可乐开始涉入他们之前忽略了的领域。瓶装与罐装茶也得到了再次发展。renaissance复兴。revival复兴,复活。survival幸存,残存。approval批准,认可。disapproval不赞成,不喜欢。
20.B 句意:失业的另一个原因根植于现在的福利结构。福利结构现状给雇主带来巨大的劳工成本,除此之外还有工资、养老金、健康津贴以及其他成本。substantial大量的;实质的。considerable相当大的,相当多的。considerate体贴的,考虑周到的。subsequent后来的,随后的。successive连续的,依次的。
II. In eachof the following sentences, there are four underlined parts, marked with A, B,C and D. Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answerson the ANSWER SHEET (10 points).
1.D 介词at与rate连用,指“以…的比率,以…速度”,D项所对应画线部分指的是“以减小的速度”,因此reducing应该为reduced(减少的,简化的)。
2.C 句中though及之后内容修饰a healthy art market,其中中心词为形容词robust,为形容词作后置定语的结构,因此C项所对应的the one为多余成分。
3.A 句中指出电影(motion picture)是在平面上展现出移动的画面,而网际空间是在三维空间(in three dimensions)展现真实的细节,由此可见第一个逗号前应该描述的是“不像电影那样”,因此把A项所对应的like改为unlike。
4.D 选项D所对应画线部分与之后内容作后置定语修饰anyone,be desired to do sth.为固定搭配,指“渴望做某事,想要做某事”。因此把desiring改为desired。
6.D 选项D中,修饰动词improved应当用副词,因此把permanent改为permanently(持久地;永远地)。
7.B 选项B所对应的along with指“和…一起,连同”,连接两个并列成分。句中along with连接discoveries和theYangtzeRiver,而题干想要表达的是来自包括the Yangtze River在内的100多个遗址的发现,因此along with短语使用错误,可把其改为which include。
8.A 表示“对…的需求”时,常用demand for,而不用demand of,因此A项有误。
9.B 两个分句分别讲的是美元的强劲和亚洲的低迷,两个分句间是转折和对比的关系,while虽然可以表示对比,但多用于非正式的口语中,多指“同时”,而whereas则多用于正式的口语中,表达转折的意义,多强调后半句,此处可改为whereas。
10.D as引导的从句中主语为private schools,谓语为supplemented,宾语为government syllabus(syllabus大纲),动词supplement通常与介词with连用,构成supplement...with...结构,指“用…增补(补充)”,因此D项中by应改为with。
1.D 文章第一段主要讲述了对于赠送一般礼物来说,最重要的是满足被赠送者首要的需求,(necessity makespertinence and beauty),给出的例子是“如果门口的一个人没有鞋,你就不必考虑是否要给他一个绘具箱”,言外之意就是对于门口没有鞋的人来说,最好的礼物就是鞋。因此答案选D。
2.D 文章第四句指出“ seem heroic to let thepetitioner be the judge of his necessity, to give all that is asked, though at great inconvenience”,即让请求者决定自己的迫切需求,即便十分不便,也给与请求者要求的所有东西,这似乎是非常英勇的行为。由此可知前三个选项表达意思与之相符。D项“让请求者产生不切实际的渴望”与文章第五句内容相悖。
3.D 文章第五、六句讲述到“如果请求者的渴望不切合实际,最好还是交由他人来对其进行惩罚,我能想到很多情况中我宁愿扮演复仇三女神的角色”,可见当请求者有着不切实际的想法时,作者愿意在某些情况下扮演复仇三女神的角色,因此D项描述正确。
4.C 文章第七句及以下的内容讲述到除了必需品,赠送礼物的规则是所赠送礼物要与接受礼物者的性格特点一致,并且能与其产生共鸣,因此那些象征着赞美和爱的礼物大多比较粗俗,指出“Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologiesfor gifts”,可见作者认为戒指和其他珠宝并不是礼物,而是礼物的反面例子。因此C项是对“apologies”的正确解释。
5.C 介绍完戒指和珠宝作为礼物的反面例子后,作者指出“The only gift is a portion ofyourself”,随后举例“因此诗人的礼物是诗歌,牧羊者的礼物是羔羊,农民的礼物是玉米,矿工的礼物是珠宝…”,可知所赠送的礼物需能代表赠送者,因此画家应赠送的礼物是画作。故答案选C。
6.D 文章开头作者指出自己应邀对年轻人进行说教的、教育性的演讲,并表示自己早就有一些想法想要告知年轻人,提到“for it is in one’s tender early years that such things will besttake root and be most enduring and most valuable”(在人早年时,这些建议和教导最能在人心中生根发芽,意义深远也最为珍贵)。D项“年轻人会记住这些话,并且不遗忘”与之表达意思相符。其他选项在文中并未提及。
7.B 第一段最后三句作者建议年轻人在父母在场时听从他们的话,指出大多数父母认为他们比年轻人知道得多,而且“you can generally make more by humoring that superstitionthan you can by acting on your own better judgment”,其中that superstition指的就是“父母认为他们比年轻人知道得多”,可知听从父母的话比按照自己的想法行动,年轻人能取得更多的成就。故B项正确。
8.B 根据上题分析可知,对于父母的superstition(原意“迷信”,此处指“父母认为自己比孩子知道得多”的想法),最好是向其妥协,由此可知文中的humoring指的就是B项的“妥协,让步”。
9.C 第二段开头部分指出,如果有人冒犯了你,并且你不确定这是否是蓄意的,不要采取极端行为,而是等待时机,给其教训。因此选项A、B和D的内容均包括在内,只有C项“总是不愿还击”在文中未提及。
10.C 文章最后两句指出尽量避免使用暴力,在如今这个倡导宽容和友善的年代,暴力已经不适用了,把dynamite(炸药)留给“the low and unrefined”,可知“the low and unrefined”指的是缺乏素养的人。故答案选C。
11.D 文章开头介绍到大多数海鸥除了学习基本的飞翔来觅食外,不会再想学习其他的东西,对于它们来说重要的不是飞翔,而是食物。但名叫Jonathan Livingston的这只海鸥十分喜欢飞翔。由于可知只有D项“飞翔和觅食是大多数海鸥的共同目标”与文章内容不符。
12.D 第一段最后两句指出,Jonathan Livingston喜欢飞翔,这使得他不受其他海鸥的欢迎,甚至连自己的父母也对他整天独立练习低空滑翔感到失望。第二段讲述到Jonathan Livingston的妈妈问他为何不能像其他海鸥一样,为什么不去觅食而是练习低空飞翔。可见其他海鸥对于Jonathan练习飞翔的执着感到不解。因此D项正确。
13.B 第一段讲述了Jonathan的爸爸对于他练习滑翔的看法,开头便提到Jonathan的爸爸对他说话的语气是not unkindly,也就是说并非严厉,因此B项“他严厉地迫使Jonathan寻找食物”与文章不符。其他选项内容在该段均有提及。
14.A 倒数第二段Jonathan对Sullivan说为何像他俩那样的海鸥那么少,其他海鸥为何不像他们那样想,Sullivan回答中提到Jonathan是万里挑一的海鸥,由于可知Sullivan和Jonathan同样属于有想法的海鸥,可推测Sullivan支持Jonathan的练习滑翔的行为。因此答案选A。
15.C 最后一段最后一句Sullivan指出“...another hundredagain to get the idea that our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth”,可知Sullivan认为生命的目标是寻求完美,并展现出来。因此C项(manifest显示;使显现)与之表达意思相符。
16.C 文章开头便指出从心理方面来讲,进入老年应该避免两种危险,第一种便是过分沉湎于过去,指出活在记忆中、留恋过去的好时光、或沉浸在对失去的朋友的痛苦中都不会起到好的作用,包括前两项的内容。第二段介绍了应该避免的另一种危险,即clinging to youth inthe hope of sucking vigor from its vitality(过分依靠年轻人,希望从中获取活力),对应选项D。因此只有C项内容在文中没有提及。
17.C 第二段最后一句指出:只要动物的幼崽能够自我照顾,它们的父母就不再关注它们了;但对于人类来说,由于人们幼年时期较长,因此人类一般难以做到像动物那样。由此可知正确答案为C项。
18.C 作者在第三段首句指出,对于有着强烈非个人兴趣并投身其中的人来说,度过满意的老年生活最为容易。随后该段提到“在这方面长时期积累的经验是真正有用的,而由经验产生的智慧也可发挥其作用并不令人感到压抑”。由此可知C项“经验可以产生渊博的知识,确保满意的老年生活”符合文章内容。
19.A 第二段第二句指出孩子们长大后,就会想要过自己的生活,如果父母还像孩子们小的时候那样对他们兴趣不减,那么除非孩子们极其麻木不仁,否则父母极有可能成为孩子们的负担。因此A项“他们通常会不太喜欢年长者的陪伴”为关于年轻人对于年长者的正确态度。该项中ungrateful相当于disagreeable,指“讨厌的;不受欢迎的”。
20.B 最后一段主要讲述了对于老年人来说战胜对死亡恐惧的必要性,及如何才能做到,故A项正确;该段第三句指出,战胜死亡恐惧的最好办法就是使兴趣更加广泛,直到自我围墙逐渐倒塌,自己的生命和宇宙融合在一起,对应C项内容;D项与倒数第二句“如果随着精力的衰退,疲劳感增加,休息的想法也不是那么不受欢迎”表达意思相符。因此只有B项内容是老年人不应采取的对待生活的态度。
Equal Education for Rural Studentsand Their Urban Counterparts
  China’seducation is city-oriented, and the unequal allocation of resources hasresulted in the differences between urban and rural education. What’s more, thegap is not eliminated, or even narrowed by the constant efforts made by thecentral and local governments, the reason for which lies in the lack ofeducational fairness.
As is known, highereducation institutes are where a majority of the central government's fiscalbudget for education goes, while compulsory education’s primary investors havebeen the local governments. The educational budget has become a very heavyburden in the rural areas. As a result the education quality deteriorates and defaulting on teachers’ salary is not uncommon. Inaddition, different pay scales exist between urban and rural teachers, and that’swhy so many young and talented teachers go to urban areas for the sake ofbetter treatment and self development.
  As amatter of fact, a sustained and balanced educational development has beenthreatened by the widening gulf between education. The need for China to adoptan equitable educational approach and a scientific development perspective isparamount, and the answer may be the setting out of a series of policy conceptsfor unified and balanced urban-rural development. To narrow the education gapis by no means to slow the development of urban education. Rather, it meansthat the same educational rights should be offered to rural population andtheir urban counterparts.
More importantly, thecentral government should make some profound policy changes and the localgovernment need to be aware of the need and be willing to provide equal educationopportunities to the rural and urban students. To narrow the gap between ruraland urban education, talented teachers should be encouraged to contribute tothe educational cause in rural areas, for which to work, a special fund need tobe created.
  Sinceeducation provides the basic guarantee for the future of a country, and isclosely connected with the life of individuals as well, making sure that ruraland urban students enjoy equal access to education and are well cultivated isof vital significance. Hopefully, the education gap will be bridged andequality in education will not be too far away with the joint efforts ofcentral and local governments.

the, and, D., B.
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