在事实识别的细节题中,在定位准的前提下,我们要积累的是自己的词汇量,我们做题要有所收获,或者是做题方法或者是技巧的积累或者是单词的积累,这些内容远远重于题目本身。今天文都考研英语靖老师接着就细节题中的观点识别结合题目给大家进行详细剖析考研英语二,以便掌握相应的解题技巧。 2.观点识别: 观点识别细节题,题干往往是according to sb......或者是作者的观点或者是文章中某个人的观点。来看例子:32.Which of the following is NOT true according to the author . A.Tipping is a common practice in the restaurant world. B.Waiters don't care about tipping C.Customers generally believe in tipping. D.Tipping has little connection with the quality of service. 细节题要有个原则--主题为王。我们在浏览文章之前,大概抓一下主题,以下内容是一二段和末段;另外我们还要比对每个选项和原文,做到万无一失。 I knew three groups would be opposed: customers, servers and restaurant owners. These three groups are all committed to tipping——as they quickly made clear on Web sites. To oppose tipping, it seems, is to be anti-capitalist, and maybe even a little French. But Mr. Keller is right to move away from tipping—and it’s worth exploring why just about everyone else in the restaurant world is wrong to stick with the practice. Indeed, there appear to be little connection between tipping and good service . 浏览完这三段内容,我们知道文章在说关于tipping,作者是支持取消小费的制度。ABC选项可以在一二段内容找到依据,restaurant world基本包含三组人customers, servers and restaurant owners,这些人都是支持小费的,因此非常肯定地能排除B选项,如果非常有把握选出来我们不用花时间去看最后一个,为了节省时间去做更难的题目。而其实最后一个在我们最开始浏览的时候就应该有印象,基本是原句搬运。因此D也是正确的。 在观点识别中,作者给出观点的方式有1. I think...... 2. few believe......3. somebody argue......(支持/中性/反对)4. 无人认领的观点和结论。观点识别还有一类是涉及文章中别人的观点,其实比起作者的观点要简单一些,基本就是通过那个人定位,看她周围的表示观点类的词,conclude/indicate等等。关于人的头衔,该人所做的实验内容都是不看的。 观点识别类需要我们对主题稍微有所把握,在主题引领下再去定位每个选项来判断对错。对于考研英语二中有把握的直接做出来就可以,没有把握的需要每一个选项进行判断,当然有的时候也会仅仅涉及文章的主题。因此,细节题是需要主题为王的。 3.原因识别: 原因识别细节题,题干往往包含because/in that/due to/why/attribute sth. to/result from/originate from等,是最容易判断的一个题型。来看例子:24. The author attributes the phenomenon of "golden skirts" to . A.the small number of qualified females in management B.the over-recruitment of female managers in public companies C.the advantage women enjoy when competing for senior positions D.the discrimination toward women in Norwegian business circles 原因识别的细节题就是根据结果求得原因。首先由题干定位到结果,原因在结果的前或后,另外答案出现的地方或者有明显的表明原因的词出现或者是通过隐含的逻辑关系得出来的。 Many complain that it has been difficult to find experienced candidates. Because of this, some of the best women have collected as many as 25-35 directorships each, and are known in Norwegian business circles as the "golden skirts". One reason for the scarcity is that there are fairly few women in management in Norwegian companies---they occupy around 15% of senior positions.我们通过特殊词 "golden skirts"定位到以上内容,在该关键词所在的句子并没有原因只是在陈述这一现象,而在句首的Because of this,就是指向了原因,由代词this我们找到上一句是说很难找到有经验的候选人,换句话说就是有经验的候选人太少了。在定位句的下一句又出现的关键词One reason,同样是来解释原因的,是因为管理层的女性太少了。A.the small number of qualified females in management这个选项中的small number表明数量少,qualified females而且是合格的女性少,用完美的同义替换很容易找到答案。该题关键在于定位准,再进行同义替换。 有的题目的原因不像该题中这么明显有reason或者because of,我们需要用逻辑去判别。比如29. Kris Carr make up names for the people who treat her because ________ A. she is depressed and likes swearing B. she is funny and likes playing jokes on doctor C. she wants to leave the medical advice to doctor D. she tries to leave a good impression on doctor 我们由题干中的make up names for the people定位到以下内容的第二句话,在该句话中只是罗列了she的一些行为,而这些行为的上边一句话则是原因,这个人比较好玩才会出现这些行为,这是属于不明显的原因识别,需要我们按逻辑来判断。Cancer isn't funny, but Ms. Carr often is. She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat her (Dr. Fabulous and Dr. Guru), and she even makes second sound fun ("cancer road trips," she calls them). 原因识别的细节题属于比较简单的细节题,定位容易,做题区间跨度小。因此希望大家多多做一些考研英语二阅读,同时还要扩大自己的阅读量,把握隐含的逻辑关系对于阅读是很有帮助的。