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第一部分 章节题库
 模块一 英语测试
 模块二 综合知识
  第一篇 银行基础知识
   第一章 我国银行系统概述
   第二章 银行主要业务
   第三章 银行管理
   第四章 我国银行系统相关法律法规
  第二篇 经济基础知识
   第一章 政治经济学
   第二章 微观经济学
   第三章 宏观经济学
   第四章 计量经济学
  第三篇 金融基础知识
   第一章 货币理论
   第二章 金融市场
   第三章 金融中介
   第四章 国际金融
   第五章 金融调控与金融监管
   第六章 金融创新与金融深化
   第七章 经济全球化与金融全球化
   第八章 其他金融基础知识
  第四篇 财会基础知识
   第一章 会计基础知识
   第二章 财务管理基础知识
   第三章 税收理论
  第五篇 法律基础知识
   第一章 法理学
   第二章 宪 法
   第三章 行政法与行政诉讼法
   第四章 刑 法
   第五章 民 法
   第六章 商 法
   第七章 劳动合同法
  第六篇 计算机基础知识
   第一章 计算机基础
   第二章 计算机基本操作
   第三章 数据库技术基础
   第七篇 管理基础知识
   第一章 管理学原理
   第二章 市场营销
   第三章 人力资源管理
 模块三 行政职业能力测验
  第一篇 言语理解与表达
   第一章 逻辑填空
   第二章 语句表达
   第三章 片段阅读
  第二篇 数量关系
   第一章 计算问题
   第二章 行程问题
   第三章 比例问题
   第四章 几何问题
   第五章 计数问题
   第六章 初等数学问题
   第七章 其他问题
   第八章 数字推理
  第三篇 判断推理
   第一章 定义判断
   第二章 图形推理
   第三章 类比推理
   第四章 逻辑判断
  第四篇 资料分析
   第一章 文字型资料
   第二章 图形型资料
   第三章 表格型资料
   第四章 混合型资料
第二部分 模拟试题


第一部分 章节题库
模块一 英语测试
Passage 1
When a savings account is openedin a bank,the depositor must sign a depositagreement,By signing the agreement,thedepositor agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the bank. These rulesand regulations vary with different banks and may be altered and amended fromtime to time. At this time,a passbook may begiven to the depositor. This is a small book in which the bank teller entersthe date and amount of each deposit or withdrawal and initials the entry. Thepassbook is to be presented at the bank or mailed to the bank along with a depositor withdrawal slip each time when money is deposited or withdrawn from theaccount. An alternative practice for depositing or withdrawing money from asavings account is to give the depositor a small register for recordingdeposits and withdrawals and a pad of deposit-withdrawal forms.
This procedure eliminates the useof the passbook. Each time a deposit or withdrawal from savings is made. Theappropriate part of one of the forms is filled in,signed,recordedin the register and presented or mailed to the bank with deposit items or otherdocuments. The bank gives a machine-printed receipt to the depositor or returnsit by mai1. There should be a separate savings account in the ledger to record theseactivities.
Traditionally,theprincipal differences between a savings account and a checking account are thatinterest is paid regularly by the bank on a savings account and withdrawalsfrom a savings account may be made at the bank or by mail by the depositor oran authorized agent. Depositors use checking accounts primarily as a convenientmeans of making payments,while savings accountsare used primarily as a means of accumulating funds with interest. Anincreasingly common practice is for the bank to combine savings and checkingaccounts and get depositors’ permission to make automatic transfers of fundsfrom the savings portion to the checking portion whenever the latter fallsbelow a specified minimum balance. This amounts to giving the depositor aninterest-earning checking account. [中国工商银行真题]
1. What is the primary purpose ofa savings account? (  )
A. For interest.
B. For transfer of funds.
C. For accumulating funds withinterest.
D. For making profits.
【解析】从第二段的句子“savings accounts areused primarily as a means of accumulating funds with interest”可直接得出答案为C项。
2. What is the aim of a smallregister and a pad of deposit-withdrawal forms? (  )
A. To attract deposits.
B. To improve bank services.
C. To eliminate the use of thepassbook.
D. To promote banking business.
【解析】本题可从文中直接找出答案,根据第一段的句子“This procedureeliminates the use of the passbook”可知答案为C项,即这一做法是为了取消银行存折的使用。
3. What is the purpose of signinga deposit agreement? (  )
A. To follow the bank’s rules andregulations.
B. To have the right to make fulluse of the bank’s facilities.
C. To open an account in thebank.
D. To protect the depositor’sinterest.
【解析】由首段第二句话“the depositor agreesto abide by the rules and regulations of the bank”可知答案为A项,即签订保障金协议目的是使存款人遵守银行的规则。
4. What does a depositor do witha passbook? (  )
A. He makes deposits with a bank.
B. He withdraws money from asavings account.
C. He withdraws money from achecking account.
D. Both A and B.
【解析】由第一段“The passbook is to bepresented at the bank or mailed to the bank along with a deposit or withdrawalslip each time money is deposited or withdrawn from the account”可知,存款人可以使用银行存折在银行存、取款。
5. For what purpose does a banktry to combine a savings account and a checking account? (  )
A. For holding more funds.
B. For covering the checkingaccount falling below the specified minimum balance.
C. For automatic transfer offunds.
D. Both B and C.
【解析】由文章倒数第二句“An increasinglycommon practice is for the bank to combine savings and checking accounts andget depositors’ permission to make automatic transfers of funds from thesavings portion to the checking portion whenever the latter falls below aspecified minimum balance”可知答案为D项。
Passage 2
Many things make people thinkartists are weird. But the weirdest may be this:artists’only job is to explore emotions,and yet they choose tofocus on the ones that feel bad.
This wasn’t always so. Theearliest forms of art,like painting andmusic,are those best suited forex-pressing joy. But somewhere from the 19th century onward,moreartists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phonyor,worst of all,boring,aswe went from Wordsworth’s daffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evi1.
You could argue that art becamemore skeptical of happiness because modern times have seen so much misery. Butit’s not as if earlier times didn’t know perpetual war,disasterand the massacre of innocents.
The reason,infact,may be just the opposite:thereis too much damn happiness in the world today.
After all,whatis the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depictinghappiness ? Advertising . The rise of anti-happy art almost exactly tracks theemergence of mass media,and with it,acommercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology.
People in earlier eras were surroundedby reminders of misery. They worked until exhausted,divedwith few protections and died young. In the West,beforemass communication and literacy,the most Powerful massmedium was the church,which remindedworshippers that their souls were in danger and that they would someday be meatfor worms. Given all this,they did not exactlyneed their art to be a bummer too.
Today the messages the averageWesterner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial,andforever happy. Fast-food eaters,news anchors,textmessengers,all smiling,smiling,smiling.Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.And since these messages have an agenda-to lure us to open our wallets-theymake the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the adsfor the arthritis drug Celebrex,before we found out itcould increase the risk of heart attacks. But what we forget--what our economydepends on us forgetting-is that happiness is more than pleasure without pain.The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for lossand disappointment. Today,surrounded by promisesof easy happiness,we need art to tell us,asreligion once did,Memento mori:rememberthat you will die,that everything ends,andthat happiness comes nut in denying this but in living with it. It’s a messageeven more bitter than a clove cigarette,yet,somehow,abreath of fresh air. [中国农业银行真题]
6. By citing the examples ofpoets Wordsworth and Baudelaire. the author intends to show that(  ).
A. poetry is not as expressive ofjoy as painting or music
B. art grows out of both positiveand negative feelings
C. poets today are less skepticalof happiness
D. artists have changed theirfocus of interest
7. The word “bummer”(Line 5,Paragraph5)most probably means something. (  )
A. religious
B. unpleasant
C. entertaining
D. commercial
8. In the author’s opinion,advertising_____.(  )
A. emerges in the wake of theanti-happy art
B. is a cause of disappointmentfor the general public
C. replaces the church as a majorsource of information
D. creates an illusion ofhappiness rather than happiness itself
【解析】由第四段可知,Advertising. . . acommercial culture in which happiness is not just an ideal but an ideology. 即快乐不仅是一种理想,而且是一种意识形态。
9. We can learn from the lastparagraph that the author believes_____, (  )
A. happiness more often than notends in sadness B. the anti-happy art is distasteful but refreshing
C. misery should be enjoyedrather than denied
D. the anti-happy art flourisheswhen economy booms
10. Which of the following istrue of the text? (  )
A. Religion once functioned as areminder of misery.
B. Art provides a balance betweenexpectation and reality.
C. People feel disappointed atthe realities of modern society.
D. Mass media are inclined tocover disasters and deaths.
【解析】由第五段In the west,beforemass communication and literacy,the most powerful massmedium was the church…可知,在大众媒体出现之前,最强大的媒介是教堂,并提醒人们的灵魂处于危险中。
Passage 3
Middle East turmoil makes theglobal oil market instable, and whether it is the arrival of the fourth oilcrisis is still uncertain.
World crude oil supply as themarket worried about the future, there may be a large-scale disruption in intradaytrading in New York, crude oil prices of more than $100 per barrel. This is thefirst time the crude oil prices of the United States reached $100 since October2008.
Libya's crude oil production accountsfor 2% of the world oil production and its own supply of world crude oilproduction is insufficient to cause a tremendous impact. But the market isworried about Libya's conflict, unrest in other oil-producing countries of Algeria will also appear, and then spread to Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries. With thedeteriorating security situation in Libya, employees and suppliers of securityconcerns is the biggest problem, a number of international oil gas operatorsare leaving the country and temporarily shut down production. Libya is now estimated at 1/3 of oil was cut off. However, OPEC announced that they will compensatefor the shortage of oil production about Libya.
The situation is reminiscent ofthe Middle East over the past three times "oil crisis". The firstoccurred in 1973, the year in October the fourth Middle East War broke out,OPEC Arab members of the order to fight against Israel and its supporters, inDecember announced there assumption of the right of the oil price and volumeincrease more than twice the price of crude oil which is from warehouse, led tothe most serious global economic crisis after the World War II, and continuedfor 3 years. The second was the end of 1978, Iran's moderate pro-US Shah Kingto step down, as the world's second largest oil exporter, Iran's political upheaval, coupled with the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, when world oil productionfrom 580 million barrels a day at first reduced to 100 million barrels below.The following year, soaring international oil prices doubled. In 1980, crudeoil prices have been from the original $13 per barrel soared to $34 per barrel,and lasted more than six months. The third was in August 1990, Iraq captured Kuwait, the United States war against lraq, but also by international economicsanctions against Iraq, the Iraqi oil supply disruptions along the way theinternational oil price soared, from 3 months soared to $14 per barrel high of$42.
The "oil crisis" butalso to the world economy has brought about tremendous negative impact.Continued for three years the first "oil crisis" to the developedcountries resulted in serious economic impact, all developed countries economicgrowth is slowing down, statistics show, in which the U.S. industrialproduction fell by 14%, while Japan's industrial production plummeted by morethan 20% the second crisis has become the late 70s of last century developedone of the main general economic recession; the third crisis that developedcountries, especially Britain and the United States accelerated in recession,global economic growth in 1991 below 2%, but due to the Saudi-led OPEC toincrease production to stabilize oil prices, the continued high oil prices notlong compared to the previous two, the global economic impact is relativelysmaller.
11. People worry about theoccurrence of the fourth oil crisis, mainly because_____. (  )
A. Algerian conflict
B. Afghan war
C. Libyan conflict
D. Proliferation of conflicts Libya
12._____caused the second oilcrisis. (  )
A. Middle EastWar 
B. Iran War
C. IraqWar
D. the World War II
13. The highest price of a barrelof oil is $_____when the third oil crisis hit. (  )
D. 110
14. The economy of_____ wasmainly affected by oil crisis in history. (  )
A. Developedcountries 
B. Developing countries
C. Middle East 
D. Backward countries
15. The least serious effect hasbeen made by the _____oil crisis. ( )
D. fourth
Passage 4
Proponents of different jazzstyles have always argued that their predecessor's musical style did notinclude essential characteristics that define jazz as jazz. Thus, 1940s swing wasbelittled by beboppers of the 1950s who were themselves attacked by freejazzers of the 1960s. The neo-boppers of the 1980s and 1990s attacked almosteverybody else. The titanic figure of Black saxophonist John Coltrane hascomplicated the arguments made by proponents of styles from bebop through neo-bopbecause in his own musical journey he drew from all those styles. His influenceon all types of jazz was immeasurable. At the height of his popularity,Coltrane largely abandoned playing bebop, the style that had brought him fame,to explore the outer reaches of jazz.
Coltrane himself probablybelieved that the only essential characteristic of jazz was improvisation, theone constant in his journey from bebop to open-ended improvisations on modal,Indian, and African melodies. On the other hand, this dogged student andprodigious technician -- who insisted on spending bourns each day practicingscales from theory books -- was never able to jettison completely the influenceof bebop, with its fast and elaborate chains of notes and ornaments on melody.
Two stylistic characteristicsshaped the way Coltrane played the tenor saxophone: he favored playing fastruns of notes built on a melody, and depended on heavy, regularly accentedbeats. The first led Coltrane to sheets of sound where he raced faster andfaster, pile-driving notes into each other to suggest stacked harmonies. Thesecond meant that his sense of rhythm was almost as close to rock as to bebop.
Three recordings illustratedColtrane’s energizing explorations. Recording Kind of Blue with Miles Davis,Coltrane found himself outside bop, exploring modal melodies. Here he playedsurging, lengthy solos built largely around repeated motifs -an organizing principle unlike that of free jazz saxophone player OrnetteColeman, who modulated or altered melodies in his solos. On Giant Steps,Coltrane debuted as leader, introducing his own compositions. Here the sheetsof sound, downbeat accents, repetitions, and great speed are part of each solo,and the variety of the shapes of his phrases is unique. Coltrane’s searchingexplorations produced solid achievement .My Favorite Things was another kind ofwatershed. Here Coltrane played the soprano saxophone, an instrument seldomused by jazz musicians.
Musically, the results wereastounding. With the soprano's piping sound, ideas that had sounded dark andbrooding acquired a feeling of giddy fantasy.
When Coltrane began recording forthe Impulse! Label, he was still searching. His music became raucous, physical.His influence on rockers was enormous, including Jimi Hendrix, the rockguitarist, who, following Coltrane, raised the extended guitar solo usingrepeated motifs to a kind of rock art form. [民生银行真题]
16.The primary purpose ofthe text is to__. ( )
A. discuss the place of Coltranein the world of jazz and describe his musical explorations
B. examine the nature of bebopand contrast it with improvisational jazz
C. analyze the musical sources ofColtrane's style and their influence on his work
D. acknowledge the influence ofColtrane’s music on rock music and rock musicians
17. Which of the following bestdescribes the organization of the fourth paragraph? (  )
A. A thesis referred to earlierin the text is mentioned and illustrated with three specific examples.
B. A thesis is stated and threeexamples are given each suggesting that a correction needs to be made to athesis referred to earlier in the text.
C. A thesis referred to earlierin the text is mentioned, and three examples are presented and ranked in orderof their support of the thesis.
D. A thesis is stated, threeseemingly opposing examples are presented, and their underlying correspondenceis explained.
18. According to the text, John Coltranedid all of the following during his career except__.(  )
A. improvise on melodies from anumber of different cultures
B. perform as leader as well assoloist
C. spewed time improving histechnical skills
D. eliminate the influence ofbebop on his own music
19. According to the text a majordifference between Coltrane and other jazz musicians was the__.( )
A. degree to which Coltrane'smusic encompassed all of jazz
B. repetition of motifs thatColtrane used in his solos
C. number of his own compositionsthat Coltrane recorded
D. indifference Coltranemaintained to musical technique
【解析】根据本题题干中的“other jazz musicians”可将本题的答案信息来源定位在第一段的第一至第四句,因为在这四句话中提到了其他的爵士音乐家。第一段第四句的状语从句明确指出了Coltrane与其他音乐家的不同在于他吸收了各种风格的爵士音乐。故本题的正确答案是A项。
20. In terms of its tone andform, the text can best be characterized as__. ( )
A. dogmatic explanation
B. indignant denial
C. enthusiastic praise
D. speculative study
【解析】细心的考生可从本文作者在论述时使用的词语中推导出本题的正确答案为C项。例如,作者在第一段第四句的主语上使用了“titanic figure”;在第五句使用了“hisinfluence…was immeasurable”;在最后一段的第三句使用了“his influence...wasenormous”,这都反映了作者的“enthusiastic praise”。
Passage 5
17 Jan— Sinulog in Macau 2010
The “sinulog” dance commemorates(纪念)thePhilippine nation’s conversion(转变)to Christianity somefour hundred years ago. Members participate in performances dressed in colorfultraditional costumes,while singing aloud,anddance a step in the same rhythm after the first two steps and then move onestep more in a representation of the flowing waters of the Pahina River. Thisgrand religious event attracts many people to participate—so come and join in,andenjoy tasty,traditional Filipino(菲律宾的)foodafterwards!
Venue:Iao Hon Market Park
0rganizer:Associationof Santo Ninode Cebuem Macau
Sponsors:MacauGovernment Tourist office,Civic and MunicipalAffairs Bureau,Macau Foundation
Telephone enquiries:(853)28762635
23 Dec 2009 to 10 Jan 2010,TulipExhibition
The tulip(郁金香)-knownas the “Queen of Flowers”-has also been described as the most expensive flowerof ancient times,with tulip bulbs valued at theequivalent(相当)of about $1,000dollars in 17th Century Holland.
In December,visitorshave the opportunity to view firsthand many different varieties of tulip at Av.da Praia in Taipa,and understand the appeal of thisenchanting royal flower through a variety of beautiful flower arrangingtechniques. They can also join the workshops and enjoy performances.
Admission: free
Venue:TaipaHouses—Museum,Av. da Praia,Taipa
Organizer:Civicand Municipal Affairs Bureau
Telephone enquiries:(853)85041209
26 Dec 2009 to 2 Jan 2010一MacauInternational Movie Festival
The first Macau InternationalMovie Festival is screening world-class movies from late December to earlyJanuary. The International Movie-Television-Animation Product Fair,ParadeCompetition。”Macau Dragon-Heroes Legend” andother exciting activities conclude with the closing ceremony on 2 January. Fordetails,please refer to organizer.
Organizers:Macau-Television-MediaAssociation of Macau,China InternationalCultural Communication Center -organizers:Cultural &Education Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Governmentin the Macau SAR,Macau Government Tourist Office,MacauTrade and Investment Promotion Institute and others.
Telephone enquiries:(853)28402840[中国工商银行真题]
21.When did people in Philippines make the “sinulog” dance performance? (  )
A. About 16th century
B. About 17th century
C. About 18th century
D. About 19th century
【解析】由文章第一部分的The “sinulog” dancecommemorates the Philippine nation’s conversion to Christianity some fourhundred years ago可知,该项活动是关于400年前的,即4个世纪以前,也就是17世纪,故正确答案为B项。
22. If you want to learn somedetails about movie festival,you can call_____.(  )
A. (853)28762635
B. (853)26726185
C. (853)28402840
D. (853)85041209
23. Where can people enjoybeautiful tulip flowers? (  )
A. Iao Hon Market Park.
B. Taipa Houses-Museum. Av. daPraia, Taipa.
C. Macau Government TouristOffice.
D. Macau Central Park. 。
【解析】由文章第二部分可知郁金香的展览地址为Taipa Houses-Museum,Av.da Praia,Taipa,故正确答案为B项。
24. Which of the following isTRUE according to the passage? (  )
A. People can enjoy delicioustraditional Filipino food before the “sinulog” dance performance.
B. The tulip bulbs can valueabout $1,000 dollars in Holland nowadays.
C. People must spend some moneyviewing many different varieties of tulip.
D. The closing ceremony of thefirst Macau International Movie Festival is on 2 January.
【解析】选项A错误,由文章第一部分可知,应该是Peoplecan enjoy delicious traditional Filipino food after the “Sinulog” danceperformance. 即在表演结束之后吃传统的菲律宾食物,而不是表演前。选项B项错误,由文章第二部分tulip bulbs valued at the equivalent(相当)ofabout $1,000 dollars in 17th CenturyHolland可知,郁金香的球茎价值在17世纪的荷兰大约为1000美元,并不是现在。选项C项错误,由文章第二部分Admission free可知,是免费的。由第三部分的“Macau Dragon-Heroes Legend” and other excitingactivities conclude with the closing ceremony on 2 January可知,1月2日为闭幕式,故正确答案为D项。
25. This passage is most probablytaken from_____ (  ).
A. a tourist guide
B. a magazine
C. a textbook
D. a website
Passage 6
A scorching sun,anendless sea of sand and a waterless,forbiddingly lonelyland—that is the image most people have of deserts. But how true is thispicture? Deserts are dry lands where rainfall is low. This is not to say rainnever falls in deserts:it may fall once ortwice a year in a fierce torrent that fades almost as soon as it has begun,orwhich evaporates in the hot air long before it has got anywhere near the earth.It may fall in a sudden sweeping flood that carries everything in its path.Rains may only come once in five or six years or not fall for a decade or more.The Mojave Desert in the United States remained dry for twenty-five years.
Without water no living thing cansurvive,and one feature of the truedesert landscape is the absence of vegetation. With little rain and hardly anyvegetation the land suffers under the sun. There are virtually no clouds ortrees to protect the earth’s surface and it can be burning hot. Under the sun,soilsbreak up and crack. Wind and torrential rain sweep away and erode the surface further.Eight million square kilometers of the world’s land surface is desert.Throughout history deserts have been expanding and retreating again. Cavepaintings show that parts of the Sahara Desert were green and fertile about 10,000years ago,and even animals like elephantsand giraffes roamed the land. Fossil and dunes found in fertile and damp partsof the world show that these areas were once deserts. But now the creation ofnew desert areas is happening on a colossal scale. Twenty million square kilometers,anarea twice the size of Canada,is at a high to veryhigh risk of becoming desert, with a further 1.25 million square kilometersunder moderate risk. An area covering 30%of the earth’s land surface is desert,becomingdesert,or in danger of becoming desert.The rate of growth of deserts is alarming. The world’s dry lands which areunder threat include some of the most important stock-rearing and wheat-growingareas and are the homes of 600,700 million people.
These regions are becomingdeserts at the rate of more than 58,000 square kilometersa year or 44 hectares a minute. In North Africa at least l 00,000hectares of cropland are lost each year. At this rate there is a high risk thatwe will be confined to living on only 50%of this planet’s land surface withinone more century unless we are able to do something about it. [中国银行真题]
26. What does the passage tell USabout rainfall in the desert? (  )
A. It never rains.
B. It rains so little thatnothing can live.
C. It rains unexpectedly.
D. It rains very infrequently.
【解析】根据第一段的最后一句“Rains may only comeonce in five or six years or not fall for a decade or more. The Mojave Desertin the United States remained dry for twenty-five years. ”可知,沙漠地区五六年或十多年下一次雨,即很少降雨,但不是不下雨。infrequently意为“罕见的,稀少的”,因此D项正确。
27. Desert soils break up andcrack because of _____. (  )
A. the effects of wind and min
B. the lack of protection fromthe sun
C. the tropical location ofdeserts
D. the absence of rain
【解析】根据第二段第三句“There are virtuallyno clouds or trees to protect the earth’s surface and it can be burning hot.Under the sun,soils break up and crack. ”可知,在沙漠地区没有云、没有树保护地面,地面很容易暴晒,因此裂开。B项说地面缺乏保护,符合句意。
28. What do we learn aboutdeserts from this text? (  )
A. Deserts can change into greenand fertile areas.
B. Certain areas have always beendesert.
C. Deserts were once the home ofelephants and giraffes.
D. Deserts have been growingsince the beginning of the world.
【解析】由文章第二段第六行“Throughout historydeserts have been expanding and retreating again. ”可知,一些肥沃的地方以前曾经是沙漠,而现在的沙漠以前也曾经是沃土和绿洲,所以A项正确。
29. How much of the world’s landsurface is at risk of becoming desert? (  )
A. Less than ten million squarekilometers.
B. Twenty million squarekilometers
C. More than twenty millionsquare kilometers
D. 30%of the world’s landsurface.
【解析】根据文章第二段中间的一句话“Twenty million squarekilometers,an area twice the size of Canada,isat a high to very high risk of becoming desert, with a further 1.25 millionsquare kilometers under moderate risk. ”可知,2000万平方公里的土地面临着成为沙漠的高危险,而125万平方公里的土地有中度危险,因此C项正确。
30. What does the writer thinkabout the creation of new desert areas? (  )
A. It is a natural development.
B. The problem is not veryserious.
C. It is a very worrying problem.
D. The situation will improve intime.
【解析】文章最后一句话“At this rate there isa high risk that we will be confined to living on only 50%of this planet landsurface within one more century unless we are able to do something about it. ”的意思是“如果我们不采取措施我们将会面临很严重的危机”。而C项“这是一个非常令人担忧的问题”,符合题意。

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