To prepare for the Master Entrance Examination ,we have to spent a lot of money to buy referrences. One day, you hear of a good book, then you go into a book shop .The shop keeper presents you two books .One is genuine, it costs ¥50,but another one is pirate,just needs ¥15. Which one will be your chioce?
Maybe both of them won\'t become my chooce.
I want a book not only Practical but also cheaper.
If not keeping balance between the two point , I usually deal it with two ways.
The one is to the second-hand market to buy; the other is online to search, as to come[s:4]
I think I would choose the pirate. First ,it is cheaper.Second,I can make a more serious to read it,found the misspelling of the wold from the pirate book.
I\'ll choose the second one.In my opinion,the knowledge is just the most important,no matter the price is,we only care the importance.The two books,they contain the same content,the difference is their apprearance,one is more beautiful and gorgeous.This dosen\'t matter,it can\'t influence us.Oppositly,we can use the money saved to buy other impaotant books for us!
i will choose the cheaper one
firstly,i am poor,and i cannot earn even one cent
secongly,it dosnt worthy so much,once i pass it ,iit is valuless
in one world, i can only afford the cheaper one