ability • capability • capacity • power
These are all words for the fact that sb is able to do sth, or the qualities necessary to do sth.
► a capability/capacity for sth
► the ability/capability/capacity/power to do sth
► beyond/within your ability/capability/capacity/power
► (a/an) great/remarkable/extraordinary/amazing ability/capacity/powers
► natural/physical/intellectual/mental/limited ability/capability/capacity/powers
► to have/develop/acquire/lack/lose the ability/capability/capacity/power
► to demonstrate/show your ability/capability/capacity/power
► to restrict sb's ability/capability/capacity/power
ability [ sing. , U ]
the fact that sb/sth is able to do sth
Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.
I try to do the job to the best of my ability ( = as well as I can ) .
OPP inability
Inability [ sing. , U ]
the fact of not being able to do sth:
Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay.
able adj. : A viral illness left her barely able to walk.
I didn't feel able to disagree with him.
OPP unable to do sth
He lay there, unable to move.
capability [ U , C ] ( rather formal )
the ability or qualities necessary to do sth
Animals in the zoo have lost the capability of catching food for themselves.
She has the capability to become a very fine actor.
Organizing a whole department is beyind his capability.
Capability is often used to talk about how able a company or country is to produce sth: a company/country's manufacturing/production/processing/defence/weapons/nuclear capability
capable adj:You are capable of better work than this. ◇ I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you.
capacity [ C , usually sing. ] ( rather formal )
the ability to understand or do sth
She has an enormous capacity for hard work.
A habit becomes an addiction when it reduces your capacity to enjoy life.
This maths is beyond the capacity of most schoolchildren.
Capacity is often used to talk about social, educational and work-related life skills: a capacity for hard work/humour/enjoying life/learning languages/love/reflective thinking
power [ U ] (also powers [ pl. ] )
a particular ability of the body or mind; all the abilities of your body or mind
He had lost the power of speech.
At 26, he is at the height of his powers and ranked fourth in the world.
Sb's power [ U ] is also their ability or opportunity to do sth, used especially in the phrases (not) within sb's power , beyond sb's power and do everything within your power :
It is not within my power ( = I am unable ) to help you.
I will do everything in my power to help you. |