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jescar 发表于 08-5-12 12:42:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
decline, refuse, reject, deny
decline v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于refuse politely,主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或要求帮助的请求,后接名词或动词不定式,主语只能是人。
I invited her to join us, but she declined.我邀请她和我们在一起,可是她婉言谢绝了。
refuse v.是比较普通的用词,表示"拒绝",含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意思。
reject v.抛弃,不采纳,主语可以是人或物,后接名词,不能接动词不定式。
He asked her to go to the movies three times, and each time she rejected him.他三次约她去看电影,但每一次都被拒绝。
deny v.否认,否定,其后可接名词,代词或that从句。
The defendant denied the accusations made against him in court.被告在法庭上否认了对他的指控。
deduce, induce, reduce
deduce v.推断,推理,演绎。
My friend becomes quiet when his girlfriend is angry with him; today he is quiet and so I deduce she is angry.我的朋友在他的女朋友生他的气的时候就会变得沉默,今天他很沉默,所以我推断她生气了。
induce v.引诱,劝;引起,导致。
We couldn't induce the old lady to travel by air.我们无法劝说那位老太太坐飞机去。
reduce v.减轻,减小;降低。
He reduced his weight by 20 pounds by eating less and exercising.他通过节食和运动,体重减轻了20磅。
  delay, postpone
delay v.延期,延缓,耽搁,常指由于不可避免的障碍等原因而延期。
Her late arrival delayed the start of the meeting.她的迟到使会议延迟开始。
postpone v.耽搁,暂缓,常指将某事放置一边,等到另一事发生或一定时间后再做。
Our meeting for today was postponed until next week.我们今天的会议推迟到下周举行。
demonstrate, illustrate
demonstrate v.多指通过具体动作或物体进行演示、示范、表演、展示等以达到说明或解释的目的。
This salesman demonstrated how to cook with a pressure cooker.这个推销员当众演示如何用压力锅煮东西。
illustrate v.强调通过举例、列图表或比较等方式来说明道理。
The teacher illustrated the history lesson by telling a story about George Washington.那个老师通过乔治•华盛顿的故事来讲述他的历史课。
disappear, vanish, fade
disappear v.消失,不见;灭绝,不复存在。是个一般用语。
The little dog was just there, then he disappeared.那条小狗刚才就在那里,然后就不见了。
vanish v.消失,不见,指突然间化为乌有,强调非常彻底地、神秘莫测地消失、失踪。
The man ransintosthe shop and vanished from sight.那个男子跑到了商店里,然后就消失了。
fade v.指衣服的颜色褪色,声音的逐渐消失。
The wallpaper has faded from red to pale pink.墙纸从红色褪成了淡粉色。
decline, decrease, diminish, reduce
decline v. (数量、数字、价格、比率)下降,下落。
Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。
decrease v.减少,减小,强调逐渐地下降或减少的过程。
diminish v. (力量、势力)减弱,减少,强调由于某种原因而减少,这种减少可以造成能够为人们所察觉的后果或损失。
The need to take action has diminished.已经没有多少需要采取行动的必要性了。
reduce v.是及物动词,指通过人为的方法在数量、规模、范围等方面减少,也可以指在地位、重要性方面降低等级。
He reduced his weight by 20 pounds by eating less and exercising.他通过节食和运动,体重减轻了20磅。
deviate, distract, divert
deviate v.背离,偏离。多指脱离正轨或正题等。
He deviated from society by becoming a drug addict.他成为一名吸毒者,从而违背了社会道德准则。
distract v.使分心,分散(注意力、心理等)。常带有不能专心的意思。
Noise distracts him, so he can't study for exams.喧闹声分散了他的注意力,所以他无法进行考试的复习。
divert v.转移,使转向,着重改变后的结果,后常接介词from。
A loud noise diverted everyone's attention from their work.一声巨响转移了每个人的工作注意力。
dip, immerse, submerge
dip v.浸,浸染,蘸。多指短时地将某物部分地浸到液体中,有小心翼翼的意思。
The artist dipped his brush in the paint.艺术家拿画笔蘸了蘸颜料。
immerse v.沉浸,使沉浸于。指全部浸泡在液体中达一段时间,也可指一种氛围。
Students immerse themselves in their studies.同学们在专心致志地学习。
submerge v.浸没,淹没。多指全部浸没在水下达一定深度。
The girl was submerged in the shallow end of the pool.女孩泡在水池的浅水区一端。
divide, separate
divide v.分开,划分,指把整体分成若干部分,也表示"疏远"的意思,常用结构为"divide…from"。
The huge corporation dividedsintossmaller companies.这家大公司分成了一些较小的公司。
separate v.作及物动词时,意思是"分隔",指把原来连接在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来,常用结构为"separate…from";作不及物动词时,表示"分散,分别"。
duty, obligation, responsibility
duty n.指道义上的责任,强调自觉性,作可数名词时指本职工作的任务。
His duty is to see that the business runs well.他的职责是保证生意良好运转。
obligation n.指合同或法律上规定的"责任,义务",强调其约束力。
Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育。
responsibility n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思。
His father is ill, and he has the responsibility of caring for him.他的父亲病了,他有责任照顾他。
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