c.有任何想法烦请大家提出来,大家一起提高O(∩_∩)O 本期词汇:
achieve • manage • succeed • reach • accomplish • effect • arrive at sth • pull sth off • attain • get there • fulfil
These words all mean to succeed in doing sth or making sth happen.
► to achieve/succeed in/reach/accomplish/attain/fulfil a/an goal/objective
► to achieve/reach/attain/fulfil a target
► to achieve/succeed in/accomplish/attain/fulfil a/an aim
► to achieve/accomplish/attain a/an purpose/end
► to achieve/succeed in/accomplish/fulfil a task
► to achieve/accomplish/fulfil an ambition
► to achieve/attain/fulfil an ideal
► to achieve/reach/arrive at a/an agreement/result
► to achieve/accomplish/effect a change/transformation
► to reach/pull off/attain a deal
► to achieve/reach/attain a balance
► to achieve/manage/accomplish/pull off a feat
► to achieve/pull off a coup/victory
► to actually achieve/manage/succeed in/reach/accomplish/arrive at/pull off/attain/fulfil sth
► to finally achieve/manage/succeed in/reach/accomplish/arrive at/attain/fulfil sth
achieve [ T ]
to be successful in reaching a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time; to be successful in doing sth or making sth happen
All you've achieved is to upset my parents.
► achievement noun [ U ]: Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement ( = a feeling of pride ) .
standards of achievement in education
manage [ T , I ]
to be successful in doing sth, especially sth difficult
In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile.
succeed [ T ]
to achieve sth that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended
I tried to discuss it with her but only succeeded in making her angry ( = I failed and did the opposite of what I intended ) .
OPP fail
► success [ U ] I didn't have much success in finding a job.
OPP failure
reach [ T ]
to succeed in deciding, agreeing or finding sth, especially after discussion and thought; to succeed in achieving a particular goal
Doctors cannot reach an accurate diagnosis if they do not have all the relevant information.
accomplish [ T ] ( rather formal )
to succeed in doing or completing sth
The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.
Accomplish is most often used to talk about succeeding in a task, mission, plan, job or your work .
effect [ T ] ( formal )
to succeed in making sth happen
The negotiators hoped to effect a smooth transition to an interim administration.
arrive at sth phrasal verb
to succeed in deciding on or finding sth, especially after discussion and thought
We need to make sure we have all the facts before arriving at a decision.
Arrive at sth is a slightly more informal way of saying reach . However, it cannot be used to mean ‘achieve a goal’: to reach a goal/a target/an objective
pull sth off phrasal verb ( informal , spoken )
to succeed in doing sth difficult
I never thought you'd pull it off.
attain [ T ] ( formal )
to succeed in getting sth, usually after a lot of effort
We only consider applicants who have attained a high level of academic achievement.
Attain is usually used to talk about levels of achievement: attain (a) degree/standard/level/proficiency/mastery , as well as objectives and status . ► attainment noun [ U ]: schools with high levels of academic attainment
get there idiom ( informal , spoken )
to achieve your aim or complete a task
I'm sure you'll get there in the end.
NOTE pull sth off or get there? Get there suggests a long and hard struggle to achieve an aim; pull sth off places more emphasis on the success at the end.
fulfil ( BrE ) ( AmE fulfill ) [ T ]
to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected
He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him. |