第1单元 本杰明?富兰克林
1. Why did Franklin write his Autobiography?
Key: Because that when he was young, he has “never had a pleasure inobtaining any anecdotes” of his ancestors, and he held that it was a great pitybecause he was curious about them. So, he thought that his son would also wantto know the story of him and he himself also had responsibility to share itwith his son. In addition, he thought that his experiences and success wouldgive some useful advice to his son. With such consideration in mind, Franklin wrote his autobiography.
2. what made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had beenapprenticed?
Key: The altercation between Franklin and his brother made himdecide to leave. His brother considered himself as Franklin’s master andtreated him harshly and tyrannically. This kind of treatment annoyed Franklin, so he decided toleave.
3. How did he arrive in Philadelphia?
Key: He arrived in Philadelphia with great difficulties.At the very start, he set out in a boat for Amboy, and in crossing the bay he,along with his companions, met with a squall that tore the rotten sails topieces and drove him upon Long Island. Onapproaching the island, they had to drop anchor and swim out their cabletowards the shore, etc. In a word, he went through many hardships on the way toPhiladelphia.
4. What features do you find in the style of the aboveselection?
Key: This selection is written in the form of letters to his son. By thisway, it can show the author’s honesty and frankness, which will make the readerstand close to him and actually feel and understand his emotions andexperiences. Another feature is that this biography has a good narrative andreads like a story, which can arouse the readers’ reading interest and curiosity.
第2单元 埃德加?爱伦?坡
1. Who is the narrator? What wrong does he want to redress?
Key: Montresor is the narrator. He had borne thousand of injuries ofFortunato as best he could, and he decides to take revenge on him. He must notonly punish Fortunato but with impunity.
2. What is the pretext he uses to lure Fortunato to his winecellar?
Key: He said to Fortunato that he got a pipe of Amontillado, and he wasdoubt about it, so he wanted someone to make sure for him. At the same time, hedeliberately showed his doubts about Fortunato’s connoisseurship in wine andcared about his health, which firmed Fortunato’s decision to go with him to hiswine cellar.
3. What happens to Fortunato in the end?
Key: He was locked in the cellar by Montresor, and can only wait fordeath.
4. Describe briefly how Poe characterizes Montresor andForcunato as contrasts?
Key: Poe characterizes the two characters with striking contrastsbetween them in many aspects. Firstly, their names are endowed with oppositesymbolic meanings: Montresor symbolizes “monstrous”, while Fortunato symbolizes“fortunate”. Montresor is the devil in the story, and Fortunato is fortunatethrough his life and makes great fortune, but finally, he ends in a veryunfortunate way, which is very ironical. Secondly, their clothes are verydifferent: Fotrtunato “wore motley”, while Montresor put on “a mask of blacksilk” and drew “a roquelaire” closely about his person. Last, theirpsychological activities and consciousness are in contrast: Montresor knows clearlywhat is going on and what will happen, while Fortunato is always kept in thedark till the end.