标题: 西南交通大学2012年物流专业英语复试考研真题 [打印本页] 作者: 范老师 时间: 14-11-10 08:33 标题: 西南交通大学2012年物流专业英语复试考研真题 第一部分,完形填空,25分。文章主题是关于物流方面的。题型的简要的构架是:先是给你一篇外文的相关专业文章以及16个单词,大部分都是认识的,然后要你选择恰当的单词填空,必要情况下可以适当变换单词形式。举个类似的完形填空的例子: 1、of、 2、where 3、free 4、although 5、through
Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years ago. At that time, zoos were places where people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made of concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean.
Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zoo environment was anything but natural. although the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill.
In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more freedom in large areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow through the areas that animals live in. 这种题型题型咱们要在考研英语结束后,也要稍微抽点时间去复习一下单词量。其中对于专业性质的单词必须要有一定词汇量。比如给你个logistics(物流)你都不知道的话那这就没法做了。
题量不多,一共14个词,英译中,中译英都有7个。。 1、fast freight 2、multiple freight
3、continuous replenishment program (CRP) 4、cross docking
5、cutting-edge technique 6、cycle stock
7、delivered at frontier(DAF) 8、销售物流 9、 配送中心作者: 范老师 时间: 14-11-10 08:33
10、流通加工 11、配送需要计划 12、配送资源计划 13、定量订货方式 14、国际多式联运
句子有英译中,中译英,每种都有三个。句子内容当然也是跟物流主题相关的。其中中译英是针对于专业基本定义去设提的,建议大家对专业书上的一些基本的物流词汇定义能有个英文版本。 1、物流是是为了满足客户需要而对商品、服务以及相关信息从产地到消费地的高效、低成本流动和储存进行的规划、实施与控制的过程。
2、物流管理(Logistics Management)是指在社会在生产过程中,根据物质资料实体流动的规律,应用管理的基本原理和科学方法,对物流活动进行计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制和监督,使各项物流活动实现最佳的协调与配合。
3、This paper discusses the GIS in logistics management system, the application emphatically discusses the function of the system design, by TransCAD software for example。
4、The concept of article in logistics includes tangible goods and intangible service, such as customer service, freight agents and logistics network design.
5、Exclusive distribution refers to the fact that there is only one wholesaler or retailer who selling a product or providing a certain service.