一、考研英语词汇练习 【同源精句181】While Jeb counts himself as a proud faith-based conservative and theatrically cringes when words like “centrist” are attached to his effort to modernize the GOP, his message of outreach is rooted in demographic reality.
二、考研英语一真题长难句练习 【典型难句】In an experiment published in 1988, social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of Würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to hold a pen either with their teeth—thereby creating an artificial smile—or with their lips, which would produce a disappointed expression. (43 words)
本句来源于考研英语(一)2011年真题,SectionⅠUse of English第四段;考研英语一真题超细解《考研真相》Page.455.
三、考研英语二真题长难句练习 【典型难句】Chewing gum, once bought primarily by adolescent boys, is now featured in commercials as a breath freshener and teeth cleanser for use after a meal.
本句来源于考研英语(二)2010年真题,Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Text 3第五段;考研英语二真题超细解《考研圣经》Page 50.