我们在考研论坛里收获了不少,如果有可能,也当尽心回馈。希望朋同年考研的朋友们互相交流心得,希望前辈们给予指点,希望我们之后的学弟学妹们还能在这个论坛里得到收获作者: wajd 时间: 11-7-14 22:44
你提到诗人写诗时往往会采用一个fictitous的角色那道题,我认为应是fallible narrator, 又叫unreliable rarrator, 不过因为前面冠词用的是a,所以只能填fallible,郁闷的是我只记得unreliable,只好照这个填了。
A Life
Sylvia Plath
Touch it: it won't shrink like an eyeball,
This egg-shaped bailiwick, clear as a tear.
Here's yesterday, last year ---
Palm-spear and lily distinct as flora in the vast
Windless threadwork of a tapestry.
Flick the glass with your fingernail:
It will ping like a Chinese chime in the slightest air stir
Though nobody in there looks up or bothers to answer.
The inhabitants are light as cork,
Every one of them permanently busy.
At their feet, the sea waves bow in single file.
Never trespassing in bad temper:
Stalling in midair, Short-reined, pawing like paradeground horses.
Overhead, the clouds sit tasseled and fancy
As Victorian cushions. This family
Of valentine faces might please a collector:
They ring true, like good china.
Elsewhere the landscape is more frank.
The light falls without letup, blindingly.
A woman is dragging her shadow in a circleAbout a bald hospital saucer.
It resembles the moon, or a sheet of blank paper
And appears to have suffered a sort of private blitzkrieg.
She lives quietly
With no attachments, like a foetus in a bottle,
The obsolete house, the sea, flattened to a picture
She has one too many dimensions to enter.
Grief and anger, exorcised,Leave her alone now.
The future is a grey seagull
Tattling in its cat-voice of departure.
Age and terror, like nurses, attend her,
And a drowned man, complaining of the great cold,
Crawls up out of the sea.作者: wajd 时间: 11-7-14 22:45
关于诗人的那题,我还真没见过,感觉unreliable narranor和reliable narrator术语经常用于关于小说的批评之中,很少用于诗歌之中。如果你能指出具体出处的话,就更好了。
那首诗歌真夸张,你写对了诗人的名字了吗,我是没有。我乱猜的,写成了Alfred Tennyson。
希望我们能过这一关,能在复试中见面。作者: wajd 时间: 11-7-14 22:45
这题我看到的时候差点乱了阵脚,也是怎么想都想不到,以为可能是超出了这两本选读的范围。后来题目做到一大半的时候,我又回过来想这一题,觉得可能是Henry James的The Jolly Corner,在第二部分中,也就是Spencer遭遇他的alter ego之前的心理活动,感觉这时视角作了一些变换,也就是传说中james的有限的第三人称视角,呵呵。作者: wajd 时间: 11-7-14 22:45
真是没想到南大会出这样的诗歌赏析题,虽然觉得应该是个女诗人的,可英国美国加起来也有好多个女诗人哪,谁这么巧正好猜中是sylvia plath的呀!
当时我做梦也想不到是这个自杀的MM啊,当时我凭着诗的最后两句还说此人有可能自杀,如果不自杀,age and terror也将伴其终生,没想到真是这丫自杀的女诗人写的。