
标题: 北京理工大学考博英语历年真题及详解 [打印本页]

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标题: 北京理工大学考博英语历年真题及详解
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Part I Reading Comprehension (40 points)
Directions: Inthis part there are four passages for you to read. After each passage there arefive questions, below each of which there are four answers marked A, B, C andD. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter with a pencil onthe Machine-Scoring Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage One
A TIME columnist bears witness to anoperation to help triplets with cerebral palsy walk like other boys
  Cindy Hickman nearlybled to death the day she gave birth—three months prematurely—to her triplet sons. Weighing less than 2 lbs. each, her babies were alive, but barely. They clung so tenuously to life that her doctors recommendedshe name them A, B and C. Then, after a year of heroic interventions—brain shunts, tracheotomies, skullremodeling—often requiringemergency helicopter rides to the hospital nearest their rural Tennessee home, the Hickmans learned that their triplets had cerebral palsy.
  Fifteen years ago therewasn’t much that could be done about cerebral palsy, a disorder caused bydamage to the motor centers of the brain. But pediatric medicine has come along way since then, both in intervention before birth, with better prenatalcare and various techniques to postpone delivery, and surgical interventionsafter birth to correct physical deficiencies. So although the incidence ofcerebral palsy seems to be increasing (because the odds of preemies survivingare so much better), so too are the number of success stories.
  This is one of them.Lane, Codie and Wyatt (as the Hickman boys are called) have spastic cerebralpalsy, the most common form, accounting for nearly 80% of cases. “We firstnoticed that they weren’t walking when they should,” Cindy recalls. “Insteadthey were only doing the combat crawl.” Their brains seemed to be developingage appropriately, but their muscles were unnaturally stiff, making walkingdifficult if not impossible.
Happily,spastic cerebral palsy is also the most treatable form of CP, largely thanks toa procedure known as selective dorsal rhizotomy, in which the nerve roots thatare causing the problem are isolated and severed. Among the first to championSDR in the U.S. in the late 1980s was Dr. T.S. Park, a Korean-born pediatricneurosurgeon at Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., who has performed morethan 800 of these operations and hopes to do an additional 1,000 before heretires.
  Having performed theoperation myself as a resident in neurosurgery, I was eager to see how thecountry’s most prolific SDR surgeon does it. Last month I got an opportunity tostand by his side as he operated on 3-year-old Lane Hickman.
  Peering through amicroscope and guided by an electric probe, we were able to distinguish betweenthe two groups of nerve roots leaving the spinal cord. The ventral roots send informationto the muscle; the dorsal roots send information back to the spinal cord. Thedorsal roots cause spasticity, and if just the right ones are severed, thesymptoms can be greatly reduced.
  Nearly half a millionAmericans suffer from cerebral palsy. Not all are candidates for SDR, but Parkestimates that as many as half may be. He gets the best results with childrenbetween ages 2 and 6 who were born prematurely and have stiffness only in theirlegs. He is known for performing the operation very high up in the spine, rightwhere the nerve roots exit the spinal cord. It’s riskier that way, but therecovery is faster, and in Park’s skilled hands, the success rate is higher.
  Cindy and Jeremy Hickmanwill testify to that. Just a few weeks after the procedure, two of their sonsare walking almost normally and the third is rapidly improving.
1.When the triplets were born, ______.
A. both thetriplets and their mother nearly died
B. they didn’thave cerebral palsy
C. doctorsdidn’t believe they were going to survive
D. theyreceived medical intervention like brain shunts
2.Cerebral palsy is ______.
A. deadlydisease
B. a kind ofbrain disorder
C. nottreatable for children who are over 6 and have stiffness in their legs
D. to be curedby isolating and cutting off the right nerve roots
3. There are more and more cases ofcerebral palsy ______.
A. becausethere are more and more triplets
B. because moreand more babies prematurely born are able to survive
C. so there aremore cases of successful treatment
D. so there aremore candidates for SDR
4.Dr. T.S. Park ______.
A. is asuccessful pioneer in adopting SDR operations in CP treatment
B. is famousbecause of his success with the triplets who are very difficult cases
C. is ambitiousby hoping to do another 1000 SDR operations
D. is notcautious enough by taking risks to perform the operation very high up the spine
5.SDR is a procedure of ______.
A. prenatalintervention using delivery postponing techniques
B. surgicalintervention after birth to reduce spastic symptoms
C. isolatingand severing either of the two groups of nerve roots leaving the spinal cord
D. great riskand high efficiency
1.C 由文章第一段第一、二句可知母亲nearly bled to death,而三胞胎were alive,从而可推知选项A不正确,并不是母亲和三胞胎都将近死亡;由第一段第三句“三胞胎非常薄弱地维持着生命,以致医生们建议她只给他们命名为A、B和C”可知医生并不认为三胞胎将存活下来,因此选项C正确。
2.D 由文章第二段最后一句“虽然大脑性瘫痪的发生率似乎随着早产儿存活率的增大而增高,但患大脑性瘫痪者被成功治愈的病例也在增加”,可推知大脑性瘫痪并不是一种deadly disease即致命的疾病,选项A错误;从第二段第一句可知大脑性瘫痪是因大脑某部位损伤而导致的身体机能失调,而不是brain disorder,因此选项B错误。选项C文中并没有提及。
3.B 由文章第二段最后一句“虽然大脑性瘫痪的发生率似乎随着早产儿存活率的增大而增高,但患大脑性瘫痪者被成功治愈的病例也在增加”,可知出现越来越多大脑性瘫痪病例的原因是早产儿存活率的增大,而不是有越来越多的三胞胎,因此选项B正确,选项A错误。
4.A 从文章第四段第二句可知帕克博士是among the first to champion SDR并且成功进行了800多个这样的手术。依此可推知在大脑性瘫痪治疗方面,他是采用SDR手术的一名成功的先驱,即选项A正确。
5.B 由文章倒数第三段最后一句话The dorsal roots cause spasticity, and if just the right ones aresevered, the symptoms can be greatly reduced可知应该severing the right ones,而不是选项C中提到的either of the two groups,即选项C错误;由早产三胞胎的案例可知SDR并不是运用延迟分娩的技术进行产前干预治疗的过程,即选项A错误;由文章倒数第二段可知performing theoperation very high up in the spine才会增大手术风险但会提高康复效率,而并非所有的SDR,即选项D错误。
Passage Two
Modern lore has it thatin England death is imminent, in Canada inevitable and in California optional.Small wonder. Americans’ life expectancy has nearly doubled over the pastcentury. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled,cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure. Such advances offer theaging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I enteredmedicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death—and our failure to confront that realitynow threatens this greatness of ours.
 Death is normal; we aregenetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under optimalconditions. We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers wetreat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from thecost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, evenif it’s futile. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care: A vastindustry pushed for aggressive and expensive therapy for prostate cancer,despite a lack of demonstrable benefit for many patients. Physicians—frustrated by their inability to cure thedisease and fearing loss of hope in the patient—too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what isscientifically justified.
 Meanwhile, the kind ofpalliative care provided in hospices is taught derogatorily to medical studentsas a treatment of last resort. In 1950 the United States spent $12.7 billion,or 4.4 percent of gross domestic product, on health care. In 2002 the cost willbe $1.54 trillion—nearly 14percent of GDP, by far the largest percentage spent by any developed country.
Anyone can see that thistrend is unsustainable. Yet few seem willing to try to reverse it. Someethicists conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stoppaying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain age—say 83 or so. Former Colorado governorRichard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm “have a duty todie and get out of the way” so that younger, healthier people can realize theirpotential.
 I wouldn’t go that far.Not long ago similar arguments were used to justify mandatory retirement agesas young as 55 for employees in industry, academia and government. The messagewas “Step aside—I want yourdesk and your paycheck.” Energetic people now routinely work through their 60sand beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman SumnerRedstone jokingly claims to be 53. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor isin her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internetstart-up in his 80s. These leaders are living proof that prevention works andthat we can manage the maladies that come naturally with age. As a mere68-year-old, I aspire to age as productively as they have.
 Yet there are limits towhat a society can spend in this pursuit, or should. I’ve watched as the livesof my family members and friends have been painfully prolonged. It’s a starkcontrast with the inexpensive and compassionate deaths of my parents ageneration ago.
As a medical consumer, Imay want Medicare to buy me multiple coronary bypass operations or a desperateround of bone-marrow transplantation. As a taxpaying citizen, I know—intellectually, if not emotionally—that the value of such measures must beweighed against other social goods, such as housing, defense and education. Andas a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffectiveand painful. I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spendfar less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have.As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures whileunderfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve peoples’ lives.For example, the field of alternative and complementary medicine receives justa 5 percent chunk of the National Institutes of Health budget.
 To create a humanesystem of health care, we must acknowledge that death and dying are notthemselves the enemies. As the post-World War Ⅱ British epidemiologist ArchieCochrane once observed, cures in medicine are rare, but the need for“care”—attention and reassurance from approachable, sympathetic physicians andcaregivers—is widespread. Cochrane worried that by pursuing cures at all cost,we would restrict the supply of care that patients can receive. This isprecisely the crisis of contemporary medicine: billions for cures, and penniesfor care. Medicine can accomplish great things for the generation now passing50, but only if we’re wise enough not to ask too much of it.
6. People’ different attitudes towardsdeath show that ______.
A. people inother countries don’t have a great health-care system as Americans do
B. Americansrely too much on their health-care system even to challenge death
C. Americans areoptimistic
D. Palliativecare works wonders in Americans
7.The best health care ______.
A. can evenchange our genetic programs to prolong our lives
B. can guaranteethe old an unimaginable life of high quality
C. should doeverything possible to save the patients’ life
D. has limits towhat it can do and should do
8. Palliative care provided in hospices______.
A. is notthought much of because it doesn’t cure patients
B. needs muchmore money than health care and is unsustainable
C. is for poorpeople who can’t afford to stay in hospital for a long time
D. should beattached more importance
9. The government with finite resources hadbetter ______.
A. balance its budget for research into cures and that intotherapies that can help people live healthier and happier lives
B. stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond age 83 sothat younger and healthier people can realize their potential
C. make it a rule that people in industry, academia and governmentwho are over 55 should retire
D. spend less onhealth and more on housing, defense and education
10.What patients need most is ______.
A. a solutionto the problem of death
B. courage,optimism and sympathy for others
C. attention,care and reassurance from friendly physicians and caregivers
D. a greathealth-care system that can provide them the most expensive and best therapies
6.B 由文章第一段最后一句“再好的卫生保健系统也无法克制死亡,而我们无法对抗死亡这一事实现在居然威胁到我们医疗系统的完善性”,可以看出美国人太依赖卫生保健系统,甚至敢于挑战死亡,即选项B正确。
7.D 由文章第六段第一句Yet there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit, orshould,即“社会在延长人的寿命的追求上能做的、应该做的都是有限的”,因此可推知再好的卫生保健系统对它能做的、应该做的也是有限的,即选项D正确。
8.A 由文章第三段第一句可知在收容所里得到的palliative care只作为最后的治疗方法,即并不能根本上治愈而只能缓解疼痛,因此选项A正确;由第四段第一句可知用于缓和医疗的资金增长的趋势是unsustainable并不是说缓和医疗本身是不可持续的,因此选项B错误。
9.A 由文章第四段第三句可知只是some ethicists认为资源有限的政府应该完全停止为维持83岁以上人群的生命支付医疗费用,这一观点并不是普遍认同的观点,因此选项B错误。由文章第五段通过举实例表明作者并不同意年过55岁就必须退休,因此选项C错误。文章倒数第二段提到了the value of such measures must be weighed against other socialgoods, such as housing, defense and education,但并不表明就应该减少卫生保健的花销而增加住房、国防和教育的支出,因此选项D错误。
10.C 不能解释边际效益递减规律,因此选项A错误。由文章第二段最后三句话可知边际效益递减规律解释了为什么递增物品产生递减的效益,即选项B正确。
Passage Three
  In economics, demandimplies something slightly different from the common meaning of the term. Thelayman, for example, often used the term to mean the amount that is demanded ofan item. Thus, if the price were to decrease and individuals wanted more of theitem, it is commonly said that demand increases. To an economist, demand is arelationship between a series of prices and a series of correspondingquantities that are demanded at these prices. If one reads the previoussentences carefully, it should become apparent that there is a distinctionbetween the quantity demanded and demand. This distinction is often a point ofconfusion and we all should be aware of and understand the difference betweenthese two items. We repeat, therefore, that demand is a relationship betweenprice and quantities demanded, and therefore suggests the effect of one (e.g.,price) on the other (e.g. quantity demanded). Therefore, knowledge of thedemand for a product enables one to predict how much more of a product will bepurchased if price decreases. But the increase in quantity demanded does notmean demand has increased, since the relationship between price and quantity(i.e., the demand for the product) has not changed. Demand shifts when there isa change in income, expectations, tastes, etc., such that a different quantityof the product is demanded at the same price.
  In almost all cases, aconsumer wants more of an item if the price decreases. This relationshipbetween price and quantity demanded is so strong that it is referred to as the“law of demand”. This “law” can be explained by the income and substitutioneffects. The income effect occurs because price increases reduce the purchasingpower of the individual and, thus, the quantity demanded of goods must decrease.The substitution effect reflects the consumer’s desire to get the “best buy”.Accordingly, if the price of product A increases, the individual will tend tosubstitute another product and purchase less of goods A. The negativecorrelation between price and quantity demanded is also explained by the law ofdiminishing marginal utility. According to this law, the additional utility theconsumer gains from consuming a product decreases as successively more units ofthe product are consumed. Because the additional units yield less utility orsatisfaction, the consumer is willing to purchase more only if the price of theproduct decreases.
  Economists distinguishbetween individual and market demand. As the term implies, individual demand concernsthe individual consumer and illustrate the quantities that individuals demandat different prices. Market demand includes the demand of all individuals for aparticular goods and is found by summing the quantities demanded by allindividuals at the various prices.
  The other side of theprice system is supply. As in the case of demand, supply is a relationshipbetween a series of prices and the associated quantities supplied. It isassumed that as price increases the individual or firm will supply greaterquantities of a product. There is a positive correlation between quantitysupplied and product price.
  Economists alsodistinguish between a change in supply and quantity supplied. The distinctionis similar to the one made with respect to demand. Also, as in the case ofdemand, economists distinguish between individual firm supply and marketsupply, which is the summation of individual supply.
  Taken together, supplyand demand yield equilibrium of price and quantity. Equilibrium is a state ofstability, with balanced forces in which prices and quantity will remainconstant. Moreover, there are forces in the market that will act to establishequilibrium if changes in demand or supply create disequilibrium. For example,if prices are above equilibrium, the quantity supplied exceeds quantitydemanded and surpluses occur that have a downward pressure on prices. Thesepressures will persist until equilibrium is established. If prices are belowequilibrium, the product will become scare and there will be an upward pressureon price.
11.According to the passage, demand ______.
A. increases asprice decreases
B. can bepredicted if there is a change in price
C. remainsconstant at the same price
D. isinfluenced by changes in the consumer’s income and tastes
12. According to the passage, the law ofdiminishing marginal utility ______.
A. is explainedby income and substitution effects
B. explains whythe additional units yield less utility
C. shows thatthe additional units yield less satisfaction
D. reflects theconsumer’s desire to get the cheapest buy
13. The word “equilibrium” (Line 1 Para.6)most probably means ______.
A. stability
B. balance
C. summation
D. consistency
14.What can you infer from the passage?
A. Pricedecreases as more products are supplied.
B. There is apositive correlation between supply and demand.
C. There is anupward pressure on price if more products are demanded.
D. Bothquantity demanded and quantity supplied are dependent on product prices.
15. The purpose of this passage is toillustrate ______.
A. the twosides of price system
B. therelationship between demand and supply
C. therelationship between price and quantity
D. thedistinction between demand and quantity demanded
11.D 由文章第一段最后一句“需求随收入、预期、偏好等的变化而变化”,可推知需求要受到消费者收入和偏好变化的影响,即选项D正确。第一段第二句表明对外行人来说,需求意味着对某种商品的需求的数量;第四句表明对经济学家来说,需求表示一系列价格和与每个价格相对应的需求量之间的关系。据此价格下降并不表明需求增加,而仅仅是下降后的价格对应的需求量较原来价格对应的需求量增加,因此选项A不正确。
12.B 由文章第二段第一、二句可知the law of demand,即需求理论可通过收入和替代效应来解释,而收入和替代效应并给增加时价格不一定下降,有可能需求增加与供给共同作用使价格不变或上升,因此选项A、C错误。由文章倒数第二段最后一句可知供给量和产品价格正相关,即当产品价格上升,供给量会随之增加;而供给和需求之间并不存在与之类似的正相关关系,因此选项B错误。
13.B equilibrium意为“均衡”。由文章最后一段第二句可知“equilibrium是一种稳定的状态,在平衡力的作用下使价格和数量保持不变”。因此可推知equilibrium是价格与数量保持balance的一种状态。
14.D 由文章最后一段第一句可知价格和数量由供给和需求的均衡点决定,因此价格并不由供给单一决定,即当供从文章最后一段可知病人需要的是care—attention and reassurance from approachable, sympatheticphysicians and caregivers,因此选项C正确。
15.A 文章第一段在区分demand和quantitydemanded的基础上解释了需求;第二段讲the law of demand,即需求理论;第三段由个人需求延伸为市场需求;第四、五段类比需求讲价格决定理论的另一方面,即供给;第六段讲需求和供给的均衡决定价格和数量,构成价格决定理论。因此本文的主要目的是为了阐述价格决定理论的两个方面,及选项A正确。
Passage Four
  Home schooling appearsto be a great success for middle-class and wealthy families when one parent ishome most of the time. However, home schooling does not work in inner-cityneighborhoods because parents either work during the day or actively look forwork. Numerous estimates between 1 and 2 million have been made regarding thenumber of home-schooled children in this country. Home schooling will grow inthe future as course materials and tutoring systems vastly improve.
  Not too many years ago,learning at home meant reading a book and doing homework with tutoring from aparent or older sibling. Today, homes have an outstanding tutor available 24hours a day, seven days a week. This tutor never loses its patience, becomesupset, turns critical, or scolds a child for poor performance. In fact, the newtutoring system constantly recognizes good performance and provides praise forprogress in learning. This tutor is the multimedia personal computer. Fordecades, students have been learning via television programs. In recent years,students have learned how to use a personal computer. Now technology isbringing together the Internet, video, slides, CD-ROM, and the interactivity ofa computer to create multimedia presentations that students enjoy.
 The cost of thistutoring system is about $1,200. It can be used for at least six years, so theannual cost is $200. If there are two students in the family, the annual costdrops to $100 per student. In many households, the parents also use thecomputer, which reduces the annual cost even further.
  The tutoring systemallows home schoolers to explore subjects without a parent or teacher tellingthem what to do next. The computer also provides a safe environment forstudents to take risks. They see and hear immediate, positive reinforcementevery time they learn something. Immediate, positive remediation also isavailable when the student doesn’t fully understand the lesson. The computer istruly a breakthrough in student learning and in building self-esteem.
  At first, coursewaredevelopers thought they had to sell their products to curriculum directors,teacher committees, and school boards. Now, these companies sell coursewaredirectly to parents. For example, instead of buying a leather-bound edition ofthe Encyclopedia Britannica, working parents can purchase a computerizedencyclopedia for $35 or less.
  Courseware quality andcourse materials improve annually because parents and students buy onlyhigh-quality and motivational courses. With millions of home schoolers andother children using these materials, the price per subject now varies from $20to $40. In the early school years, one or two courseware systems are sufficientfor the entire school year. The courseware market has become amulti-million-dollar industry in which quality increases and costs decreaseconstantly.
  Studies have shown thatinteractive courseware speeds learning by 30 to 50 percent over conventionalteaching methods. Lesson retention also improves. Many home schoolers need tostudy only three or four hours, leaving them more than enough time forextracurricular activities.
  How will coursewareimpact the public schools? It can either be viewed as a sideshow that has noplace in a school system, which would be a mistake, or public schools can studywhy courseware and home schooling have succeeded. Investing in outstandingcourse materials, learning systems, and tutoring systems have been homeschooling’s keys to success. This is exactly what most public schools do notdo, even though they spend more than $300 billion in taxpayers’ money. Instead,they claim they have no money for outstanding course materials, learningsystems, and tutoring systems.
  It should also be notedthat most home-schooling parents are not former teachers. Many of them justhave high school diplomas or have studied a year or two in community colleges.This information indicates that certified teachers within inner-city schoolscould be more successful if their classrooms had outstanding course materials,learning systems, and tutoring systems.
  Home schooling will growin response to the violence in schools and to the constant drone of massagesabout poor student performance, but it cannot replace our public school systemsbecause most parents are simply not available to provide home schooling. It ishoped, however, that public schools will begin to adopt the successful aspectsof home schooling. In some communities, school districts are working withhome-schooling families on special classes and extracurricular activities. Thispartnership helps solve the problem of overcrowded schools and helps reduce themassive building costs associated with new school buildings.
16. Which of the following is trueaccording to the passage? ______
A. Moderntutors are more patient than those in the past.
B. Students arepraised whenever they learn new things.
C. Coursewarequality improves with the help of parents.
D. Tutoringsystems can help students build self-esteem.
17. The success of home schooling is due toseveral factors EXCEPT ______.
A. tutors
B. parents
C. coursematerials
D. tutoringsystems
18. Home schooling will not replace publicschool systems because ______.
A. mostfamilies cannot afford the course materials
B. most parentscannot stay at home during the day
C. teachers ofpublic schools are more qualified than parents
D. publicschools will also invest in outstanding course materials
19. According to the author, public schoolsare expected to ______.
A. study whyhome schooling has succeeded
B. work withhome schooling families
C. invest inoutstanding course materials
D. adoptsuccessful aspects of home schooling
20. What is the author’s attitude towardspublic schools? ______
A. Optimistic.
B. Pessimistic.
C. Critical.
D. Indifferent.
16.A 由文章第二段第三句This tutor never loses its patience可推知现代家庭教师,即多媒体个人电脑要比过去的家庭教师更耐心,因此选项A正确。由文章第二段第四句the new tutoringsystem provides praise for progress in learning可知学生在学习中取得了进步才会得到表扬,而非如选项B所言:学生学到新知识就会得到表扬,因此选项B错误。
17.A 由文章第一段第一句可知父母中一人大多数时间在家是家庭教育成功的因素之一;第一段最后一句Home schooling will grow in the future as course materials andtutoring systems vastly improve,可知课程材料和家教系统是决定家庭教育成功与否的另两个因素。据此,选项A正确。
18.B 由文章最后一段第一句可知家庭教育不会替代学校教育系统是因为大多数父母简直无法提供家庭教育;由文章第一段第二句可知大多数父母无法提供家庭教育的原因是他们白天需要上班或忙着找工作。据此可推知家庭教育不会替代学校教育系统的原因是大多数父母白天无法呆在家里,即选项B正确。
19.D 由文章最后一段第二句It is hoped that public schools will begin to adopt the successfulaspects of home schooling,可知学校有望采纳家庭教育的成功因素,即选项D正确。
20.A 文章最后一段谈到了:家庭教育不会替代学校教育系统;学校有望开始采纳家庭教育的成功因素;以及举例说明在一些社区,校区与实施家庭教育的家庭合作开展活动。依此可推知作者对学校教育抱积极的态度,即选项A正确。
Part II Translation (40points)
Section A: Translate thefollowing paragraphs into Chinese. (20 points)
In order tocontrol and reduce environmental pollution caused by discarded waste electronicinformation products, save resources and promote sustainable development of theelectronic information industry, according to the provision of the Administrationon the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products, theelectronic information products sold in the market within the territory ofChina shall satisfy with the following requirements: the environmentalprotection materials, technologies and processes shall be introduced accordingto the National Standards or sectoral standards; the safe-use life, names andcontents of toxic and harmful substances contained therein and recovery marksshall be clearly indicated on the products; non-toxic, harmless, readilydegradable and recyclable materials shall be used as the packaging materials,and the materials ingredients of the packaging shall be clearly marked.
During ourlives all of us are exposed to the possibility of a variety of risk events suchas: work accidents, major illness, death, etc. If our finances are vulnerableto the consequences of a risk event, it would be wise to protect ourselves andour dependents against those consequences. This can be done in a number ofways, from taking steps to ensure that we are not endangered to purchasinginsurance that would compensate for the financial consequences of the riskevent occurring.
Section B: Translate thefollowing paragraphs into English. (20 points)
Grinding An Iron Bar into A Needle
Li Bai was agreat poet in Tang Dynasty of China.
Legend had itthat in childhood he was addicted to playing and was afraid of difficulties.And he also made progress in learning slowly.
One day, when LiBai was passing by a river after school, he saw an old madam was grinding avery very thick iron bar over there. He was puzzled about it and then walkedtowards her.
“Madam, may Iask for what you are grinding this iron bar?” he asked.
“Grind for aneedle,” the old lady answered.
At this momentLi Bai was much more puzzled and thus asked her again: “Such a thick iron bar,how can you grind it into a needle?”
The old madamtold him: “Yes, definitely yes! As long as putting in enough time and effortscan I grind an iron bar into a needle!”
Hearing the oldmadam’s words, Li Bai suddenly understood something in his mind.
Since then, LiBai studied hard and made great progress quickly in learning. In the end, hebecame a famous poet of his time.
Transiting from afull-time worker to a person of full leisure may be one of the greatest changesin our life. A lot of successful people who have retired refer that they sensemuch more meaning of their life in various activities of retirement. They nolonger have to endure harsh or unhealthy working environment. And they nolonger need to focus on job promotion or accesses to the wealth. With willpower and sense of humor, your retirement will probably be one of the happiestperiods of your whole life.
Part Ⅲ Writing (20 points)
You are towrite a composition of no less than 250 words and do your composition neatly onthe Answer Sheet. Your composition should be based on the following topic:
My view on the Internet
My view on the Internet
The internet canbe seen as a perfect example of the globalization that has taken place in theworld we live in today. Yet 20 or 30 years ago such a wide-ranging andinstantly accessible phenomenon would have been little more than a pipe-dream.I cannot imagine what the life would be like not regularly logging into MSNmessenger or yahoo messenger; not chatting to my friends and on-line buddies,and not being able to play online games and share files and information as wedo nowadays. The internet has eradicated traditional methods of communicationand even changed on how we live our daily lives.
Sales ofnewspapers in the last 10 years have dropped significantly, and what is themain reason? Exactly as you have guessed, it is the internet. Why would someonewant to pay for a daily or weekly newspaper, when the exact same information isavailable for free online? Newspapers are printed the day before or the morningbefore (for evening papers) they are released on sale. Therefore is it not trueto say that essentially as soon as you purchase a newspaper and read thearticles, that you are essentially reading old news? It might be argued thatyes still it is today’s news. But how can it possibly be as up-to-date asonline news websites? The simple answer is that it can’t and never can be.
It may seem thatI am criticizing newspapers but I am definitely not. I still purchasenewspapers during the week, and make a special extra effort to ensure that I doon a Saturday and on a Sunday too. They do have a lot of brilliant features,magazines and interviews on those days.
But I can freelyaccess such a massive amount of information through the Internet in mycomfortable living room. The number of news sites is incredible. Now everysearch engine has a searchable news section. Not only the sheer volume andquantity of news is available on line, but also there is a huge group of peopledemanding for it! I, as an example, look at news websites frequently to checkwhat’s going on in the world and in my local area.
The internet isa truly incredible resource that allows you to access up-to-date informationvirtually wherever you are in the world. It has had a profound impact on ourlife; from how we go about our daily business to our social life and how wekeep in touch with our friends and family wherever they may be. Taking intoaccount the advancements that have been made with regards to the internet inlittle over 10 years; it is exciting and a bit scary to think about just howthe Internet will further influence our daily life and ways of communication inanother 10 or 20 years.


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